A Spirited 15 Rounds ...


Well-Known Member
When I see this excuse I just shake my head, because it is the weakest argument for anything relating to the new films.

In this instance, because Lucas is widely acknowledged to be a crap dialogue writer, that we should continue to expect crap dialogue.

In any case, I'd take your challenge - Finn's "Chrome Dome!" line was just terrible. Besides the fact it literally was straight out of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", it also took me right out of the film, in the only good scene that Finn was in. Mentioning an Earthly material by name like that was just lazy and not-Star Warsy. And Lucas would have never done that.
I never said we should excuse or accept crap dialog. But to say that any dialog in the film wasn’t appropriate for the saga is laughable given the history of the films. They’ve been all over the place from iconic quotes to cringeworthy dialog to massive errors in continuity from the beginning.


Well-Known Member
lol. Jar Jar had dialogue though! Mee-sa don't know about you, but it was pretty cringe-worthy.
Ugh, just reading that makes me cringe. I truly hate Jar Jar. The only thing that would have redeemed him for me would have been if he had turned out to be an actual undercover agent of Sidious. Anything short of that and he was just a terrible racist caricature (and not the only one) that should have never been allowed in a Star Wars movie. JMO of course.


Well-Known Member
This makes it better?


Well-Known Member
Not true. He developed the backstory before he made the first movie. If you don’t believe me, read the Star Wars novelization. The preface “Journal of the Whills” is taken from it.

Who’s to say Johnson doesn’t have one in his head as well then lol? We certainly didn’t get it from watching the film, same as Snoke. Did you initially think that that was bad storytelling back then as well until you read a book outside of the film?


Well-Known Member
Not true. He developed the backstory before he made the first movie. If you don’t believe me, read the Star Wars novelization. The preface “Journal of the Whills” is taken from it.
This is simply not true. Lucas never had a complete story. First it was a 12 film anthology series with maybe a sequel or two and a single prequel about Obi-wan, Anakin and Darth Vader. Splinter of the Mind’s Eye was the first sequel and not written by Lucas. The Empire Strikes Back originally revealed that Obi-wan killed Anakin before he was merged with Darth Vader. Even when the prequel trilogy was finally started, Lucas had no outline, just an end point and wrote each film individually. The idea that Star Wars is some grand, singular story created by Lucas is a myth. Even the Journal of the Whills comes from early script work on Star Wars, and only Star Wars.

I said theatrical. The first three movies gave no backstory to the character. So to most viewers he had no backstory at all.
Star Wars did not begin with “The Emperor is dead.” That is a huge difference that is repeatedly ignored by this point.


Well-Known Member
Is DCA's new goal to be uglier than Disney Studios Paris?

Speaking of Disneyland Paris, it is a sign of madness to repeat something and hope for a different result? They tried years ago to put fast pass on Crush Coaster, but it failed miserably then.

Now, they temporarily closed for four days the Single Riders line at Crush Coaster... to try Fast Pass again on it. Current numbers are 10 fast passes per 5 minute period, for a whopping 120 fast pass distributed for each hour. If the park is open say 11 hours, you're looking at 1320 fast passes TOTAL and to make it worst, the park now offers Early entry at the park, so hotel guests will be the only ones with a chance to score a fast pass since they can be the first in line for them when the park opens officially. How is this a good idea??


Resident Curmudgeon
Speaking of Disneyland Paris, it is a sign of madness to repeat something and hope for a different result? They tried years ago to put fast pass on Crush Coaster, but it failed miserably then.

Now, they temporarily closed for four days the Single Riders line at Crush Coaster... to try Fast Pass again on it. Current numbers are 10 fast passes per 5 minute period, for a whopping 120 fast pass distributed for each hour. If the park is open say 11 hours, you're looking at 1320 fast passes TOTAL and to make it worst, the park now offers Early entry at the park, so hotel guests will be the only ones with a chance to score a fast pass since they can be the first in line for them when the park opens officially. How is this a good idea??
Once you have Fast Passes established you can monetize them


Premium Member
The background story to Palpatine is HUGE! And we get no such story out of Snoke?! I took screenplay writing courses in college and a big thing they teach is development of background stories for each character. So, a lack of background story equals poor writing.
You are essentially saying that Episodes 4, 5, and 6 are poorly written then. There was ZERO background on Palpatine (Emperor). Same for Yoda and Vader as well. We did get them later though (years later) which is what I mentioned may happen with Snoke in future episodes.
Also, a few years ago, I had the pleasure to talk to Timothy Zahn — the first author of a Star Wars sequel trilogy. In addition to Lucas being upset that Disney didnt use his stories, Zahn is bitter as well. There’s just so much material they could have used!
So many Star Wars fans ripped on Lucas for episodes 1, 2 and 3 and said Lucas lost his way, yet now they trot out how Lucas is upset with Disney and how his stories would have been great. Was Zahn not upset with all the material Lucas did not use either? Sure, it would have been cool if Han and Leia had twins and they become ultra powerful Jedis and if Luke had gone to the dark side and then come back and the grey Jedis and all the cool stuff from the EU, but they didnt go that way. And I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if they had, the same fans who are upset now would criticize them for copying the EU and not being original.


