2 Londoners at WDW Trip Report!

Hi Guys!

I did a PTR a few months ago and had TERRIBLE trouble learning how to add images but got there eventually after amazing help from @unkadug! Several months have past since then and I've forgotten what to do!:mad: BUT I am able to add images just thumbnail ones! That will do until I grow a brain!!!!!

So ...............Our Trip: 3rd - 12th September 2012, Wilderness Lodge
Cast: Me, Diane, 35 years old, this will be my 3rd trip to Paradise!
David (Dave) 42 years old, my OH, he had been twice in the 90's before our 3 trips together.

Travel Day - 3rd Sept

We woke at 5am :eek: as my parents were taking us to the Airport at 6am, we arrived around 8am and checked in, I get a bit claustophobic and always request bulkhead seats which luckily we got!!
After walking around the departure lounge for 2 hours zzzzzzzzz we entered the V-Room (lounge for Virgin Holidays passengers) the lounge is lovely, there is a glass section so you can see the runway! Plus you get free food!
Our flight was delayed by 2 and a half hours so we flew at 2.30pm, already we had been awake for 9 and a half hours!

Nine hours later we landed at MCO!!!! At this point I am already really grumpy and all I want to do is shower and sleep! We then queue for 1/2 hour to get through Immigtation, then wait for the cases. We also had to find the Virgin Desk to collect $300 free Disney Dollars BUT we can't find it, 15 minutes after pulling around 4 cases I refuse to move any more and proceed to sit on the floor! Dave thought it best to leave me there! He returned 10 minutes later with the goods! Time to get a cab to Wilderness Lodge!!!!!

1/2 hour later (its now probably around 7.30/8pm) we have been awake for 18 hours now! :eek: we check in at the WL!!!!! It all goes well until we ask to exchange our Theme Park Ticket voucher for ACTUAL tickets which our voucher says we can do at the resort, the CM had never heard of this and said it has to be done at the parks! Now its not the end of the world but after a loooonnnnngggggg day its slightly annoying! ;) We hoped to have the tickets BEFORE we got to a park just so we knew all was well, never mind!

Our room was lovely, the view amazing (pics will follow at some point, honest!) We had the 5th floor and the very end room so we had a great view of the Bay, we were above the pool and next to the Geyser!

After a shower we went to The Roaring Forks as we were starving, I had the Pulled Pork Sandwich, which was lovely but for some reason after a few mouthfuls my stomach turned and I could eat no more! I think a mixture of hunger, tiredness and excitement was too much and I felt too nauseous.

Once Dave had eaten everything he ordered (I have no memory of what it was!) I finally went to bed while Dave went to the Bar!

Roll on tomorrow!!!



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I'd missed out the BatB photos, all done now!

So after leaving Fantasyland we went off to the Main Street Bakery where I had my first Cinammon Roll! I ate the whole thing with no trouble!!! I can't remember what Dave ate I think it was some kind of pastry! I have no photos of this as I still hadn't put new batteries in the camera! :oops: We then went to Tomorrow land, here I changed the camera batteries! I then moaned that there were no photos taken of me so far that day! :D I'm always snapping photos of Dave but he doesn't think of taking photos of me, I have to ask!!! So here's a rare picture of me!


We then made our way to Adventure land, on the way we passed some mice putting on a show!


I only stopped for a few minutes to take photos, we passed the Forecourt show many times but I never watched the whole thing. o_O Unfortunately I'm always trying to rush to the next thing, I wish I would slow down and take things in more!

Once in Adventure land I had my next planned snack!!! Here's Dave being useful!



Yum! Pineapplle Float! Dave didn't have anything but I did occassionally spoon feed him some!

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
That's neat that you got a preview to Fantasyland. Your summary of the Tales with Belle, priceless. "Said something about surprising Belle, blah blah!" :) Don't feel bad we didn't watch the castle shows either. Had to much to do.


