5th Park Opening in Time for WDW's 50th (Jim Hill)


New Member
Check back with us around 2023 and give us an update, won't you? :cool:

If 2023 doesn't work, make it 2025 at the very latest. Don't be a stranger!

I take you're an unbeliever? LOL

Me too but it would be nice in a small way to have a 5th park. But like many, many others have said, they need to fix what they have first. I liken it to having a house that is falling down around you. You have mold. You have termites. You have a cracked foundation. But you want to go and buy a new house? No. You fix the one you have first.

They should finish New Fantasyland. Start and complete the Pandora land since they have already opened that can of worms. Rehab all rides that need it. Then set to work on putting things in the empty areas, like the ones in EPCOT. Once that is done, then there are still about a million other things to fix/repair/update. I'd say that once all of that is done in the year 2030 then they should look into a new park. And they shouldn't let the WWoHP force them into anything.


I'd dig a Villain park. Like an anti-Disney Sea or something. Chernaborg that comes out of a giant bald mountain at night. One thats similar to Mt. Prometheus. Nighttime show centering around that. Ursula's Lair. Cave of Wonders rollercoaster. The possibilities are endless!


Well-Known Member
]They should finish New Fantasyland. Start and complete the Pandora land since they have already opened that can of worms. Rehab all rides that need it. Then set to work on putting things in the empty areas, like the ones in EPCOT. Once that is done, then there are still about a million other things to fix/repair/update. I'd say that once all of that is done in the year 2030 then they should look into a new park. And they shouldn't let the WWoHP force them into anything.

They don't have to wait until after Pandora to do a new park. In fact, that might be a bad idea.

To my understanding, Animal Kingdom put a nice dent in the attendance of the other three parks, because there was little expansion at any of them at the time. Test Track and Rock'n Roller Coaster opened a while later, and Magic Kingdom had nothing substantial. I can't find attendance figures for 1996-1999, so I can't tell for sure, but that's what I've read in the past.

In order to prevent the current parks from taking huge hits in attendance from losing days to a fifth sister park, the old four will need expansion within a relatively short time of the opening of the new park. They'll still lose attendance, inevitably, but the expansions will pull some days out from Universal rather than WDW.


If what I'm hearing is correct, you'll love WDW's future plans.:)
If you hear that a full fifth park is in development...it isn't correct. Sorry. What was it you were hearing?
Here is the latest rumor that I have heard from a reliable source on another Disney site. Disney is buying out the contract for the remaining Marvel characters at Universal. The name of the 5th theme park is - World of Marvel. Reportedly, this is in some level of development for WDW.:)
Oh, yeah...World of Marvel. Right.:rolleyes:
Where was it you heard that? I'd love to read some more from this "reliable source"...
(And no DisneySea in Florida, either.)
From reading posts lately I know some here see you as an expert on all things Disney but I do not know you. Do you work for Disney? Are you in imagineering? Is there something that you have seen that would make your opinion more valid than others that are "hoping" for a 5th park? I have my doubts that a 5th park will happen too, even though it is nice to dream about it, but how do you know one isn't coming?
Nope, I don't work for the mouse. I also rarely deal in opinion. I prefer the cold, hard information. Facts.
I do have some rather well-placed connections that I am friendly enough with to be able to ask about pretty much everything. The fifth park threads pop up every few months. I have asked people both in WDW administration and WDI...they all say the same thing. There is no full fifth park in development. As I said earlier, they know they have their hands full with the four parks they have.


New Member
I'd dig a Villain park. Like an anti-Disney Sea or something. Chernaborg that comes out of a giant bald mountain at night. One thats similar to Mt. Prometheus. Nighttime show centering around that. Ursula's Lair. Cave of Wonders rollercoaster. The possibilities are endless!

A villain park is the idea that most have seem to have gone with.

Nope, I don't work for the mouse. I also rarely deal in opinion. I prefer the cold, hard information. Facts.
I do have some rather well-placed connections that I am friendly enough with to be able to ask about pretty much everything. The fifth park threads pop up every few months. I have asked people both in WDW administration and WDI...they all say the same thing. There is no full fifth park in development. As I said earlier, they know they have their hands full with the four parks they have.

