This is the exact sort of patriarchal excuse that is causing these issues in the first place.
"I don't do it"
Wrong. Even if you don't rape, you support rape culture when you laugh at jokes about rape, when you support media that objectifies women, when you sit around with the "guys" and rate women...seemingly innocuous behaviours that are truly disparaging when inspected through the proper lens.
"Women do it too"
Well, you have no problem saying that women (teachers) are abusing young boys on a "daily" basis, but can't accept the proven fact that 1 in 4 women are raped or sexually assaulted? And, further, dispute the rampant rape culture that infests our college campuses, which protects men, but takes the voice away from women by teaching them that they might have been "asking" for it because of "how they dress" or "how late they stayed out" or that they were "tipsy"?
To teach in our education system, a woman must first get a degree. Did it not occur to you that these women who (not daily...) seek affection from younger male students were equally abused at an earlier point in their lives? And, because of the patriarchal systems that seek to remove the voice of the victims, to make them question themselves and stay quiet, they repressed their anger and depression instead of seeking proper support and help? Is that, possibly, because those spaces and support structures do not exist, or are not properly funded, or are dismissed as not those willing to support the societal oppression that keeps the colonial privilege stack intact?