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  1. Spirit of 76

    Double charged my resort payment

    Valid points. Duly noted. Thank you for your prompt replies.
  2. Spirit of 76

    Double charged my resort payment

    Need advice from my friends here on the boards. Not sure if this is the appropriate forum, so mods, please move as you see fit. So, this morning I make my last payment before my July trip. The balance was $975, so I was happy to get it behind me and have everything locked in (except for...
  3. Spirit of 76

    What Is Your Favorite Ride And/Or Attraction ❓

    Soarin over California (now defunct) World Showcase - In order of preference: Italy, Germany, Norway, UK, Japan, France, Mexico, Morocco, USA, Canada, China. SSE TTA FOP
  4. Spirit of 76

    Rank your top 10 theme/amusement parks

    My $.02: Epcot Animal Kingdom Magic Kingdom Busch Gardens Williamsburg Cedar Point DHS Dollywood Kings Island Busch Gardens Tampa Camden Park I don't remember my trip to Disneyland...I was one, (51 years ago).
  5. Spirit of 76

    Just for fun.... You have the chance to work any job in WDW, what would you like to do??

    Either pixie dust spreader on the tilt-o-whirl or barkin for the yak lady.
  6. Spirit of 76

    You can have any WDW meal/food item RIGHT NOW, no matter where you are. What is it?

    I'm wondering if Grubhub could bring me a Napoleon from Les halles boulangerie patisserie before it closes for the night?....I'm in WV by the way....
  7. Spirit of 76

    More details on Epcot's Boulangerie Patisserie expansion

    One of my favortie places in all of the World. Looking forward to grabbing a Napoleon there in about three weeks! I'm salivating already.
  8. Spirit of 76

    What do regard as the "perfect" attraction?

    Another vote for ToT, mostly for the reasons previously mentioned. That said, it's not my favorite ride; that being Soarin. However, the slow loading speed which leads to long wait times knocks Soarin out of the "perfect" category (but only by a smidgen). The comparative "shortness" of EE...
  9. Spirit of 76

    Add and attraction

    New pavilion in World Showcase. It's my favorite WDW attraction. The country wouldn't necessarily matter, but my choices would be between Switzerland, Greece, Brazil or Russia. It would just be adding more icing to an already delicious cake!
  10. Spirit of 76

    Best Beers Around World Showcase??

    I'll agree with many of the above posters: Dos Equis and any German beers are excellent. In my experience, I found the 1664? beer in France to be goat $%&@. Not that I know what goat $%&@ tastes like, but I bet it tastes like that beer.
  11. Spirit of 76

    Fave Snacks In World Showcase?

    It's a Napoleon from BP in France. I crave those things. In fact, I'm planning on buying several on my first night in EPCOT in September and having one for breakfast every morning. Oh, and btw, I have a notorious sweet tooth. Go figure.
  12. Spirit of 76

    Packing a Travel Lunch: Menu Suggestions for Non-Refrigerated Items?

    I might suggest a jar of pickeled pigs feet/knuckles. They're meaty, filling and very well preserved. Perfect for traveling!:lol:
  13. Spirit of 76

    Which Moderate Resort if best for kids?

    Having stayed at CS and PORS, but not CBR, I don't know if I could give you a non-biased opinion. I liked PORS better than CS, but not by a whole lot. Both are excellent. From my hours and hours of research on each Disney property, it may be that CBR would work best for your young group...
  14. Spirit of 76

    Unrepresented movies at WDW

    Yeah, I know, lol. I was just being a smart alec. My kids love Cindy. Seriously, I think The Black Hole and Tron fit somewhere in Futureworld.
  15. Spirit of 76

    Unrepresented movies at WDW

    I'd like to see Cinderella represented somewhere at WDW. She might have some influence on kids, especially my youngest daughter.
  16. Spirit of 76

    Best Disney Song?

    Soarin theme. Wake my girls to it just about every morning.
  17. Spirit of 76

    Am I the only one who thinks Soarin is overrated?

    You blasphemous ingrates!! (jk) :p. Best ride in the World.
  18. Spirit of 76

    Can you spend all day in just WS???

    My wife and I had this discussion a month or so ago. Except my arguement was that I could spend a whole day in each country in the WS. I seriously think I could. I might have to intersperse some imbibing and people watching in there, but I enjoy doing that anyway. After I win the lottery, I...
  19. Spirit of 76

    Disney Internet Chief gone.

    Yes, the "My Vacation" and "My Itineraries" sections are pitiful. I was browsing there again today, reviewing my ressies and and was thinking, "when are they going to get this stuff updated"? I think three years is long enough! But then again, I'm not in the IT department, so what do I know?
  20. Spirit of 76

    Howdy neighbor! I've got several friends from Ashland. I work in Ceredo. Nice to see another...

    Howdy neighbor! I've got several friends from Ashland. I work in Ceredo. Nice to see another Disney fan so close to home.
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