Well-Known Member
It's not just "bad taste". She actually had these thoughts. At all. Ever. Yes, expressing them shows a lack of judgment. But having them at all shows a lack of empathy.
No, it shows a lack of humanity.
I'm going to break my rule (hey it only took a page!) but only because you just proved my entire point. Maybe if I am more brief my point will make more sense.
Lynching someone shows a lack of humanity.
Murder, or physical harm period shows a lack of humanity.
Segregated schools, denying employment based on race, etc. show a lack of humanity.
Roseanne Barr is accused of none of these things.
She is a woman who battles mental illness, has a thirty-year track record of having impulse control issues with her statements, who made a one sentence tweet in the middle of the night making a comparison regarding the appearance of someone resembling a prosthetic mask from a 1970's science fiction film. When the sun came up, she realized her mistake, deleted it and made a sincere apology, and made the decision to remove herself from the platform - all before it was picked up by the media.
If that is what qualifies someone for having a "lack of humanity", then either a) we must live in a perfect world if this is the low bar for what qualifies, or b) we have gone completely insane and lost our perspective.
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