Wi-Fi in the Parks?


Active Member
Original Poster
So from what I've heard, a key element of MM+ is being able to use an app to book FP+, reservations, check SB wait times, etc.
I've heard of variable quality of free wi fi in the resorts, but what about the parks?
I'm an international visitor (going next April). My dad has a smart phone, but we'll turn the data off so we don't get hit with international roaming charges. As for me, I have the latest iPod touch.
So will we still be able to use MDE in the parks?


Beta Return
The wifi in the parks has improved dramatically over the past couple years. A few years ago, my phone lost connection many times throughout the day in the parks. This year, both in March and August, I only ever lost signal when deep in ride/show buildings.

And yes, as you mentioned, their intent is for everyone to be able to use MM+, including international visitors who will most likely turn off their data. You should be just fine.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a bit spotty now & then, often interrupting me on MDE and causing me to have to log back in, but overall, it's pretty good. Some here have been VERY critical ("There should be 100% uptime at the parks at any moment!!!"), and I'm, "Chill. I get knocked off of my wi-fi at home all the time, and I'm the only one using it."


Well-Known Member
So from what I've heard, a key element of MM+ is being able to use an app to book FP+, reservations, check SB wait times, etc.
I've heard of variable quality of free wi fi in the resorts, but what about the parks?
I'm an international visitor (going next April). My dad has a smart phone, but we'll turn the data off so we don't get hit with international roaming charges. As for me, I have the latest iPod touch.
So will we still be able to use MDE in the parks?

Yes - service not guaranteed in all areas


Well-Known Member
I have an iPod touch too and had absolutely no issue in the parks with using MDE on the Wifi. It used to be pretty spotty, but now has improved. When you are using the app, you shouldn't walk if you're on the WiFi. Just stay in one place until everything loads. There are a lot of people like you who are international visitors and don't want those roaming charges. There are also a lot of people who don't have smartphones but may have a tablet or people who have limited data plans and don't want to use it. As others have said, Disney provides WiFi so that as many as possible can have access to MDE


Well-Known Member
I agree with Tom. The wifi has gotten a LOT better. I've been in line for Pirates of the Caribbean and had no cell service but a solid wifi connection. My phone tends to pick it up as the tram pulls up to the TTC and it's pretty solid across the parks.


Not old, just vintage.
The wifi coverage has improved greatly. I have great VZW cell coverage but sometimes I'm off the grid deep into a show building (space mountain I'm looking at you). WiFi kicks right in and I can keep on Facebooking, Twittering, or checking plans on MDE app.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a bit spotty now & then, often interrupting me on MDE and causing me to have to log back in, but overall, it's pretty good. Some here have been VERY critical ("There should be 100% uptime at the parks at any moment!!!"), and I'm, "Chill. I get knocked off of my wi-fi at home all the time, and I'm the only one using it."

You should fire your in-home IT guy then. Your router setup is not configured correctly for your home. That is the easiest location to ensure WiFi consistency.

There are several deadzones in Disney and WiFi speeds are pathetic. I was fortunate to get 2 mbps some days. This is on par with the AT&T WiFi service several cheaper hotel chains went to a couple years ago.

One notable deadzone for Magic Kingdom is the Columbia Harbor House. Set foot inside the building and you will lose WiFi and cellular connections.

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