Check your Airline Ressies again!


New Member
Ok so it was not too long ago, someone posted a thread about double checking your airline ressies, well I did when that thread went up. Well since then I have kept an eye on mine, that I booked in Feb for oct, and I will be Darned if Delta has not changed my flight for the 5th time on Friday. What once was a 9 am flight arriving at 245pm to an 11am flight not arriving until 7pm. Also they had me leaving Bangor Me. at 11 and leaving Boston at 915 this is not possible. So I called Delta and after demanding to talk to someone that spoke English they told me that this week they cut hundreds of flights again. So just as a heads up if you are flying Delta Check your ressies.


New Member
Ok so it was not too long ago, someone posted a thread about double checking your airline ressies, well I did when that thread went up. Well since then I have kept an eye on mine, that I booked in Feb for oct, and I will be Darned if Delta has not changed my flight for the 5th time on Friday. What once was a 9 am flight arriving at 245pm to an 11am flight not arriving until 7pm. Also they had me leaving Bangor Me. at 11 and leaving Boston at 915 this is not possible. So I called Delta and after demanding to talk to someone that spoke English they told me that this week they cut hundreds of flights again. So just as a heads up if you are flying Delta Check your ressies.

I would check your ressies no matter what airline you are flying. We are flying United Ted (which will no longer be Ted later in the year) and both our going and returning flights have been changed--going once (and only a few minutes) and returning twice--an hour later to now an hour and a half later.
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Well-Known Member
Always check your airline reservations. The closer they get, the more frequently you should check them. Not just due to the changes now being forced by the economy, but due to weather, maintenance, how booked each flight is, etc. I fly on business regularly so the news of changes is, believe it or not, nothing new. Such behavior has been going on for years.

Though we all expect value and quality for our money, for some unknown reason, the airlines don't operate like typical businesses. They can and will change everything out from under you with no notification. We are unfortunately in todays travel requirements, stuck with the system. So, as Mike Brady once said, "Caveat Emptor".
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New Member
tell me about it, Airtran changed my times, and instead of arriving at 1200 noon, we will be arriving at 3pm. I was really upset...but as always we are at the mercy of the airline gods. :fork:
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New Member
Yes, check your flight reservations. Especially when it gets closer to your flight date. We had booked a non-stop flight a few months ago for our trip in Sept that went from Portland, OR to Orlando. We were stoked at getting a non-stop but then about a month ago, we got a notice that they changed that flight and now have us flying up to Seattle and then over to Orlando. We have to leave 3 hours earlier now and have a layover. I have no idea why they did that because it just doesn't make sense. Seems like they're just wasting fuel to me! But oh well, it could be worse!

But yes, check check and check again! And check carefully on the actual day of flight just in case!

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New Member
I have no idea why they did that because it just doesn't make sense. Seems like they're just wasting fuel to me!:p

This was probably done because the Portland to Orlando flight did not attract enough traffic on its own or maybe because it was flown using a less efficient aircraft that will now be retired by the airline. Since you are going through Seattle, I am going to take a wild guess and assume that you are flying with Alaska Airlines. They probably decided that they would be able to better fill the planes to Orlando by bringing passengers to the more important Seattle hub, rather than flying empty planes from lesser hubs. Although, as passengers, we all love half-empty flights, it doesn't do much good for an airline.

Also, even without the cutbacks in service, you always want to double-check all of your schedules. For example, since I now work at a British Airways station that serves London Heathrow, we have to contend with the fact that a good number of our flights have not yet moved to Terminal 5. As a result, all of the passengers out of Newark who were booked on connections of less than two hours (as it was then assumed that we would be there, too, by now) to flights that actually did move to T5 have had their original flights cancelled by the system as they no longer meet the minimum connection time. If they booked their tickets through BA, then we have already changed everything and contacted them a while back. However, many passengers who had booked through a travel agent or online travel site have simply had their connections dropped, without the travel agency making any rebookings or letting the passenger know what happened. As a result, when they get to the airport, that is the first that they have heard of the change. Usually, this is greeted without too many problems, but, sometimes it is a real pain to the passenger as they might have already planned onward travel or made other plans that must now be changed on very short notice.

So regardless of where you are flying from and what airline you are flying, it is always worth checking that one extra time to make sure that all of your flights and connections are confirmed. Believe me, when I used to work for Delta Air Lines at the reservations office in Tampa, it never bothered me when someone called to reconfirm a flight, even though I knew that I would probably not be selling any tickets on that call. Instead, I was able to make sure that the caller had the most accurate information possible for their upcoming trip.
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I had a similar experience with Airtran. They changed my flight from 4:30 in the afternoon (where we'd have the whole morning to enjoy the parks) to 7:30 in the morning (where we'd have to wake up early and lose that park time). You don't have to "accept" the changes they make. You can call, tell them that the new times don't work for your needs and ask for other flight options. I was able to change my flight to an early evening one so as to keep that day in the parks. It was no hastle with the airline. They were very accomodating and there was no fee or change of price. Its worth a shot if your new flight times are hours different.
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Well-Known Member
Yes, check your flight reservations. Especially when it gets closer to your flight date. We had booked a non-stop flight a few months ago for our trip in Sept that went from Portland, OR to Orlando. We were stoked at getting a non-stop but then about a month ago, we got a notice that they changed that flight and now have us flying up to Seattle and then over to Orlando. We have to leave 3 hours earlier now and have a layover. I have no idea why they did that because it just doesn't make sense. Seems like they're just wasting fuel to me! But oh well, it could be worse!