While I do have a hard time understanding how those people can possibly keep their jobs after spilling info to you on a regular basis or anytime you simply ask, I do have to agree with you, again, that I don't see a 5th park as a reality. But here's the thing... none of us, that I have seen yet, are saying that it is going to happen. We are dreaming and sharing ideas about what would be nice in a 5th park. And to have someone come in, get snotty, and start calling people fanboys and responding the way you have is a little childish. You've stated your "facts" and your opinion of those of us that are fantasizing about what the 5th park could be. Now if you don't like hearing our thoughts on the supposed 5th park then unsubscribe from this thread. I do know that you are a smart individual and appear to be very "Disney knowledgable" so why do you feel the need to belittle people like you do. We get it. You're a Disney God here. Now can we just simply speculate on what a 5th park would be without the sarcasm? Us saying what our thoughts on what should be in the park is not us saying that it is going to be built.


Well-Known Member
I do have a hard time understanding how those people can possibly keep their jobs after spilling info to you on a regular basis ...

Hey Disaddict A few months ago someone asked if the new double Dumbo would be completely new or half new and half old, and replied that it would be half new and that they were going to recycle the existing ride... and that Lee guy gave me a hard time, and questioned me on how I knew this... I just ignored him because the Dumbo news was in the Summer issue of Disney Files magazine, which isn't exactly insider info


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Hey Disaddict A few months ago someone asked if the new double Dumbo would be completely new or half new and half old, and replied that it would be half new and that they were going to recycle the existing ride... and that Lee guy gave me a hard time, and questioned me on how I knew this... I just ignored him because the Dumbo news was in the Summer issue of Disney Files magazine, which isn't exactly insider info

Would you mind linking to where Lee gave you a hard time?

And let's bear in mind, this thread was begun because Jim Hill came out and stated there would be five parks at WDW when the 50th anniversary rolls around. Of course, to be discussed more in future articles. Lee came out and stated there are no plans to build such a park, like it or not. His information has been consistently and verifiably reliable. Unfortunately, time will tell as to who is ultimately right. But Lee stating what he has information on is no more his trying to kill the mood in this thread than Jim Hill's speculation is unnecessarily inflating it.....


New Member
Would you mind linking to where Lee gave you a hard time?

And let's bear in mind, this thread was begun because Jim Hill came out and stated there would be five parks at WDW when the 50th anniversary rolls around. Of course, to be discussed more in future articles. Lee came out and stated there are no plans to build such a park, like it or not. His information has been consistently and verifiably reliable. Unfortunately, time will tell as to who is ultimately right. But Lee stating what he has information on is no more his trying to kill the mood in this thread than Jim Hill's speculation is unnecessarily inflating it.....

Saying it once is fine. We got the message. But to keep harping on us for talking about what a 5th park would be like is pushing it. Don't get me wrong, I like Lee but there is no need to be so sarcastic to those of us that are dreaming about ideas.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
Saying it once is fine. We got the message. But to keep harping on us for talking about what a 5th park would be like is pushing it. Don't get me wrong, I like Lee but there is no need to be so sarcastic to those of us that are dreaming about ideas.

He didn't harp on you no more than you were on him. He made one comment about how far Jim Hill was really going with his prediction, then another as to there being no current plans for a 5th gate. Anything else was in response to posts made in his direction within this thread. And nowhere did he say not to come up with ideas about a new gate. But considering the levels of hysteria every time this rumor comes up, or another survey is made at EPCOT about what countries would make nice additions, or what's going to be announced at the next big Disney event, maintaining some perspective isn't an irresponsible act.

Brian Noble

Well-Known Member
From reading posts lately I know some here see you as an expert on all things Disney but I do not know you.
Thanks to the Magic of the Internet, you can fix this!

Go to one of his posts. Click on his user name. In the little menu that pops down, you can "Find all posts by ..." Do that. Read them. Then decide for yourself. A little legwork before popping off, having been registered under this user name for all of a month, might be smart.


Well-Known Member
A villain park is the idea that most have seem to have gone with.

While I do have a hard time understanding how those people can possibly keep their jobs after spilling info to you on a regular basis or anytime you simply ask, I do have to agree with you, again, that I don't see a 5th park as a reality. But here's the thing... none of us, that I have seen yet, are saying that it is going to happen. We are dreaming and sharing ideas about what would be nice in a 5th park. And to have someone come in, get snotty, and start calling people fanboys and responding the way you have is a little childish. You've stated your "facts" and your opinion of those of us that are fantasizing about what the 5th park could be. Now if you don't like hearing our thoughts on the supposed 5th park then unsubscribe from this thread. I do know that you are a smart individual and appear to be very "Disney knowledgable" so why do you feel the need to belittle people like you do. We get it. You're a Disney God here. Now can we just simply speculate on what a 5th park would be without the sarcasm? Us saying what our thoughts on what should be in the park is not us saying that it is going to be built.

