70 Disney Bus Drivers Quit Last Week?!?


Well-Known Member
We stay in the values and we like them. We choose them because all we do is sleep and shower in the room. I just don't see any reason you had to be so snotty. :confused:

Turniphead: My family is voting for Taylor!! :sohappy:
slappy magoo said:
No, there's nothing wrong with calling you out as a snot, because your comments were snotty. If you can't see that, then apparently you should take the money you'd use to stay at a monorail resort and invest in a reading/writing comprehension course. It would be money better spent. See you on the bus! :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:

Snotty how? Just because I suggested another resort doesn't make me snotty.


Active Member
I stay at the Boardwalk and walk to Epcot and MGM. Don't have to worry about the bus, boat or monorail. When I go to MK, I enjoy my walk through Epcot and then take the monorail. It's all perception... I perceive my vacation to be something I enjoy rather than complain about. If I have to wait for a bus, then I make the best of it. Walk around, people watch, eat a turkey leg... it's all part of the vacation fun.

Money is not a determinig factor for service at WDW. In fact, the CM's really don't know how much you are spending. Case in point... If I'm staying at the Boardwalk and I want to go to MK, but I went to the Carribean for lunch, how would the Transportaion Service know that?

It has nothing to do with $$$... just some silly people's perception.

Captain Chaos

Well-Known Member
Let me be the first here to stand up and say I WANT TO BE A BUS DRIVER FOR WDW... That way I would be privy to all the inner workings of Imagineering and I can spread the word to everyone taking my bus. :lookaroun

No, seriously, I'd love to be a bus driver for WDW... That way I can entertain the passengers on our trip from their resort to the park and back again.
marni1971 said:
Jeez - Steve; you were too polite. Hopefully you came here due to a report alert. This arrogant little kid is hopefully heading for a suspension.

I won`t sink to their level, suffice to say I havn`t felt this mad over a post since Thrawn called me out.

Totally agree...thanks guys - I obviously wasn't getting through:animwink:

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Aprilnjosh said:
Snotty how? Just because I suggested another resort doesn't make me snotty.

I suggest you read ALL your posts again, with fresher, smarter eyes. Because for you to say that you JUST suggested another resort shows an either shocking lack of intelligence, or tact. Which would rather be thought of-willfuly ignorant or blissfully stupid? Personally, I'd like to think that I'd take the benefit of a whole forum of people who are telling me that I was acting like an ______ and say to myself "Wow, maybe I was acting like an ______," and then either try to better explain my position or apologize for being so offensive. But something tells me the only self-reflecting you ever do involves a mirror, so just take solace in the fact that you are better than everyone else here, and if you weren't here to tell them to delay vacations until they coul afford to stay at the Grand Floridian & take cabs everywhere, they might go stupidly along planning the vacations that are within their means. Thank you...just for being you.


Mrs. WDWMAGIC [Assistant Administrator]
Premium Member
wannab@dis said:
Why doesn't everyone just drop it since the administrator has spoken... no need to fuel the flames. :wave:

Yes please. I thought this thread was about bus drivers quitting?


New Member
tomm4004 said:
I recall a bus ride from MK to BW after extra magic hours Apr 2005. The bus driver told us that there were not enough drivers and described how much overtime she'd had to put in. Then she "jokingly" said that she needed us to help keep her awake. This shocked me, the insinuation that she might fall asleep, crash, and kill us all. Totally unprofessional. This trip (Mar 2006) I took no night time bus rides.
Do you fly? if so, why? by the same logic every plane is unsafe because a small number of pilots have been caught trying to fly impaired..... Or driving is unsafe ( and therefore shouldn't be done ) because of drunk drivers.


Active Member
I would never want to drive one of their busses.. and get stuck with screaming kids, irritable parents.. and nausiating smells coming from sweaty people.. EWWWW
GothMickey said:
I would never want to drive one of their busses.. and get stuck with screaming kids, irritable parents.. and nausiating smells coming from sweaty people.. EWWWW

Well thanks for that GothMickey. I was just hired as a bus driver for the WDW. Have you been a bus at WDW everytime i ride on a bus the kids are asleep most of the time in the afternoon and night. Its the guests coming from PI that scare me more than the kids.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
disneykid23 said:
Well thanks for that GothMickey. I was just hired as a bus driver for the WDW. Have you been a bus at WDW everytime i ride on a bus the kids are asleep most of the time in the afternoon and night. Its the guests coming from PI that scare me more than the kids.

Are you doing that as a career? Do you think you can make enough to live/buy a house/etc? It would be an awesome job if you can survive on it? What are your thoughts? I heard they are in need of a lot of bus drivers and they train you for your CDL too?
ssidiouss@mac.c said:
Are you doing that as a career? Do you think you can make enough to live/buy a house/etc? It would be an awesome job if you can survive on it? What are your thoughts? I heard they are in need of a lot of bus drivers and they train you for your CDL too?

This a starting point in the WDW company for me. It is one of the highest paying entry level jobs at WDW. They do train you to get your CDL and pay for your CDL once you pass the test.


New Member
disneykid23 said:
This a starting point in the WDW company for me. It is one of the highest paying entry level jobs at WDW. They do train you to get your CDL and pay for your CDL once you pass the test.

Well I say good luck Disneykid and I hope sometime to ride a bus you're driving :)

Jekyll Baker

New Member
Anyway, trying to be back on topic.....

tomm4004 said:
I recall a bus ride from MK to BW after extra magic hours Apr 2005. The bus driver told us that there were not enough drivers and described how much overtime she'd had to put in. Then she "jokingly" said that she needed us to help keep her awake. This shocked me, the insinuation that she might fall asleep, crash, and kill us all. Totally unprofessional.

Not only is that unprofessional, but anytime an employee, especially in the hospitality industry, complains about their job/working conditions to any of their guests - that's unprofessional.

tomm4004 said:
This trip (Mar 2006) I took no night time bus rides.

That's almost a shame, 'cause one of the best times I've had was a late night bus ride back to All-Star Sports last year. The bus driver, whose name and bus # I can't remember right now, did his best to keep the spirits up for all the tired people, with trivia questions, attempted sing-alongs, etc.


Active Member
GothMickey said:
I would never want to drive one of their busses.. and get stuck with screaming kids, irritable parents.. and nausiating smells coming from sweaty people.. EWWWW

Try driving there with your family from Connecticut.:lol:

But seriously, aren't there some kind of state/federal motor carrier laws that would prevent that many hours behind the wheel with passengers? Or is does RCID make its own laws for that?


Active Member
disneykid23 said:
Well thanks for that GothMickey. I was just hired as a bus driver for the WDW. Have you been a bus at WDW everytime i ride on a bus the kids are asleep most of the time in the afternoon and night. Its the guests coming from PI that scare me more than the kids.

Good luck with that... Really... I do wish you all the luck in the world... I wasn't putting the job down.. I was really just trying to point out how hard thebus drivers job really is... What you all have to deal with... it is EWWWW me.. But, that is why I respect the CMs... Next time I come down, I'll hope to get your bus...

Good luck... Hope all goes well.

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