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Original Poster
That's neat that you got a preview to Fantasyland. Your summary of the Tales with Belle, priceless. "Said something about surprising Belle, blah blah!" :) Don't feel bad we didn't watch the castle shows either. Had to much to do.
Hi Uncle Lupe! Sorry about the finer details, it was all so surreal! Too much to take in!


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The next day we started off here!


Nothing much to really say about this visit to the Magic Kingdom, but here's Dave with a pal at Caseys!


While walking down Main Street we bumped into these:


I can't remember what these are called! :oops: Dave and I love these "We're walking right down the middle of Main St USA"!!!!!

Once we left the MK we visited The Poly and The Grand Floridian, we have stayed at both in the past and wanted to say hello! Plus we were due to stay at the GF for this visit but cancelled once we knew how extensive the construction work was there, so we were curious to see how it was looking. We were pleased to also use the monorail to get there as the WL isn't on the loop and we were keen to go on it at least once!


What a bonus to get the Avengers monorail, we're both also fans of Marvel thanks to Super Hero Marvel Island @ IOA!!! But the journey wasn't as enjoyable as we had remembered it being in the past! Within seconds the monorail stopped and an announcement was made about 'technical difficulties' here we stayed for a further 5 minutes before it started to move again, it didn't help that the cab was overly crowded and noisy! This had never bothered us over our previous visits but I think after only using Buses and Boats over the past week we had got used to a bit of space!



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We got off at the Poly:




Well-Known Member
Still on day one, loving your TR so far. I just had to comment about Dave's picture taking skills, my husband does the exact same thing! LOL, glad to see I am not the only long suffering women out there with horrible pictures of herself. ;)

Hope the pics got better for you as the trip went on! :)


Well-Known Member
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Still on day one, loving your TR so far. I just had to comment about Dave's picture taking skills, my husband does the exact same thing! LOL, glad to see I am not the only long suffering women out there with horrible pictures of herself. ;)

Hope the pics got better for you as the trip went on! :)
Ha Ha! No Liz your'e not alone! Yes the picture size works out ....eventually! Thanks for reading xx


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Ok, I'm ready to try again!


The lobby at the Poly is just amazing!


We then walked to the Grand Floridian, this is a gorgeous walk and worth doing if you've got time to spare.


The scenery isn't too bad either! ;)



Getting closer to the GF, already we could tell we were right to change our booking to the Wilderness Lodge! That's the new DVC building, I wouldn't be happy if I had to get married in the Chapel, well... chance would be a fine thing! :rolleyes:


And so we arrived! :eek: "This area is being refurbished for your future enjoyment"!!!!! Don't you love that quote! Thank god we changed to the WL!!! When we first learnt of the drastic work that would be happening during our stay we actually ummed and arrrred about cancelling for a few days, there's no way I would have been happy staying here after saving for 2 years for a dream holiday, the GF ain't cheap!!!! BUT if this hadn't have happened we would never have found our perfect resort, the WL!!! Shame we will won't be able to afford to stay at either again! :(


It is a stunning building without scaffolding on it! There's Dave walking ahead! (Lovely 'man bag' Dave!) That's where our camera goes and where the memory card was probably put that ended up lost! I've not let go of that situation yet! :rolleyes:


The lobby's not too shabby! Both me and Dave walked away knowing we had made the right decision to change resorts, there was a fear of returning and feeling our heart strings being pulled but luckily that was not the case, we had totally fallen in love with the WL and to be honest when we return to WDW next September, I don't think I can visit the WL (we're down grading to POFQ), that would be too sad! OMG I have a lump in my throat thinking of it!!!! Get a grip!

We then got the Monorail back to the MK entrance, this journey was also unpleasant as there was a screaming histerical toddler opposite us for the whole few minutes it took to get there! The screaming was so loud blood was pouring from my ears! (Ehhhh, well.... I exagerate slightly) but even the parents looked like they wanted to throw him into the Seven Seas Lagoon!

