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  1. JonUWStout

    A surprise for the Nephews (a trip of firsts)

    hey guys and gals: sorry I quit posting trip reports while I was gone! I meant to but my computer died :( . I was trying to post pics and it just went kaput. So now on to Day 3: Magic Kingdom So we arrived at Magic Kingdom ready to go at 8:00, where we had an ADR for Crystal Palace for...
  2. JonUWStout

    A surprise for the Nephews (a trip of firsts)

    Day 2: Parks (cant be more'll see why). so my day today started off with me awake at 6, showered and ready by 6:30, and to breakfast at the hotel. I finished eating before 7 so I wandered over to the bus stop to just sit and relax. Studios didn't open until 9 today so I figured...
  3. JonUWStout

    A surprise for the Nephews (a trip of firsts)

    so I posted a pre-trip report the other day and now I am posting for the wonderful world that is DISNEY WORLD!! I figured I would start out this thread and hopefully I will be updating nightly. I am not exactly sure how to post pics yet but i can at least get the first narrative out of the way...
  4. JonUWStout

    Aurora's New Look Debuts at WDW

    I will be leaving tomorrow for my trip so I will see if I can find her and take a picture with her just to report back :)
  5. JonUWStout

    Online check-in by phone.......

    yes I linked my resort check ins just fine. Not sure how it happened. My brother has never been able to use it.
  6. JonUWStout

    Aurora's New Look Debuts at WDW

    I can't say that I really HATE the new look, but I can't really say that I love it either. I'm really on the fence with it. Im trying to decide if its the person wearing the costume, or the costume itself. I guess only time will tell. With that said I think I prefer the old hair with the new...
  7. JonUWStout

    Online check-in by phone.......

    I haven't really had any problems with reservations and Myexperience...except that my brother made ADR for Crystal Palace and I cant link them into the myexperience. Other than that its worked great. I did the online check in about a month ago with no issues.
  8. JonUWStout

    Fastpass Newbie

    Im kind of glad its not there for this trip Im taking either. I want it to be fully functional with no hiccups when I finally use it (unlike a certain yeti).
  9. JonUWStout

    Has anyone recently seen

    SOME disney stores carry clearance parks merchandise (my local Disney Store Outlet does) and they carry some of them.
  10. JonUWStout

    How Long and How Long

    I am hoping its not as busy as the past few weeks with spring breaks hopefully coming to an end.
  11. JonUWStout

    How Long and How Long

    ONE MORE DAY!!! I leave tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D
  12. JonUWStout

    Pre Trip report for a trip of firsts

    thanks for all the positive notes! I just finished with my last day of work before I am officially on vacation now!
  13. JonUWStout

    So how bad is it????

    it really depends on the weekend that you go. It's usually VERY busy for MNSSHP. Its a very popular party. I think its actually more popular than MVMCP. given the choice between friday or sunday I would probably choose Sunday night. Others can correct me if I'm wrong but I would think...
  14. JonUWStout

    Favorite WDW Shirt?

    I like the Dole Whip T!! they are so yummy as it I have to have one...LOL
  15. JonUWStout

    That one ride that other people love, but...

    ok...I guess its a strange one for me, but I have to say Spaceship Earth. I know a lot of people LOVE this ride, but I get so claustrophobic, and when the chairs turn around and go backwards I typically have to close my eyes and take deep breaths. At that point I just feel like the walls are...
  16. JonUWStout

    Favorite WDW Shirt?

    I usually don't buy the t-shirts I buy the heavier sweatshirts. Simply because I live in the northern part of the country where it gets cold and the sweatshirt gets more use. My favorite one is from when I was a cast member during the 100 years of magic celebration (ironically its a 100 years...
  17. JonUWStout

    Fastpass Newbie

    Fast pass + is coming but I dont think it will be here in time for your trip in June. Fast Pass + makes it so you can reserve fast passes on line or through your smart phone. I don't think its anywhere near operationaly ready that they would roll it out everywhere before your trip. I think...
  18. JonUWStout

    Pre Trip report for a trip of firsts

    O'Hare only has me worried because I have never flown through there before and its HUGE with all the different terminals. I have to go from terminal 2 to 1 on the way down and 1 to 2 on the way back. Everyone tells me how terrible of an airport it is, and that I can probably expect a good hour...
  19. JonUWStout

    Trip Report Forum

    Thank you very much! I was able to post my pre-trip report before I left.
  20. JonUWStout

    Pre Trip report for a trip of firsts

    I leave tomorrow for WDW so I figured that I would write out a quick PTR to show what I am doing. I put down that this is a trip of firsts because there are several in terms of the trip. My 1st first: The purpose of this trip is to surprise my 4 nephews! I will be meeting my twin brother...
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