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  1. weatherdude

    Polynesian lobby is now open

    I think it looks way better than the old lobby.
  2. weatherdude

    7DMT FP....seems a lot opened up for next week

    I was able to get us fast passes for it next week!
  3. weatherdude

    2 rooms ressies..FP+?

    It shouldn't be a problem, as long as you have the correct settings on MDE, where you are linked and allow others to make selections for you (or vice versa). We have 4 rooms next week (7 adults, 3 kids) and I was able to make Dining and FP+ reservations for everyone. It was very easy.
  4. weatherdude

    Fastpass plus reservation for BOG in November

    Multiple times appear for my early November trip.
  5. weatherdude

    Fastpass plus reservation for BOG in November

    I was able to book this morning for 11/7!
  6. weatherdude

    Wi-Fi in the Parks?

    I'll be going without the free wifi. I avoid unprotected networks everywhere.
  7. weatherdude

    Fastpass plus reservation for BOG in November

    Yep, though strange thing is that last week I saw a time for 11/5 but didn't want that day; since then, nothing has shown up (for that day or any other day I'm there in November). My guess is we see something post-beta/post-testing soon in MDE.
  8. weatherdude

    Fastpass plus reservation for BOG in November

    I'm well past the 27-day mark and I still can't make a FP reservation. I received the email today from Disney Destinations, logged in, and still no luck. According to another forum, Disney is currently updating the process, so we may be seeing something integrated with MDE.
  9. weatherdude

    BOG Lunch....FastPass+ only

    I'm past the 27 day mark and it still shows no availability - I've checked every day since day 27.
  10. weatherdude

    will i ever get to ride the mine train?

    I was on at midnight today for my trip in November. A&E and mine train were booked for everyday of our trip. That being said, I was looking for FP for our party of nine, so maybe if I had broken the party, I could have got in. I'll just try to ride it during EMH...if the line is too long, oh...
  11. weatherdude

    Fastpass add a guest

    How is it Disney's fault that your husband decided within the 60 day window that he wanted to come too? Should FP have the "in case someone from your party wants to be added" availability?
  12. weatherdude

    Is anyone else having trouble with MDE?

    I'm having problems linking people and their tickets randomly disappear from being linked to them, so it says I can't make fast pass reservations for them.
  13. weatherdude

    BOG Ressiervation Availability Thread

    I try multiple times per day for 11/ close!
  14. weatherdude

    First use of MyMagic+ long-range MagicBand capabilities begins tomorrow at all four parks

    Really excited to see how/if this works! I purchased MM for our November trip so it'd be great not to go to the picture booth after each ride to have the pictures added to my account. Excited for what's next with MagicBand!
  15. weatherdude

    Got My Magical Express Luggage Tags...6 Months Early?!?

    I got mine in March for a November trip...paid in full when I booked.
  16. weatherdude

    Be Our Guest is impossible to get

    At how many days were you able to get BOG? I couldn't get it for 180+5 but I've read multiple posts about it being available at 180+7 or higher.
  17. weatherdude

    Be Our Guest is impossible to get

    You don't call booking dining 6 months out and FP 2 months out stress free? And having multiple back up plans? ;)
  18. weatherdude

    Be Our Guest is impossible to get

    Ha, yup pretty much. I don't mind planning but I know how much my nieces would love BoG so I've been obsessively stalking the website trying to nab a reservation. Thank goodness I have two weeks at the Outerbanks coming up where I'll actually relax on vacation. ;)
  19. weatherdude

    Survivor: Cagayan

    Rooting for Spencer all the way.
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