We then got the boat, the lovely quiet relaxing boat!!! back to the WL for my afternoon kip (do you say 'kip' in the states?) kip = nap, snooze, sleep!!!!

That evening we were off the HS to watch 'Fantasmic', the 1st time we saw this in 2008, we just turned up near the beginning and ended up standing at the back, I couldn't really see and the effects did not come across, I also had an argument with a fellow English woman as her 16 year old daughter was sitting on a plinth right infront of me, she had been asked to get off twice by a CM but would get back on once he moved on! :mad: In the end the family 'got the hump'!!! and left so I felt better about that! Do I still sound bitter!?!?! :D

Anyway! So, in 2010 we got the Dinner Package, we ate at H&V, which was ok, nothing special, but we're only there to get seating not enjoy a luxourious meal! We were pleased with the seating so we decided to do the same again!

So after dinner, again at the H&V, we made our way to the theatre, we got there an hour before hand which probably is too early but hay ho! So we pick the end of a bench, there is still plenty of benches left, and of all the benches left the most annoying family in the world sit behind us! o_O I could tell there were a mother and father and 2 boys, one sounded like a teenager, the other younger. The 45 minutes before the show and all DURING the show, the younger boy was kicking me in the back! :oops: While.... his dad kept putting his feet on my bench so his feet were sitting next to me, sometimes he was kind enough to just catch my skirt with his feet so his feet had a lovely cushiony surface to rest on!!!! :mad::mad: I didn't say anything .....I'm British you know! :cool:


My trusted new camera didn't do so well tonight! I gave up taking photos in the end as they weren't really happening so I decided to watch with my eyes rather than a camera!


Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
Your castle shot looks so vivid. Dave looks like he is beaming with emotion at Casey's. :D Next time find you inner "American" and say something to the guy behind you. The man should know better he was just being rude. Start out nice and progress from there.

Please cont the TR! Our daughter has a stomach bug and I need something to do between the extra laundry and floor washing.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Your castle shot looks so vivid. Dave looks like he is beaming with emotion at Casey's. :D Next time find you inner "American" and say something to the guy behind you. The man should know better he was just being rude. Start out nice and progress from there.

Please cont the TR! Our daughter has a stomach bug and I need something to do between the extra laundry and floor washing.
Hi! I'm not good at confrontation, I just groan and tut loudly!
Sorry to hear your daughters poorly, thanks for the vivid images in my head by mentioning the extra chores!!! Where's the vomit smilie when you need it!
No more TR to next week, I have a headache today then tomorrow I have to put up the Xmas tree and decks !!! No rest for either of us but luckily my chore don't involve bodily functions! :eek:

Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
Oh Di! Your temperament and mine sound dangerously similar. I definitely would have given the man's foot behind you the ole heave ho. I just love your sense of humor and the trip report has been so entertaining. I mean, after all, we've all been to these places and done all these things, so the hilarious way you take us through your trip is priceless. This has been a blast!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Oh Di! Your temperament and mine sound dangerously similar. I definitely would have given the man's foot behind you the ole heave ho. I just love your sense of humor and the trip report has been so entertaining. I mean, after all, we've all been to these places and done all these things, so the hilarious way you take us through your trip is priceless. This has been a blast!
Hi Pooh Lover! I'm sorry to hear we are similar, I feel sorry for you! ;)

There is more to come yet! I will be back with more on Thursday, thanks for staying with me, I haven't got the quantity of readers but I have the quality of them! ;)


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OK, here we go again!

The next morning we went to the AK, this was a Sunday, we always do the AK on a Sunday as we presume locals visit the parks at weekends and the AK we guess would be the quietest park. We also only do it once per visit but try to spend around 5 hours there. I work at a Wildlife Centre so I love animals and it makes a change to see magnificent animals like Monkeys and Tigers and not Pigeons and Foxes!

