Search results

  1. eclipseSD

    Mission:Space : Flop?

    If you ever ride in a convertible on an empty interstate, you can go 15-20mph faster than Test Track and achieve perhaps an even greater "high" If you go hiking or hangliding in many parts of the country, you can experience vistas and sensory overloads far exceeding that of Soarin' (and for a...
  2. eclipseSD

    Advice Needed

    An update I've decided to try to make this work. I'm planning on flying down in Mid-May to start seasonal employment @ WDW. Getting that job isn't the problem. The problem is of course, housing and transportation. Right now I'm planning on taking the Lynx to Disney Casting. It's only $38 a...
  3. eclipseSD

    Its Official: NO summer or alumni program this year

    Count me in. Solo housing in Orlando for the summer is ridiculously expensive - shared housing is the only option.
  4. eclipseSD

    Advice Needed

    How do I find a cast member/boarder/roommate in the vicinity of the park willing to put me up for 2 months for cheap AND have some means of getting to the property? Isn't there some way I could twist my way into CP housing if I showed I was willing to work overtime, 7 days a week if I had to...
  5. eclipseSD

    Advice Needed

    I've inquired about this earlier, done some research, and I still have some questions. I'm a HS senior graduating in June of 2007 and am planning on attending Notre Dame this fall. I know the time frame between my graduation and college orientation is short, but I would really like to work...
  6. eclipseSD

    Working at WDW the Summer after High School?

    Hey, Sorry for the new thread, but I've realized that the old title was misleading. This will be my first and last double post - I promise. I'm graduating high school in early June of 2007 and I really want to get my Disney job experience immediately, so the Career Start program at WDW...
  7. eclipseSD

    Career Start Over the Summer?

    Oh. I wasn't aware that the Career Start was divided into sessions like the CP. I'm planning on going to college in August so thats no good. Is there any other way I could work in Disney theme parks over the summer? Is there some sort of discounted company apartments or housing I could stay...
  8. eclipseSD

    Career Start Over the Summer?

    Working at WDW the Summer after High School? Hey, I'm graduating high school in early June of 2007 and I really want to get my Disney job experience immediately, so the Career Start program at WDW seemed like the best place to start. However, it has now become clear to me that no official...
  9. eclipseSD

    Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)

    Well, my position on G-force is sorta like Seinfeld's joke about medicine: "I want the maximum strength! Take the amount that can kill me...and bring it down a little from there."
  10. eclipseSD

    Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)

    From what I can see, Mission: Space in its "orange" form has a maximum of 2.5 sustained G's. Boost that up to maybe 5 (which is RnRc's non-sustained maximum g-force level) and I think the experience would rival that of any thrill ride in the state and ideally emulate the astronaut training...
  11. eclipseSD

    Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)

    How about this... Okay, Disney has done something to help out those who find the regular M:S too intense. Now how about doing something to help out those who find the regular M:S too tame? As stated by a few previous posters, M:S is pretty good but not quite 'there' as far as a 'OMG THIS...
  12. eclipseSD

    WDI to WED ?

    I think a change back to WED would be a clear indication as to what direction Lasseter and Pixar want to take the Disney company creatively, which is back to the level of creativity which Walt Disney fostered and which has been somewhat lost in the days of repetitive attractions (Dumbo/Magic...
  13. eclipseSD

    Liberty Square River Boat Refurb

    Disneyland The original Mark Twain is still king of all Disney waters IMO.
  14. eclipseSD

    Peter Pan Ride Accident

    The area in question... Here's the best picture I could find:
  15. eclipseSD

    Looking at Colleges - Want to Intern at Disney

    Bump Okay, I'm getting into the college search more and more now, and I would like to know what a good plan would be to get an (eventual) executive position in the parks, either within a specific park or as part of Disney Corporate (Parks + Resorts Worldwide especially). College in...
  16. eclipseSD

    Looking at Colleges - Want to Intern at Disney

    Thanks so much for your response. As you can tell, park operations and management (and all the sub-categories derived from that) is the field I am most interested in. I am trying to determine which colleges I want to apply to will not only allow me to participate in the program, but award...
  17. eclipseSD

    Looking at Colleges - Want to Intern at Disney

    Hey all, I'm sorry if this is too broad, arrogrant, or repetitive, but I would really like guidance about this. I'm currently in high school (a very good Catholic one), with a 4.0 GPA, about to take the SATs, and have many extra-curricular activities. I want to major in business (probably...
  18. eclipseSD

    Catholic Mass

    If you prefer a much less touristy church in a much less touristy area, try Holy Family Church. Website Its further away, sure, but I am led to believe that is more of a traditional church with an actual parish, while Queen of the Universe caters to tourists. You will most likely not be...
  19. eclipseSD

    Michael Eisner

    Many people just love to throw around Eisner's name with all of Disney's great achievements in the 1980's and 90's, when in fact, he was only a partner in it until 1994. When Frank Wells and Michael Eisner controlled the company from 1984-1994, here is a little bit of what was accomplished at...
  20. eclipseSD

    Beastly Kingdom Concept Pictures

    From "Since the World Began" Something tells me that had Frank Wells still been alive or had WDI received proper funding and support, we would be enjoying this section of the park today, instead of "Dinoland USA."
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