A Bad day at work (yes this is WDW related)


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Original Poster
Hey guys, I had a bad day at my job today

I went to our local Disney Store and got my WDW tickets today. I grabbed a WDW brochure and was showing eveyone what I got. Well during my lunch, this girl from work (whose name I shant mention) Came to me and asked about how much I was saving up for my trip and basically being a pest. I said $1,600 and she informed me of many better uses for my money and then asked my age (22) and basically scoffed and said "haven't you gotten a wee bit old for attending a kiddy park?" and laughed and said "you DO know that Mickey and Minnie are just guys in costumes, RIGHT?" and basically walked off laughing. (she's like this to everyone, so it's not just me)

Now, I am not a conbatative person, but I was more than ready to give her a peice of my mind, but I decided not to waste my energy. I am wondering though, has this ever happened to you, and what would you have done in my shoes?

thanks for letting me vent



New Member
Not exactly... but close. Good friend of my wife and I has the same opinion of Disneyworld. Can't believe any adult, especially one without children, would want to go. Sadly her husband really DOES want to go and he just hasn't managed to talk her into it.


Active Member
I do not blame you for being mad. I think if a person does not agree with your Disney trips, keep that to themselves. You work hard for your money and if that is what you choose to do with it, so be it. You can't take it with you... I go through those type of conversations all the time with my parents and coworkers. I gave up arguing and now I just plan my trip without telling them even though it kills me to keep my happiness quiet about going again.


Well-Known Member
I'm a confrontational person and I would have went off on the woman. How dare she tell me what I should spend on my money? Is she my mother? I would have asked her how much she spends on make-up when it doesn't improve her appearance. I know that's rude, but that's how I am.


Well-Known Member
If you want to spend your money on a trip to WDW, I say go for it. You should kill her with kindness and get her Mickey's autograph with a picture!


New Member
It's happened to me more than once. Just tell them that we don't stop playing because we grow old and tired, we grow old an tired because we stop playing ;)


New Member
I say don't waste your time with her. Thiis must be her only way to get attention. to bash others (and we all know people like this) Just picture her years down the road. by herself,bitter with 13 cats in a mo mo. Don't let yourself get sucked into her world. it's what she wants.


Well-Known Member
I get pestered at school all the time. I realize that I seem a little...old...to still like Disney World, at least to my friends. I still defend myself on the subject, though, seeing as how people 4 times my age are connected to WDW in an unbreakable way...


Well-Known Member
I had a conversation with someone like that last fall. I told him to quit being so simple-minded; that he had never been, thus he didn't have a clue as to what he was arguing about. This same person wound up coming with us two weeks ago, because his wife was going to leave without him...........Now he's hooked! He was overwhelmed and so impressed; he still kisses his wife and tells her 'thank you' to this day.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of people go thru that. I have people tell me all the time "there are other places in Florida to go, you know!" Yes, I do know and I have gone to them... nice, but not WDW. I just smile and then walk away. Its my time and money and I'll spend them as I please. :wave:

By the way, there is no changing the mindset of most of those people.


New Member
I say you did the right thing by not wasting your time on her. I would have probably said very nicely, "What I do with my time and my money is my business".
Some people just do not get it and that is ok. You say she is like that with everyone? Well, then nothing you say is going to make her see why you love going to WDW, she has issues. She is probably jealous :D


New Member
I would not worry about it too much. We all know how special WDW is. For each one of us, something has occurred at WDW to make it such a special place to us. Some people have just not experienced that yet, and they may never. WDW may always be just another theme park to these people, but if they do get to have a truely magical moment there, they will develope the same feeling of always wanting to go back that we all have.

Enjoy your vacation.


tigsmom said:
I think alot of people go thru that. I have people tell me all the time "there are other places in Florida to go, you know!" Yes, I do know and I have gone to them... nice, but not WDW. I just smile and then walk away. Its my time and money and I'll spend them as I please. :wave:

By the way, there is no changing the mindset of most of those people.
People tell us that all the time. We live at the Jersey Shore and my question is why do people come here every year? We have gone other places but we have the most fun in FL.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
i must teach you the art of shin kicking. that will put her in her place. it is only to be used in desperate situations................. and i think that this was one since she was spoiling your positive purchase.

i wish i would have been there............... i would have looked her up and down and priced her outfit (shoes, purse, jewelry, etc etc) and slammed her for (potentially) spending boat loads of money on accessories. i would have had your back!!!!


New Member
Yeah, my ex-husband is like that, he is beginning to "bug" our 12 year old about "aren't you getting a little old for that??". Luckily my son is able to just ignore him and go on with his business. The best compliment I ever got was from my 15 year old nephew the first time we all went to Disney (October 2000, he was only 10 at the time). He said "Aunt Andrea, you are just a little kid in a big kid's body"! I think that really describes how I feel about WDW - it makes all of the rotten parts of the world disappear for a few days and I am a little kid playing with Mickey!


Well-Known Member
Ole ugly probably owes more money to credit cards companies than she makes in a year and is so jealous of your ability to save money and vacation and the destination of YOUR chosing that she cannot stand it.

I agree w/ Spenceman - send her a postcard from WDW and write on it "Not thinking of you so BITE ME you future welfare recipient " :kiss:

Sorry - I woke up mean this morning. :lol:


Active Member
Just tell them that we don't stop playing because we grow old and tired, we grow old an tired because we stop playing - Well said Barnum. :)

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