Well-Known Member
You are essentially saying that Episodes 4, 5, and 6 are poorly written then. There was ZERO background on Palpatine (Emperor). Same for Yoda and Vader as well. We did get them later though (years later) which is what I mentioned may happen with Snoke in future episodes.

So many Star Wars fans ripped on Lucas for episodes 1, 2 and 3 and said Lucas lost his way, yet now they trot out how Lucas is upset with Disney and how his stories would have been great. Was Zahn not upset with all the material Lucas did not use either? Sure, it would have been cool if Han and Leia had twins and they become ultra powerful Jedis and if Luke had gone to the dark side and then come back and the grey Jedis and all the cool stuff from the EU, but they didnt go that way. And I would bet dollars to doughnuts that if they had, the same fans who are upset now would criticize them for copying the EU and not being original.
You’re wrong. So much backstory went into Palpatine BEFORE the original trilogy was written. As I said before, you can find much of that backstory in the preface of the Star Wars novelization. It doesn’t have to be told onscreen. Writers write backstories as a tool and guideline to help them write about the characters current motivations. The fact is none of this sort was written about Snoke - on or offscreen. But the detailed history of Palpatine was written before the movies.

About Zahn and Lucas, they had a plan on where the movies were going. Lucas made sure that Zahn didn’t step on that plan, making sure that characters, even, that were planned for Lucas’ sequels had the same names and backgrounds as Zahn’s.

Then, Disney just decided to ignore all those years of work for no logical rhyme or reason.

Even Rian Johnson decided to honor that canon to some extent by giving Kilo Ren his original name back — Ben Solo.
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Well-Known Member
You are essentially saying that Episodes 4, 5, and 6 are poorly written then. There was ZERO background on Palpatine (Emperor). Same for Yoda and Vader as well. We did get them later though (years later) which is what I mentioned may happen with Snoke in future episodes.
Here's the thing: The Emperor was pretty self-explanatory. I mean, the Empire kinda needs to have some Emperor at the top and we also learn that he's Darth Vader's nastier boss/teacher.

Snoke invites questioning because we know the Emperor never really intended to have any heirs and that there's no real reason for these Empire LARPers to go out looking for a new Evil Space Wizard to tell them what to do. He is symptomatic of the Sequel Trilogy's poor worldbuilding.


Premium Member
You’re wrong. So much backstory went into Palpatine BEFORE the original trilogy was written. As I said before, you can find much of that backstory in the preface of the Star Wars novelization. It doesn’t have to be told onscreen. Writers write backstories as a tool and guideline to help them write about the characters current motivations. The fact is none of this sort was written about Snoke - on or offscreen. But the detailed history of Palpatine was written before the movies.

About Zahn and Lucas, they had a plan on where the movies were going. Lucas made sure that Zahn didn’t step on that plan, making sure that characters, even, that were planned for Lucas’ sequels had the same names and backgrounds as Zahn’s.

Then, Disney just decided to ignore all those years of work for no logical rhyme or reason.
That does not change the fact that back in the 80's when Empire and RoTJ were released, nobody was complaining that we did not get a backstory on The Emperor. Was anybody upset that we did not get a backstory on Vader? Not that I recall. The issue now is that we know so much about the characters because there were 6 Star Wars movies before TFA premiered. Fans had to wait decades before Phantom Menace was released and then Palpatine backstory was told. Judging by your Avatar (if the picture is you), I would say you were young when episodes 4,5 and 6 were released. Did you read the Star Wars novelization before Empire and RoTJ hit theaters?


Premium Member
Here's the thing: The Emperor was pretty self-explanatory. I mean, the Empire kinda needs to have some Emperor at the top and we also learn that he's Darth Vader's nastier boss/teacher.
If you were to take away any knowledge you had of Star Wars and had never seen any of the 6 movies before seeing TFA and TLJ, would Snoke not be "self-explanatory" ?

Snoke invites questioning because we know the Emperor never really intended to have any heirs and that there's no real reason for these Empire LARPers to go out looking for a new Evil Space Wizard to tell them what to do. He is symptomatic of the Sequel Trilogy's poor worldbuilding.
Again, these questions arise only because we have knowledge of Star Wars from the prior movies. When fans first saw A New Hope, Empire or RoTJ, nobody questioned how The Emperor or Vader came to be. It was just accepted as good vs evil. It is no different now, except we KNOW there is a backstory and some fans WANT/NEED to know it RIGHT NOW!!!


Premium Member
No, the complaint is that (or my complaint is) is that they didn’t develop one - for internal use or theatrical use.
So if JJ Abrams or Johnson tweeted today that there was indeed a backstory written for Snoke would you have a different opinion of the movie? What is the difference if they write it prior, or take their time to develop a background as the movies progress? I dont understand how having the knowledge of a story existing (even though you cant read it) would affect your opinion of the movie. And please understand I am not trolling or being rude. I appreciate discussions such as this as we are both obvious fans and its good to get different viewpoints.

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