But yes, check check and check again! And check carefully on the actual day of flight just in case!

Surely you should get a discount? In my experience, flights with a stop-over have always been cheaper than direct flights.

I would of thought that adding a detour and stop-over was a material change to what you had purchased.
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New Member
We actually booked our flight in January for a November trip on Delta and we are happy about our changes so far. We now are arriving in Orlando almost 3 hours earlier than originally booked! They pushed up the layover in DC.
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Active Member
We actually booked our flight in January for a November trip on Delta and we are happy about our changes so far. We now are arriving in Orlando almost 3 hours earlier than originally booked! They pushed up the layover in DC.
That is wonderful but don't get your heart set on this. In 2005 they did this to us a Party of 10, and the day before we were to depart they where on the phones calling all of us to change our flights. so we all changed then (which made it look like we purchased our flights one day in advance, Red flaged us. Party of ten took aside wond each suit case and carry on search). We got to our connecting flight and they had overbooked the flight and had to find us another flight to MCO. what a mess. We no longer fly Delta
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New Member
I have no idea why I typed Delta, we are actually flying United. What a horrible experience with Delta! We are flying the day before Thanksgiving so I expect delays. We have not booked any dinner reservations for that day either so we are ready to deal with setbacks. We are hoping that T-Rex does open earlier in the month and we'll just go there when we arrive to eat. I saw on that it will be a quick service restaurant so we won't even have to pay! (We have the dining package)

I have done a lot of reading over the last few months on this site and I am so very thankful for all of the tips and ideas. We are going to have a GREAT vacation and I owe it all to wdwmagic. I couldn't have done it without you all! Thanks!
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New Member
Spirit Air was playing the same game of changing our flight and adding on additional cost no other airline charges. My hubby finally had enough when they wanted to charge us 50 one way and 50 the way home for our infant son. To that my husband said no more and cancelled our flight and booked with Southwest. No problems with them so far but we will see come Sept when our flight is suppose to happen. No matter what we are going to Disney and I cannot wait :)

PS we got a full refund from Spirit
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Well-Known Member
I have no idea why I typed Delta, we are actually flying United. What a horrible experience with Delta! We are flying the day before Thanksgiving so I expect delays. We have not booked any dinner reservations for that day either so we are ready to deal with setbacks. We are hoping that T-Rex does open earlier in the month and we'll just go there when we arrive to eat. I saw on that it will be a quick service restaurant so we won't even have to pay! (We have the dining package)

I have done a lot of reading over the last few months on this site and I am so very thankful for all of the tips and ideas. We are going to have a GREAT vacation and I owe it all to wdwmagic. I couldn't have done it without you all! Thanks!

Emmaus? I live 2 miles from Emmaus!

Have a great trip!
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New Member
So far I've been pretty lucky with Air Tran. I've only had 1 change and it wasn't a big one, just a few minutes difference per flight. I just checked yesterday and it is still the same! But I also noticed that our flights are not full. I could still book the exact same flights for the 4 of us. That kind of surprised me, especially since we take a small jet from Wichita to Atlanta. There aren't a whole lot of seats on those to start with! I guess with the economy the way it is, people just aren't flying as much and the carriers are consolidating as many flights as possible to try to make up for the raising fuel prices and less travelers. Big bummer for those of us who ARE traveling, though! I hope your flights get straightened out! Meanwhile, I'll be watching mine like a hawk until next Thursday when we fly out!

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Just take extra care and as someone already pointed out the closer you get to the day you are leaving the more you should check.

I'm not sure of the exact rules but the way flight changes work is that if the change is less than I believe a half hour the airline is not required to notify passengers. Seems reasonable right? It is except for the fact that the 1/2 hour only applies to the current flight, not your original flight.

So take for instance you have an 8:00 am flight for some day in November. Well today the airline could change it to 8:30 and then 20 minutes later 9:00, then 20 mintues later 9:30, then 20 mintues later 10:30 and so on. Soon you could have a flight that leaves at 1:00 pm and the airline will have never notified you because none of the changes were ever more then a 1/2 hour. It is sneaky but perfectly allowable under the rules that they have set.

