Advice Needed


Original Poster
I've inquired about this earlier, done some research, and I still have some questions.

I'm a HS senior graduating in June of 2007 and am planning on attending Notre Dame this fall.

I know the time frame between my graduation and college orientation is short, but I would really like to work at Disney World during the summer of 2007 just to get a small feel of what its like.

Unfortunately, due to different requirements and scheduling conflicts, I can't do the Career Start Program and am ineligible for the College Program until I complete one college semester.

I'd really like to just get a seasonal/hourly job in Attractions or Public Relations over the summer but I'm quite concern about the logistics. I'm from the northeast and while bottom basement Southwest Airlines fares aren't an issue, I am concerned about the housing situation.

Since Disney seems to only provide housing to those in its specific college or international programs and summer Orlando apartment rent would probably exceed my salary, I just don't think its possible for a summer job to work.

Should I wait until I'm fully in college and just try to get a hotel job in the NYC area in the meantime? Or is there any way I could get free/heavily discounted employee housing with transportation to casting?

Sorry for all the questions and the info overload, its just I'd love to work at WDW this summer and want to exercise all my options.


New Member
I'm 99% certain that you'd have to arrange for your own housing. You could probably find some current CMs in need of a roommate.


Original Poster
How do I find a cast member/boarder/roommate in the vicinity of the park willing to put me up for 2 months for cheap AND have some means of getting to the property? Isn't there some way I could twist my way into CP housing if I showed I was willing to work overtime, 7 days a week if I had to? Hell, I'll sleep in a utilidor ______ if thats what it takes.

I'm thinking that I should call the Jobline and talk to Disney about this but I'm afraid they'll reject me outright if I say I can't provide transportation.

Is there anybody experienced with how casting operates who can tell me what steps I could take to make any of this work?



Well-Known Member
I don't really know how casting works....but there is puiblic trans in the area. Granted it does not come to where I live but its around.


Original Poster
An update

I've decided to try to make this work. I'm planning on flying down in Mid-May to start seasonal employment @ WDW. Getting that job isn't the problem. The problem is of course, housing and transportation.

Right now I'm planning on taking the Lynx to Disney Casting. It's only $38 a month, which is probably cheaper than a split a gas money carpool and definitely cheaper than trying to buy a used car or something.

As for housing, since I really don't want a 45 minute+ commute, I'm looking only at places near the Lynx lines that go directly to Disney such as Kissimmee, MetroWest, and Rosemont. So far I haven't found shared housing available for my time frame, but I think I have to wait another month or so till people need May rentals. Based on what I've seen, I think I can halfway decent housing for around $450 a month.

Anyone here in a similar situation who wants to split rent somewhere? Anyone know of a cheap room somewhere? If not, can those familiar with the area at least give some pointers on how I can make this seasonal job work? is my e-mail.

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