2 Londoners at WDW Trip Report!

Hi Guys!

I did a PTR a few months ago and had TERRIBLE trouble learning how to add images but got there eventually after amazing help from @unkadug! Several months have past since then and I've forgotten what to do!:mad: BUT I am able to add images just thumbnail ones! That will do until I grow a brain!!!!!

So ...............Our Trip: 3rd - 12th September 2012, Wilderness Lodge
Cast: Me, Diane, 35 years old, this will be my 3rd trip to Paradise!
David (Dave) 42 years old, my OH, he had been twice in the 90's before our 3 trips together.

Travel Day - 3rd Sept

We woke at 5am :eek: as my parents were taking us to the Airport at 6am, we arrived around 8am and checked in, I get a bit claustophobic and always request bulkhead seats which luckily we got!!
After walking around the departure lounge for 2 hours zzzzzzzzz we entered the V-Room (lounge for Virgin Holidays passengers) the lounge is lovely, there is a glass section so you can see the runway! Plus you get free food!
Our flight was delayed by 2 and a half hours so we flew at 2.30pm, already we had been awake for 9 and a half hours!

Nine hours later we landed at MCO!!!! At this point I am already really grumpy and all I want to do is shower and sleep! We then queue for 1/2 hour to get through Immigtation, then wait for the cases. We also had to find the Virgin Desk to collect $300 free Disney Dollars BUT we can't find it, 15 minutes after pulling around 4 cases I refuse to move any more and proceed to sit on the floor! Dave thought it best to leave me there! He returned 10 minutes later with the goods! Time to get a cab to Wilderness Lodge!!!!!

1/2 hour later (its now probably around 7.30/8pm) we have been awake for 18 hours now! :eek: we check in at the WL!!!!! It all goes well until we ask to exchange our Theme Park Ticket voucher for ACTUAL tickets which our voucher says we can do at the resort, the CM had never heard of this and said it has to be done at the parks! Now its not the end of the world but after a loooonnnnngggggg day its slightly annoying! ;) We hoped to have the tickets BEFORE we got to a park just so we knew all was well, never mind!

Our room was lovely, the view amazing (pics will follow at some point, honest!) We had the 5th floor and the very end room so we had a great view of the Bay, we were above the pool and next to the Geyser!

After a shower we went to The Roaring Forks as we were starving, I had the Pulled Pork Sandwich, which was lovely but for some reason after a few mouthfuls my stomach turned and I could eat no more! I think a mixture of hunger, tiredness and excitement was too much and I felt too nauseous.

Once Dave had eaten everything he ordered (I have no memory of what it was!) I finally went to bed while Dave went to the Bar!

Roll on tomorrow!!!


disney magic 06

Well-Known Member
Hi! Glad you were enjoying it, I will have to search for the remaining photos and continue!!! The WL was amazing, I took loads of pics of it there, I will try to add some, it's the best resort I've stayed at!

Me too, I love it. Looking forward to reading some more about your magical adventure!


We need time for things to happen.
Hey Di,

Loving the trip report - Hope you locate those pics and you get all the issues sussed out. I'm excited to read more!

PS - I have to defend Dave with the "I couldn't enjoy myself without you, I'm going to the bar" move.

See....He couldn't enjoy the MK without you....that doesn't mean he couldn't enjoy a Guinness without you.;)


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I'm back!!! BUT..... We've definitely lost a memory card, I remember on Day 3 at Epcot the batteries went in the camera so I said I'd look in the Norway church while Dave changed them, when I came out he said it was typical the memory card is full now so I'll have to change that too. We carried the camera in a WDW small hold all, the card was probably put in there, and there it probably stayed, as it wasn't me who put it there I didn't think of it, it probably fell out during the trip! :( I am officially blaming Dave for the lose of our crucial and important WDW memories! ;)

I'm trying not to feel too upset but there were some lovely pics I took, on day 2 while on our WL balcony early in the morning just as the sun was coming up there were LOADS of bats flying by our balcony, I took some video footage of this plus photos as I was amazed by them, we don't see this here in the UK. This is how I knew a card was missing as these pics and footage are no where to be seen.

Oh well, onwards and upwards!

Ive spent 30 minutes searching for the card, then 1 and a half hours uploading 30 pics onto Photobucket so I could continue with what pics I've got BUT now I can't seem to find the pics on Photobucket!!!! When I go to the album I've just uploaded to, it shows pics from another album!!!!! :eek:

This bloody trip report is giving me the right hump!!!!! I'm waiting for customer support to get back to me and then I will keep trying to do this fricking TR!!!!

You guys are too blooming demanding!!!!! :D


Active Member
awww that sucks to have lost the card! have you tried calling disney to see if it was handed in?
Long shot- but maybe worth a look?

Update when you can, :) Looking forward to reading more x


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Ok, my photos are back on Photobucket so here goes!

Day Three

This morning we were going to Epcot, no particular plans here, just taking it easy! I still had a bad headache from the day before so Dave took control of the camera (this would explain why a memory card went missing on this occassion! :mad:) There are not many photos of this event because, have I mentioned DAVE lost a memory card!