So, when we woke that morning the sky looked cloudy, the local TV weather report said there would be rain around 1pm so I made sure I packed my rain coat! We got on the bus to AK and during the journey the sky turned darker so I put my rain coat on there and then! That was a good move as before we even got off the bus the heavens opened! :(

So basically the AK trip was a wash out! I never attempted to take photos as the rain was ridiculously heavy and it would have been camera murder!
I was determined to ride Expedition Everest as I'd never tried it on our last 2 trips, I'm not a coaster fan, my stomach and head both refuse to enjoy them! On our last trip I tried Test Track for the first time and loved it!!!! BUT this time round it was down for a refurb so I was determined to try a new 'thrill' ride!


This is us in the front! No, it wasn't a water ride! How wet???? I'm not laughing at the ride, I'm laughing at the ridiculous situation! I nearly drowned on the way up when we started the climb, as we were facing the sky the rain was coming down so hard I had to turn my head to the side to get some air!!!! Why is the lady behind us vertially dry!? o_O

I enjoyed EE, we did this twice that day, I preferred the 1st time, I found the backwards bit slightly disorientating but the 2nd time it was worse, I felt my head and shoulders forced downwards and I didn't like it! Also at some point I must have been shoved to the right as later that day I noticed a massive bruise on my upper arm, it stayed there for another 10 days and happily posed for pictures for the rest of the holiday! It looked like a sailor with a big fat anchor tattoo on my arm!

I can't explain how angry I was at the way the morning was turning out, how dare it rain on my only AK visit! :mad: I was not happy, poor Dave had to suffer my childish whining! I slightly cheered up when we spotted a meet and greet with Doug and Russell from Up, I adore this film and was hoping to bump into them! So we stood in line of rougly 10 people in front of us, when a CM announced that if lightning appeared Doug and Russell would have to leave!!!!!! Stand back as I try not to erupt!!!!!!! So I stood there waiting for lightning to appear! :cool: It didn't!


We were advised to take rain coats/ponchos off to make the photo look better but Dave is a man and won't be told what to do! I was amazed when he bought one in the first place, with Dave being a 'man' he refuses to wear sufficent weather gear or use Umbrellas, apparently thats what 'men' do! :rolleyes: Btw, don't buy cheap rain coats, I bought mine back home and it was useless as you can see rain had seaped through on my shoulders, I ended up buying a WDW poncho!

We then went to watch 'Festival of the Lion King' we'd never bothered before and it was on my wish list, plus it was raining out, have I mentioned that! I enjoyed it but as my skin was slightly wet the AC made it quite uncomfortable! We were 'Warthogs'! I joined in and did the tusk thing with my fingers! I didn't make the noises but I did mime them, I'm British you know!

Soon as we exited I insisted we go to a shop so I could buy a fleece to put on under the wet poncho, I could stand no more, I would have sat on the floor to have a tantrum but the floor was a little damp! ;)

We were both hungry but there is a major lack of undercover areas and we didn't see how it would be possible to eat when it was raining so badly!
We left after about 3 hours, we had been on Dinosaur as well so had achieved something. Not many of the animals were out and about so that was a let down plus I really wanted to see the 'Flights of Wonder' show as I'd never seen it, this was cancelled! :( The rain has slowed down by the time we left!!!

We decided (well I decided) that we had to come back, there were too many things I didn't get a chance to do, so the following week when we were staying at a Universal Resort to do those parks only, we went back to the AK!!!!! I will include this day at the end of the report!

I can't think at the moment what we did next, I will have to research, I have uploaded any more photos yet! :oops: Bloody Christmas is getting in the way! Bah Humbug!


Well-Known Member
Loving this trip report! The ocassional "I'm british you know!" makes me laugh! I'm british, but I have every intention of making the animal noises. (But then I'm still 5 years old in my head. XD) My boyfriend has accepted that I'm a nutter. XD Oh and BTW, sitting down in the middle of the airport is totally something I would do as well.

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