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  1. Z

    WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests

    LOL what makes you think I haven't come to grips?
  2. Z

    As of February, guests will no longer be able to see a trained Disney Artist who is d

    Insert the word good in that between makes and full forget everything else. It sums up everything wrong with the short term greed is good managament of the Disney company.
  3. Z

    As of February, guests will no longer be able to see a trained Disney Artist who is d

    Here is the Dunlap's take: Management at Disney is all about themselves. Not Guest. Not CMs. Not shareholders. They have a moral obligation to the Guest and CM but a legal one to the shareholders. That this manager put the "little" thank you intended for Dave and Isaac on her wall...
  4. Z

    WDW Theme Park Dress Code for Guests

    Hey I resemble that remark. As we Fluffadelfians say; Yo watta youz talkin' bout? Little? Whoz site youz callen little? BadShoe is a local product there Phlydude. LOL
  5. Z

    DVC pros & cons

    Re: Yikes That fine. The price of and availability of rentals and or hotel rooms may well change but that is a choice you make. I think the expression is your milage may vary. You are adverse to the risk of paying upfront for something you may not want later. Only you can judge...
  6. Z

    DVC pros & cons

    Well yes it is about a break even staying in a moderate with taxes and a fridge vs. dvc studio. Infact it is abot a NPV of 400 less in the ten year model, unless I adjust the model for the extra points tehn DVC is about 10% lower NPV. The real issue is are you going to go to WDW regularly...
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    DVC pros & cons

    So it seems that with taxes at 11% being excluded it should cover some of the discount possibilities that may or may not be availiable. Yeah the are bigger now but the mouse is said to be trying to cut back so.....
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    DVC pros & cons

    More details and other scenarios at:
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    DVC pros & cons

    Woody is an inspiration. I fired up Excel. Here are the base assumptions. Rick numbers 17800 for DVC 800/yr in fees. vs 2930 in hotel rates. Hotel rates and DVC fees increase at an average of 3% per year Run the deal for 10 years. DVC Will appreciate at the rate of inflation but...
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    DVC pros & cons

    Re: More Math Woody makes the great point that a buck now is worth more than one a few years doen the road. This time value of money is an issue in Ricks add it up an divide analysis. This why we finance geeks do the thing on NPV basis. The rate for discounting the money back is a source...
  11. Z

    Dress Code for California Grill

    Great Place. I would say resort casual. Like folks say no swim wear, polo shirt for men, nice shorts are fine.
  12. Z

    Getting down to the Nitty Gritty...

    Pack & Check, Pack & Check - Forget something everytime.
  13. Z

    DVC pros & cons

    You buy a point level. That gets you that number of points to use every year. You pay maintenance on the points each year. So in Rick example you get 200 points to use every year. Every year you pay a few bucks a point on maintenance, in his example 4$ * 200 points = $800 a year.
  14. Z

    DVC pros & cons

    No one would finance it over that time, I agree. I chose that as it approximates the life of the asset and amortized the laon over that period. (I was trying to avoid bringing in a residual value into the calculations) A pure finance look is to do it without amortizing the loan just the cost...
  15. Z

    DVC pros & cons

    Another way of looking at this is the Cost of carry. That is the of carrying the DVC investment. Currently points are more like $80 with discounts from the mouse and buying a resale is less. 200 points is 16000 bucks. financing that over 30 at 6.5 % by wraping it into a mortgage or home...
  16. Z

    Tapestry of Dreams continuing through March?

    ToN and ToD are without question my favorite Disney Parades. Thanks to all the great people who made them so good.
  17. Z

    Still Camera or Video?

    Most of the time I use a digital still camera w/ video capability. ( an olympus c700). The quality of stills from most of the camcorders I have seen isn't that great. I do take a video camera some times and make a point of using it but I don't want to be one of those people who miss the trip...
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