A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
Well, at least it's some compensation. In all seriousness though today's Disney Company wouldn't have let Walt Disney in the Company.

I'm constantly in search of a better resolution copy print of this photo to frame in my office, but no luck yet. Love his expression.



Well-Known Member
By the way, I asked Zahn if his stories were related to the stories Lucas had for the sequels and he wouldn’t discuss it but did tell me that there were certain guidelines he had to be faithful to.
They were not related.

The guidelines were very broad.

"Don't kill the Big Three."

And later after Kevin J Anderson's Young Jedi Knights debacle, "No Wookiee Jedi".

Lastly, he forced the EU to kill Anakin Solo because he didn't want awesome, heroic Anakin Solo confused with cardboard whiny Anakin Skywalker.


Well-Known Member
You can’t criticize any lines in TLJ compared to previous Star Wars films and keep a straight face.

When I see this excuse I just shake my head, because it is the weakest argument for anything relating to the new films.

In this instance, because Lucas is widely acknowledged to be a crap dialogue writer, that we should continue to expect crap dialogue.

In any case, I'd take your challenge - Finn's "Chrome Dome!" line was just terrible. Besides the fact it literally was straight out of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", it also took me right out of the film, in the only good scene that Finn was in. Mentioning an Earthly material by name like that was just lazy and not-Star Warsy. And Lucas would have never done that.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
When I see this excuse I just shake my head, because it is the weakest argument for anything relating to the new films.

In this instance, because Lucas is widely acknowledged to be a crap dialogue writer, that we should continue to expect crap dialogue.

In any case, I'd take your challenge - Finn's "Chrome Dome!" line was just terrible. Besides the fact it literally was straight out of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", it also took me right out of the film, in the only good scene that Finn was in. Mentioning an Earthly material by name like that was just lazy and not-Star Warsy. And Lucas would have never done that.
No...he would have just written another scene with Jar-Jar.

Hatbox Ghostbuster

Well-Known Member
Oh come on...we are talking about dialogue here. Don't move the goal post.

That said, I think Lucas atoned for Jar Jar pretty well, considering that it turns out to be him that is responsible for Palpatine's ultimate rise to power, LOL.
lol. Jar Jar had dialogue though! Mee-sa don't know about you, but it was pretty cringe-worthy.


Well-Known Member
Creative people are more difficult to control thus unpredictable and Wall Street likes predictability unfortunately we live in a world where the money people control the creatives where it should be the other way around.
Counter point, some of those creatives likely wouldn’t have the opportunities they do if it weren’t for the money people. Give & take relationships can be good.

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