Disaddict: Let me just help you out here. I had the exact same questions a few months ago that you have (I stated things almost the exact same way as well). Literally, the same argument. Trust me completely when I tell you, Lee is absolutely the real deal. You may want to believe something has a glimmer of hope, if he says it doesn't, you can take it to the bank. I can tell you, I've never seen him be wrong – not one single time. It's fine to question him or even argue with a statement he's made (I do it all the time) but just be careful on how far down the path you're willing to go. I can tell you from personal experience, in the end, he'll be right and you'll look incredibly foolish.

btw, I haven't seen Lee do anything but answer in a 'to the point' manner. It takes some getting used to, but it isn't arrogance. I'm sure it just comes from being questioned a million times. As a newbie, I'd be careful how much you call other members names. There really isn't any need for that.

One other thing, I don't mean to pile on you, but a few posts back you stated that you have insiders that tell you that Disney IS building a 5th gate and that it will be called "World Of Marvel". A few posts later, you state "those of us that are fantasizing about what the 5th park could be". So, which is it?


Active Member
It's a fun mental exercise to daydream about a 5th gate, but I just can't see it happening any time soon. And with FLE and Avatar going on, I SUPER can't see it happening in 10 years. Maybe AFTER Avatar?

I think this about sums it up. And I think that it might show a trend toward putting the money into existing parks. Once FLE is completed and Avatar is well under way I would expect an announcement for EPCOT (another country possibly) and then DHS (could be anything).


To Disaddict:
I apologize if my manner seems arrogant. That is not my intention at all, nor is it my intention to belittle anyone.
When I see a thread of this sort, I tend to try to jump in and infuse a bit of reality. Threads like this (and ones about new Epcot countries, monorail expansion, Marvel in the parks, bringing back old rides, etc.) tend to take on a life of their own, and often increase reader's confusion.

If a thread about fifth-park speculation is something that readers enjoy, then by all means have at it. However, I would propose it be located in the "Armchair Imagineering" section of the site.

As far as my sources getting fired...unlikely. I've been communicating with many of the same folks for years now. So far there hasn't been any repercussions for them. Of course, if Disney were to actually know who they are...then, yes. There could be trouble. So far so good, though.

To tl77:
Sorry, I have no memory of that. If I was rude in any way, please accept my apologies. I'm going to go back and see what I said...

To those of you with kind words...I thank you.:wave:

EDIT: Was this your post you were thinking of, tl77?
I think the current Dumbo is going to disassembled and moved to make up one half of the new "Dueling Dumbo" ride, but I don't know if Fantasyland will be without Dumbo for a short time, or if they'll open half of the new one before they move the current one... :veryconfu hope that makes sense
I just read that whole thread...I didn't even post in it. You must have me confused with someone else...


New Member
He didn't harp on you no more than you were on him.

I didn't say he was harping on me. ;)

But this ....

:brick: .....

.....Any fifth park talk is pure fanboy fantasy.

....is not necessary. It gets really old to be getting called a "fanboy" because we speculate on what things might be like.

Now can this get dropped or does Lee need everyone to keep going on about this?


New Member
To Disaddict:
I apologize if my manner seems arrogant. That is not my intention at all, nor is it my intention to belittle anyone.
When I see a thread of this sort, I tend to try to jump in and infuse a bit of reality. Threads like this (and ones about new Epcot countries, monorail expansion, Marvel in the parks, bringing back old rides, etc.) tend to take on a life of their own, and often increase reader's confusion.

If a thread about fifth-park speculation is something that readers enjoy, then by all means have at it. However, I would propose it be located in the "Armchair Imagineering" section of the site.

As far as my sources getting fired...unlikely. I've been communicating with many of the same folks for years now. So far there hasn't been any repercussions for them. Of course, if Disney were to actually know who they are...then, yes. There could be trouble. So far so good, though.

