A Bad day at work (yes this is WDW related)


Well-Known Member
I am sometimes given a hard time about it at school, but after I brought some of my freinds, they really started to get it. That was at my Middle School, but now at high school, I am involved with theatre, so it's not as big of a deal, as most of the people have an appreciation for good entertainment. So it's not as big of a deal, my history teacher found it quite entertaining that I go to WDW so often, to the point where it became a classroom joke when discussing legends/myths, such as jonny appleseed and robbin hood, as he would say "we don't know if they were real or not" and I would respond "Yes they are! I met them at Disney World!" :lol: Just my sense of humor. So don't let it bother you.


New Member
I don't every want to get old!!! The great thing about Walt Disney World is you don't have to be a kid to enjoy it. I would ignore that "Old Goat", and you go have a fun time. So what if Mickey & Minnie are just people in costumes. Every time we go we go crazy just to find Donald Duck!! Join the club we are all kids at heart!!!


Well-Known Member
I get bashed about this at school a lot...all because they think I'm obssessed with Disney, WDW, Universal (Yes, I'm a per] son who likes both), and the rest of the theme parks I know. Best example: When I talk about Disney, they start to peck at me, but whne I talk USF or IOA or even BGT, they start liking me all of a sudden...and they said a certain political person flip-flopped. They start to run when I talk about Star Trek, but come back when I talk about Star Wars! I just tell them it's my escape from reality, just like it says here: http://www.mouseplanet.com/mike/ms040319.htm
I always read that article when I feel down. Reminds me of everything I have done to get where I'm at. :wave:


Great responses...what a riot!!! :lol:

I would suggest next time she starts her rant, stare quietly until she's done, and then, with as shocked of a look as you can muster (without smiling), say,"Wow, you know, you're right. What was I ever thinking? I will return this ticket right away. Thanks." Then turn around and go back to work. :lookaroun

MsSpinShady :cool:

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