A surprise for the Nephews (a trip of firsts)

so I posted a pre-trip report the other day and now I am posting for the wonderful world that is DISNEY WORLD!! I figured I would start out this thread and hopefully I will be updating nightly. I am not exactly sure how to post pics yet but i can at least get the first narrative out of the way.

DAY 1: Travel Day

I woke up this morning at 8am, got ready, and figured out whether or not i had everything I needed. At 10:00 I hopped in my car and drove to Madison to catch my flight. My drive was smooth and not very interesting. The drive took about an hour out of the day.

My flight out of madison was scheduled to leave at 1:30 leaving me time to connect with my flight out of Chicago which left at 4:45. As I checked in my luggage at the counter the ticket agent informed me that due to weather in Chicago my flight to Chicago MIGHT be delayed a little bit. Venturing through security took about 5 minutes (its a SMALL airport). I found my gate only to find out that my flight was delayed to depart at 3:30. :(

SO not a very good day so far..until 2:15 came along and they changed the board to show that our flight was now departing at 2:30! :D TO make a long story short my flight landed in Chicago about 30 minutes later. After searching the big board for what gate I had to go to (it wasn't listed on my boarding pass) I found out it was only about 6 gates away from where I was :D. So no running across the airport for me!

Upon arriving at the gate I heard an announcement go across the PA system that my flight was delayed :( but only by 10 minutes :D. Needless to say the filght was pretty uneventfuland for my first time ever flying...NO turbulence!! :D

Once I got to orlando, I found the magical express and was able to walk right on. Again..:D..carribean beach was stop 3 out of 4 so I sat back and watched the video. I was the first off the bus at the resort, check in took 5 minutes and i was on my way to my room in barbados...right next to the bus stop :D. I dropped my stuff in my room, went to get food, and here it is 11pm and Im exausted :)


Original Poster
Day 2: Parks (cant be more specific...you'll see why).

so my day today started off with me awake at 6, showered and ready by 6:30, and to breakfast at the hotel. I finished eating before 7 so I wandered over to the bus stop to just sit and relax. Studios didn't open until 9 today so I figured I would sit and wait for the first bus to come along and enjoy a warm morning. Lo and behold the first bus came through 7:15! I hopped on and I was the ONLY person on the bus for DHS from all of Carribean Beach.

Once I got to the park i sat and waited for my friends to arrive. at about 8:40 one of my friends arrived and told me that the other 3 were going to be about an hour late since they were coming up from tampa and they were just leaving. So the friend that was there and I decided to just go in the park once it opened and we raced for Toy Story, got on it and went crazy on our guns. I totally sucked, my accuracy was 17%.

From toy story we still had time left so we went over to Star Tours since I hadnt' seen then new version yet. My other friends called to tell us they had just parked so we went to meet up with them, and promptly hit ToT, RnR, and great movie ride. during all of this, my brother was still driving and finally arrived just as we were finishing up the big rides.

my friends and I split up and they went on to hit Star Tours again and i met up with my brother and surprised my nephews. I explained to my brother that we had pretty much ridden all the big stuff already and were going to park hop. SO, i met up with my friends at the backlot express, got something to eat and hopped to magic kingdom.

At magic kingdom, we went to tommorowland, grabbed a fast pass for space mountain, and went to visit ariel under the sea. after that we went and renewed our fastpasses at space mountain (which is a lot rougher than I remember). After space mountain we headed over to the haunted mansion followed by getting a fast pass for splash mountain, and a ride on BTMR. after BTMR we still had time before renewing our fast passes for splash so we headed over to Pirates. after pirates we headed back to splash mountain (which looks amazing after the refurb). Once were done with splash we decided to go to epcot.

At epcot the friends rode spaceship earth (I get too claustrophobic) while i waited. then we headed over to test track and zoomed through the single rider line. we then headed back to the studios to close out the day with Fantasmic along with my brother and his family. ALL in all according to one of my friend's pedomoter read we had all walked a total of just over 8 miles.



Original Poster
hey guys and gals:

sorry I quit posting trip reports while I was gone! I meant to but my computer died :( . I was trying to post pics and it just went kaput.

So now on to Day 3: Magic Kingdom

So we arrived at Magic Kingdom ready to go at 8:00, where we had an ADR for Crystal Palace for breakfast. It was a pretty good meal, but I wasn't overly impressed. Since I am single and dont have any kids of my own the noise level was a little overwhelming for me so I ate fast and went outside to wait for the rest of my family. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the breakfast that dont have my nephews in it so I can't post them :(.

From breakfast we started to head over into Adventureland and ran into Peter Pan!

Peter was AMAZING with the kids! I have never seen a character take so much interest. It was just us, with no other kids or parents around. He must have spent 10 minutes with them. He sat them down on the ground and gave them each lost boy names, told them to watch out for adventureland because thats where the pirates were, and posed for pictures. It was so Great!

After spending time with Peter, we headed into Adventureland and hit the Jungle Cruise. On this attraction we also had an amazing guide. She spoke fast, was completely serious, and let the jokes fly. I have been on this ride so many times and have never had a tour guide as funny as she was. She picked on my nephew Ethan through the entire ride. He felt really special.

From Jungle Cruise we headed over and hopped on the magic carpets because my nephews really wanted to do them. My nephews thought it was awesome because all of them got to ride with me and I gave them control over the carpet.

From the carpets we headed to Pirates of The Carribean. I hadn't been on this ride since the update to match the movies (i was the day before with my friends i guess). I have to say the ride looks really good and I didn't see anything in the way of effects not working.

After Pirates we were heading towards Splash Mountain when a cast member pulled us aside and asked if my nephew Dylan would like to be First mate of the Day! They took him off to the side and painted a stitched up wound to his cheek and then taught him how to sword fight, made him take the oath of the pirates, and then gave him some free stuff like a toy compass.

We then headed on to Splash Mountain, got a fastpass and headed over to BTMR where we waited for about 20 minutes, hopped on board and went for a wild ride. We then went over to splash mountain to use our fastpasses. I have to say Splash looks great after the refurb. Unfortunately I dont have any pics because I didnt' want my camera to get wet.

By this time it was lunch time so we headed over to tommorowland terrace for lunch. As we were leaving we ran into PUSH and spent a little time with him.

After this I met up with one of my friends from the day before, and my family went back to the hotel for a rest. My friend and I went to Epcot to ride some rides.

After my family and I met back up, we stopped to watch the parade:

After the parade we hit Haunted Mansion, then ran over to tomorrowland where we did the new little mermaid ride. The day before we had to wait almost 2 hours, today we waited 10 minutes! after Little Mermaide we headed over to watch the stage show in front of the castle. We watched that and the kids were starting to get a little cranky again so they decided to go back to the hotel again. This time for a couple hours. I headed back to epcot to try out the Agent P game (which is A LOT of fun by the way). Once I got word they were headed back to the park I headed back to MK where we met up at Tommorowland Terrace for dinner. From there we watched Wishes and headed back to our hotels. This was a VERY long day, and I definately slept through the night!

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