Is it just me or are these photos getting even smaller! :eek: Somewhere up there the 'technology' God is laughing at me!


As we were going round the World Showcase we noticed a subtle area where there were loads of characters, Bolt, Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, Chip 'n' dale plus others I can't name! There were no queues and no photopass photographers, just CM's making notes as the characters interacted with guests, we can only presume the CM's inside the costumes were trainees. We didn't go and mingle, we're British you know! We don't let ourselves go!;)

If you have amazing eyesight you will see some of them here! :rolleyes:

We had planned to have lunch at the ESPN Club, we had never been to the Boardwalk so we were excited to have a gander! So once we visited France we exited through the International Gateway. The walk to the Boardwalk is lovely, it's a really pleasant walk.


OOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! What's just happened! Are you kidding me!:eek: This TR is a complete mind f#ck! So ladies and Gentlemen I give you the TR of different size photos, we start with 'small' pictures which will lead to 'even smaller' pictures, just when you get used to squinting we bring 'MAHOOSIVE PICTURES'. I am actually laughing hysterically! I'm swear I'm being filmed for punk'd!

Quick question....... Too big! Shall I continue with this size or go back to the 'can't see what I'm looking at' size!?!?

I'll leave it here untill I get some feedback on the photo size! Apologises for the erratic TR! You should try being me, it's quite annoying! :p


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I do not require pics, though they are nice. Give it a bash! (Daphne said that on Frasier once.)
I love 'Frasier' I put it on my DVD player every night when I go to bed, it's my comfort blanket!!! I get annoyed at some of the things Daphne says that are supposed to be about being British! We don't only call sausages 'bangers' we generally call them ...... Sausages!!!! ;) plus in one episode when Daphne describes Martin knocking on her door as "knocked me up" and she then acts confused at Frasiers reaction is annoying, we also use the term "knocked up" meaning pregnant, we don't say it for knocking on a door, I've never heard it used like that!!!, omg, am I ranting!!! :eek: Dont even get me started on the fake British accents of her brother Simon and the episode with her ex fiancé!
Btw, Frasiers is one of my favourite sitcoms ever, did I get that across!!!! :D I'll shut up now!

Thanks for your interest!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hey...what's that I see..a full sized picture..horay for Di.

Have to admit this has been a pretty fun TR so far and not just the actuall trip but the technical difficulties really adding to the drama


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Hey...what's that I see..a full sized picture..horay for Di.

Have to admit this has been a pretty fun TR so far and not just the actuall trip but the technical difficulties really adding to the drama
Ha ha I know tell me about it!!!! Is that not too big a picture? It looks REALLY big to me :eek:

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member
This bloody trip report is giving me the right hump!!!!! I'm waiting for customer support to get back to me and then I will keep trying to do this fricking TR!!!!

You guys are too blooming demanding!!!!! :D

Great job not giving up. Don't be to hard on Dave. Men are only good for squishing spiders and satisfying urges.

American slang Hump = Horizontal Bop

British slang Hump= ?? difficult time

If possible keep the pics at the larger size.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Great job not giving up. Don't be to hard on Dave. Men are only good for squishing spiders and satisfying urges.

American slang Hump = Horizontal Bop

British slang Hump= ?? difficult time

If possible keep the pics at the larger size.
Hi Uncle Lupe! We also use the word hump for the other meaning as well! Do you not use it for "getting on my nerves"? If I've got "the hump" it means I'm not happy, I shall try not to use this saying next time I'm in the states! :eek:


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I've returned!!!!! I'm not giving up!! Who needs to relax on a day off anyway!

I left you with us heading to the Boardwalk, BUT I forgot to say that when we arrived at Epcot that morning we went straight to 'Soarin' to get FP's then we went to Sunshine Seasons for Breakfast!!!!


Well when I say Breakfast Dave had already had the Bounty Platter at The Roaring Forks @ WL and I had had a bowl of Froot Loops! But that was a half hour ago! ;) STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE!!!!! This was consumed at 9.10am!!!! Impressive huh! I think Dave had a boring muffin. :rolleyes: The shortcake was amazing and actually not heavy I didn't leave the table feeling sickly which I thought I would!

So back to the Boardwalk, we had lunch at the ESPN Club, we both had the Phillycheese Steak with Fries, very tasty.We really enjoyed it there, it was a great atmosphere, we plan on returning next September.



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NEW PROBLEM! I don't seem to be able to move the cursor below the photo, it was ok but I haven't been able to do it with the last two photos!!o_O
So that means I may have to keep posting it all individually! (Banging head on table numerous times)

So I got the Strawberry cupcake to go, we then returned to Epcot, I made sure the Bag check man did not steal my cupcake! When then contined to go clockwise round the World Showcase and then returned back to the WL.

I'm giving up again for a while! The hittting the table with my head has given me a headache!

When I return (I may attempt it drunk!) we go to the MK that evening for:


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