How to break down Europe? (
@Disney Dad 3000 is correct, it is the epicenter for UNESCO sites.)
I think the UK ought to be represented due to its lengthy history with Hong Kong. That would also allow for stuff like a King Arthur attraction, which is something I think
@TheOriginalTiki has discussed before.
Portugal has a lot of local history too, especially with Macau. Both it and UK have major naval components too.
What else? Russian myth has some figures who are very similar to Thor and Loki (Perun and Veles) if we want to explore that style while avoiding both Frozen and MCU stuff.
Greece is also great for myth, and it has some lovely coastal sites.
I'm a big fan of France and Mont St. Michel in particular (a mountaintop castle set on a tiny island).
There's more to discuss, of course, but these stand out to me at the moment.
Seductive Lord of Thunder.