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  1. WDWPrincess87

    "Princess and the Frog"?

    i thought it was a great movie!! except for the slight "racial" tendencies (sp?) here and there it was pretty good. classic disney which was great. and if anyone else noticed, they made reference to different disney movies throught the film! it was great pointing it out lol.but yea i agree i can...
  2. WDWPrincess87

    Hey what's up?

    hello!!! welcome fellow disney lover from above! my name is pam and i live near philadelphia pa. how long have you been a disney lover?? its great to have you! thanks for joining :)
  3. WDWPrincess87

    whats the best?

    Hello everyone! well i havent written anything in a while because school has started and i'm so busy trying to graduate so my boyfriend and i can go to disney for 10 days in september!!!! i can not wait!!! so i was wondering what is eveyrones opinion on the best place to eat?? canada used to be...
  4. WDWPrincess87

    Wedding ideas

    so my boyfriend and i were talking marriage, and thinking what we would like to do for our honeymoon. we were thinking about doing disney cruize for a few days then do the parks. what do you guys think? has anyone ever done a disney honeymoon? whats it like?
  5. WDWPrincess87

    Anyone gonna be going to WDW these dates? Let's meet up!!

    aww no your going on ur bday by yourself? i hope not :( but its the best way to spend your bday! my boyfriend and i went last year for my 21st and it was great. i didnt get smashed or go out to bars but it was the best birthday ever! next time i hope to go around xmas!
  6. WDWPrincess87

    WDW Now Stale And Uninteresting?

    i have to def. dissagree lol. disney is a new experience everytime you go! i do agree tho that i wish they would put some newer, maybe more extreme rides in. but everytime i go to disney i feel like a kid again. and disney is the only place where you actually get what you pay for (98% of the...
  7. WDWPrincess87

    disney cruise just for families with kids?

    so i was considering trying out the cruise before my boyfriend and i were to have children and get married. maybe get married at the parks, go on a cruise and come back to the parks! (i know its alot, but is a dream!). so is it not weird i guess to go on the cruise without any kids? is the...
  8. WDWPrincess87

    a ride to come?

    i know disney was first. i was just saying a ride like that would be really cool. maybe they already did that your saying? sorry i didnt you think they will make a princess and the frog ride?
  9. WDWPrincess87

    a ride to come?

    what would be an awesome ride disney could make from one of their movies? i think it would be cool to see an indiana jones ride. like if you've ever seen the episiode of family guy where peter and stewie go to disney and they are running away from the bad guy and go on the indie ride, i think...
  10. WDWPrincess87

    best resort?

    i LOVE the grand floridian even tho i havent stayed their yet, but it is where i always wanted to stay for my honeymoon or anniversary or something like that. its def. my dream! but AKL and anything AK seem like a great way to go! you all make it very hard to pick! :)
  11. WDWPrincess87

    Why was EPCOT better in the 80s?

    i was born in 87 so i cant tell ya how it was then lol. but i was there throughout the 90s and into the 2000s and i love epcot! i love how they are evolving with the times and i have to say spaceship earth is definately alot better than it was. its more fun and interactive. and i love the...
  12. WDWPrincess87

    best resort?

    Hello everyone! i was sitting here, watching my ferret play, thinking about Disney of course and was wondering out of all the resorts you guys have stayed at, which one you think is the best? I’ve stayed at pop, all stars music, Caribbean beach, Saratoga springs, and Coronado springs. More...
  13. WDWPrincess87

    Country Bear Jamboree

    :wave:i have to agree, the show has failed alot over the years. it hasnt been my favorite ride (kinda creepy!) and i havent been on it in years but last time i was on it it was bad i have to say. its one ride i'd be happy to see go and a newer, awesome ride take its place!!:p
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