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  1. Cheshire413

    Hannah, Will it hit?

    We're heading down Sept 6th-13th as well. These storms are tricky though and can change course at any time. I wouldn't worry too much. The worst that could happen is your flight could get re-routed for a day or you're there when it hits and you're stuck in the hotel. The WDW people will take...
  2. Cheshire413

    Outlets in bathrooms?

    Honestly, why bother? Your hair won't stay straight because of the heat and humidity, no matter how much product you put in. And really, who cares? It's not a beauty pageant. People are there to have fun at the parks, not to look at each woman and point and judge their hair. I have wavy hair and...
  3. Cheshire413

    How Many More Days For You (Part 3)

    10 more days now! *squeals* Can't hardly wait! :ROFLOL:
  4. Cheshire413

    Anyone afraid to fly but do it anyway?

    One word...Lorazepam. :D
  5. Cheshire413

    An Official September 2008 thread

    We have been but we're not worrying about it. We'll find somewhere to eat because I doubt that people are going to be turned away because they don't have reservations and we don't mind having to wait a little while for a walk-in. And if one is full, then we'll go somewhere else. Why worry about...
  6. Cheshire413

    An Official September 2008 thread

    We're heading down Sept 6th-13th and staying at the Caribbean Beach Resort to celebrate our 4 yr anniversary. (we honeymooned and did our 1st year there too :P) We booked through AAA so we wouldn't have that many headaches and we tried making dining reservations since we have the dining plan but...
  7. Cheshire413

    Has this every happened to your pins?

    This is why I travel with my pins (and only the ones I intend on trading and don't care that much about) with me in my carry-on bag. Regardless if this actually happened and because of the world we live in, I don't trust leaving important items in my checked bag. I keep it with me at all times.
  8. Cheshire413

    September crowds?

    I've seen only a few tour groups when I've gone in early Sept. Mostly from England and they were very polite. I remember an older woman from one of the groups bumped into me at Phantastmic! by accident and she apologized profusely. I laughed it off and told her it was no big deal but she...
  9. Cheshire413

    What is your WDW touring style?

    We structure a little bit but only so we can get in the things that really matter to us like having dinner at Cinderella's Castle on our anniversary day and certain rides that we love. Otherwise, we wander around and just do whatever. La la la la la....:ROFLOL:
  10. Cheshire413

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    38 Days!!! Is it September yet? :ROFLOL:
  11. Cheshire413

    Check your Airline Ressies again!

    I believe my hubby checked on that and there really wasn't a difference but I'm having our travel agent check on it just in case because layover flights are cheaper than non-stops. And if there is a refund coming our way, I'm hoping it won't be an issue. Alaska has been pretty good when I've had...
  12. Cheshire413

    What would you be doing?

    Well, it's about 2PM there right now so my hubby and I would probably be walking off a late lunch from the Starlight cafe and contemplating when it would be safe to go on Space Mountain.
  13. Cheshire413

    A Bazillion Brazilians

    I agree. It really does boil down to respect. My hubby and I are planning a trip to Europe next year so I am trying to learn languages and culture so I can be respectful to the people inhabiting the countries we visit. And besides, when you go visit another place whether it's another state or...
  14. Cheshire413

    September crowds?

    Same week? Awesome! It's a great time to go and try not to get overwhelmed with all the info. A plan usually helps. My hubby and I put together a loose schedule of which parks we're going to go to, usually according to who has the extra magic hours and which day our actual anniversary lands on...
  15. Cheshire413

    Check your Airline Ressies again!

    Yes, check your flight reservations. Especially when it gets closer to your flight date. We had booked a non-stop flight a few months ago for our trip in Sept that went from Portland, OR to Orlando. We were stoked at getting a non-stop but then about a month ago, we got a notice that they...
  16. Cheshire413

    Cool countdown for MySpace/Facebook, etc

    Thanks for the info on that! I set mine up right away. 47 days! :ROFLOL:
  17. Cheshire413

    Did anyone have their honeymoon at DW

    We've been married almost 4 years and we had our honeymoon at Disneyworld. We just couldn't think of a better place for us! We ended up going back for our 1 year anniversary and after a couple years of going to other places for our anniversary trip, we're now going back to WDW for our 4 year...
  18. Cheshire413

    September crowds?

    I think it's a very good time to go. My hubby and I are heading down there Sept 6-13th for our anniversary and every time we've gone to WDW at that time period, we've never had a problem with lines or anything. We were able to walk onto most rides or wait maybe 10 min. A couple popular rides had...
  19. Cheshire413

    how many more days for you? (continued)

    63 days for us! Can't wait!
  20. Cheshire413

    Flip Flops

    I only wear my flip flops to the water park. Otherwise, I practically live in my Columbia sandles.
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