I don't want you to get the wrong idea here. I do respect you and I think that you do have great ideas about all things Disney. And Any of us would likely kill to have the ear of those at Disney. My point was that ever time we start hypothisizing on future plans or ideas someone swoops in and calls us a fanboy or something and acts like they have been trying and trying to get us to listen to reason and is just so tired of us.


Well-Known Member
I don't want you to get the wrong idea here. I do respect you and I think that you do have great ideas about all things Disney. And Any of us would likely kill to have the ear of those at Disney. My point was that ever time we start hypothisizing on future plans or ideas someone swoops in and calls us a fanboy or something and acts like they have been trying and trying to get us to listen to reason and is just so tired of us.

You are stirring up quite a mess in your one month of being a member!

Being called a fanboy isn't an automatic diss, but there isn't any reason to be flustered over people trying to level set in a thread posted in the News and Rumors section of the boards when people start going "well if there was a 5th park it should have this theme..." You have no idea how quickly that turns into "Disney is building a 5th park and it will be open in just 10 years and the theme is [insert theme here]" to the thousand of people who just casually read on here. Those conversations are definitely meant for the Armchair Imagineering and the General Discussion Boards.


New Member
You are stirring up quite a mess in your one month of being a member!

Being called a fanboy isn't an automatic diss, but there isn't any reason to be flustered over people trying to level set in a thread posted in the News and Rumors section of the boards when people start going "well if there was a 5th park it should have this theme..." You have no idea how quickly that turns into "Disney is building a 5th park and it will be open in just 10 years and the theme is [insert theme here]" to the thousand of people who just casually read on here. Those conversations are definitely meant for the Armchair Imagineering and the General Discussion Boards.

Since someone apparently squeezed you, allow me to respond. The issue, which is dead now, was between Lee and I but thanks for trying to stir things back up. ;)

And, I'm not the OP so I cannot help where this thread is located. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Since someone apparently squeezed you, allow me to respond. The issue, which is dead now, was between Lee and I but thanks for trying to stir things back up. ;)

And, I'm not the OP so I cannot help where this thread is located. Thanks.

Seems like a lot of people were engaged in the conversation as I read through the past couple pages, not just yourself and Lee. And anyway it's posted on a public web forum so I'm free to comment as I please at whatever time I please, thank you.

The thread itself being located here is fine because Jim Hill sturred up the actual rumor (again). But complaining because people in-the-know says it's not happening makes absolutely no sense. It's actually preferred over letting a thread like this run amock and unchecked to mold into something that could be completely untrue.


New Member
Seems like a lot of people were engaged in the conversation as I read through the past couple pages, not just yourself and Lee. And anyway it's posted on a public web forum so I'm free to comment as I please at whatever time I please, thank you.

The thread itself being located here is fine because Jim Hill sturred up the actual rumor (again). But complaining because people in-the-know says it's not happening makes absolutely no sense. It's actually preferred over letting a thread like this run amock and unchecked to mold into something that could be completely untrue.

Wow. Thanks for setting me straight. I'll definitely never post my opinions anymore. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
They don't have to wait until after Pandora to do a new park. In fact, that might be a bad idea.

To my understanding, Animal Kingdom put a nice dent in the attendance of the other three parks, because there was little expansion at any of them at the time. Test Track and Rock'n Roller Coaster opened a while later, and Magic Kingdom had nothing substantial. I can't find attendance figures for 1996-1999, so I can't tell for sure, but that's what I've read in the past.

In order to prevent the current parks from taking huge hits in attendance from losing days to a fifth sister park, the old four will need expansion within a relatively short time of the opening of the new park. They'll still lose attendance, inevitably, but the expansions will pull some days out from Universal rather than WDW.

Animal Kingdom definitely hurt the attendance of the other 3 parks, but the plan was to do exactly what you desribed - Have a significant addition at each of the other 3 parks in an attempt to minimalize this "cannibalization".

I recently posted Part 4 of an ungoing series on our blog called "Theme Park Wars". Back in Part 2, I wrote the following regarding Animal Kingdom's opening:
Instead of having a new slate of attractions, Disney’s Animal Kingdom opened without any competition for the other Disney theme parks. Had the additions to the other parks opened on time, Disney projected that attendance in the other parks would only decrease by 5% across the board. Because Disney failed to open these new attractions the actual numbers were more drastic:
  • The Magic Kingdom‘s attendance decreased by 8%
  • MGM Studios’ attendance decreased by 9%
  • Epcot‘s attendance decreased by 11%

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