Watch your flights and complain when unreasonable changes are made. Complain to the airline, govt. agencies and your govt. representative. The only way we are going to stop being treated this way by airlines is if we make our voices heard. It only takes a few minutes to write your congressmen. Also try (if you can) to fly airlines like Southwest and Jetblue that don't seem to make many changes. When United, Delta etc. cannot fill flights with reduced schedules and other airlines have no problem they will have to ask themselves why.

I will now step down from my soapbox. :wave:
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Well-Known Member
So far I've been pretty lucky with Air Tran. I've only had 1 change and it wasn't a big one, just a few minutes difference per flight. I just checked yesterday and it is still the same! But I also noticed that our flights are not full. I could still book the exact same flights for the 4 of us. That kind of surprised me, especially since we take a small jet from Wichita to Atlanta. There aren't a whole lot of seats on those to start with! I guess with the economy the way it is, people just aren't flying as much and the carriers are consolidating as many flights as possible to try to make up for the raising fuel prices and less travelers. Big bummer for those of us who ARE traveling, though! I hope your flights get straightened out! Meanwhile, I'll be watching mine like a hawk until next Thursday when we fly out!


Be sure to take Air Tran's phone number with you and check your returning flights before you head to MCO. Air Tran changed a friend of mine's returning flight while they were at WDW and they had no idea until they arrived at the airport and were told there flight would be departing in 7 hours :eek:. They were stuck at MCO for 7 hours with a 3 year-old. Unacceptable!
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Well-Known Member
Problems not airline specific - tips for a happy trip

As someone who flies up to 50 weeks a year. Just a few things to keep in mind.

While you may hear about bad experiences with a specific airline, realize that all airlines have similar problems.

The larger the airline, the more likely you are to find someone with a bad experience. However, larger airlines also tend to have more options when there is a problem.

The further you make reservations in advance, the more likely it is that things will change. Airlines change routes based on passenger volume usually on a quarterly basis, so a flight booked more than 3 months out is at higher risk. This will affect regional airports more than major hubs. Flight times are also adjusted to minimize late departures/arrivals while maximizing aircraft utilization, the schedules are always being tweaked. The actual aircraft could change up to the time of departure for maintenance or schedule issues. Usually similar aircraft are used, but even the same model aircraft can have different seating configurations. This can lead to a big game of musical chairs were not everyone can get a seat.

You might not want to hear it, but there is a passenger pecking order that all airlines use. While the formula may be slightly different, it is usually based on the price of the ticket, frequent flyer status, and impact on rest of itinerary. So if you rarely fly, buy at deep discounted prices, and have a direct flight, you are more likely to be impacted by changes.

When you have a problem, the person you are talking to, 99.9% of the time had no involvement in the issue, they are just the ones who have to deal with it. Keep this in mind. Show compassion to the person, keep a sense of humor about the situation, and keep an open mind to alternatives. I can’t tell you how many times I have made it on a flight because I was polite to the agent, when the other guy was throwing a fit.

When there is a change, be proactive and seek your own alternatives first. It is much easier if you research what other flights are available and might work best with your schedule before you talk to the airline. What is more important to you, departure time (what time can you get to the airport), arrival time (plans at destination), or total trip time (minimize time on aircraft for little ones)? If you know what you want/need, then it’s easier for an agent to accommodate you.

Stick with one airline. While you might save money buying tickets on different airlines (often proposed by travel websites), this is a bad idea. If it’s all on the same airline, they are responsible for getting you to your destination. If your first flight is delayed and you miss a connection on another airline, you are stuck making alternative arrangements. Note, “code share” flights are okay. This is when you book your flights with one airline, but one or more segments are actually on another airline.

Lastly, avoid making travel arrangements that are critical to your itinerary. The schedule for the days you travel in or out of a destination should be flexible. It is great if you can spend a half day at the parks the day you arrive, but it is no big deal if you get in late. Don’t book some big non-refundable event the day of arrival or have to be back home in time to make the closing on your new house. Murphy’s Law should always be assumed to apply.

The moral of the story…change is almost inevitable. Make your plans with this in mind, be flexible when there is a problem, and your attitude can go a long way towards reaching a happy resolution.
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New Member
Be sure to take Air Tran's phone number with you and check your returning flights before you head to MCO. Air Tran changed a friend of mine's returning flight while they were at WDW and they had no idea until they arrived at the airport and were told there flight would be departing in 7 hours :eek:. They were stuck at MCO for 7 hours with a 3 year-old. Unacceptable!

:eek:EEK!! Thanks for the warning! I've never had that happen, but with the way things are going in the airline industry, it definitely pays to be prepared and plan ahead!!

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Naturally Grumpy
This is even more critical if you are doing a Disney Cruise. The ship waits for no one...and if you plan for a flight to arrive a few hours before, then an hour or so drive to just walk on, you are asking for trouble. For any cruise you should plan on arrival the day before departure!
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