WDI to WED ?


Original Poster
Well there is an increasing amount of rumours circulating that the Pixar "crew" and Big JL want to rename WDI back to WED. There is also a article that has appeared today on re-imagineering about it http://imagineerebirth.blogspot.com/

So would you all be in favour ?

Personally I say go for it. All though purely a symbolic gesture sometimes symbolism can help to inspire people to savour core principles, and remember what it is all about. Would there be any better way to symbolise the fact Disney is trying to return to it's "core" principles, inspired by the man him-self all those years ago, than returning too the name WED, and all that it stands for.


New Member
I can understand how it's symbolic, etc, but I don't think it's necessary......

.....at least let's see happy changes before this happens......


Don't think it would happen cost wise. To much signage to replace, and on top of that, shirts, business cards,etc.etc.etc. You wouldn't believe the amount of things that would have to be redone or replaced to do this. WED stood for Walter Elias Disney Enterprises. Roy fought for years to make sure it stayed that way, but in the late 80's that a****le Micheal Eisner changed it to WDI. You can't imagine how glad we are he is gone.


I think a change back to WED would be a clear indication as to what direction Lasseter and Pixar want to take the Disney company creatively, which is back to the level of creativity which Walt Disney fostered and which has been somewhat lost in the days of repetitive attractions (Dumbo/Magic Carpet) and uninspired replacements (Mr. Toad becomes Winnie the Pooh). Granted, there have been a plethora of amazing attractions installed under WDI, but Lasseter seems adamant that a revitalization of creativity is needed.

In a way, I think Pixar/Lasseter is trying to make WDI think more like the Oriental Land company in terms of originality and funding. As a matter of fact, I would argue that DisneySea should be the new standard bearer for what WDW and Disneyland should strive for in terms of quality and originality.

Even though "Imagineering" has sort of become a Disney hallmark, I think the idea of somehow reincorporating the WED name into the creative divisonwould be a brilliant way to send a message to the employees, the shareholders, and the public that "happy days are here again."


Well-Known Member
As I posted somewhere (mabye even on another thread here), a decent compromise would be to call the group WED, but call the professionals themselves Imagineers. I think I used "hospital" and "doctor" as a similar example. The organization is "hospital;" the person is a "doctor."


Well-Known Member
brkgnews said:
As I posted somewhere (mabye even on another thread here), a decent compromise would be to call the group WED, but call the professionals themselves Imagineers. I think I used "hospital" and "doctor" as a similar example. The organization is "hospital;" the person is a "doctor."

I like that idea.

I think it depends solely on what the Imagineers themselves want. Personally, I like Imagineering, but that is solely personal. If the Imagineers think this is a good idea to harken back a return to "Disney-style" imaginative rides, then it should absolutely be implemented. If they think it is hype and are not on board, I feel it doesn't accomplish anything.
On that blog if you check out the WED logo it says, "WED imagineering" sooo...Imagineering wouldn't be leaving. I personally would like to see this change happen.


Well-Known Member
In the Parks
When WED was around the Imagineers were called imagineers. I think Walt tried to even have the term copyrighted..


Well-Known Member
I think it's pointless - It's a waste of money changing the name, and Disney should be strengtheing the internal branding, not going back to the way it was before with 100's of devisions each with their own logo style and naming scheme. All it is symolic, and it will mean moot if the real goal isn't accomplished - they should be fixing the creative structure, not stuffing around with symbolism.

Plus, that old logo isn't very appealing.


New Member
Those who are saying the change is pointless have likely never helmed a staff. The move to WED is a move back to the way things used to be, and that effect trickles down to lifers, managers, and even down to hourly employees. It sends the clear message that we're doing things like we used to. A symbolic change like this is absolutely unequivocal to casting off the pall left by the Eisner. Analogize WED to Ford's Shelby Mustangs. Ford paid a ton of money to Carrol Shelby to use his name on the new mustang (as they did in the 1960s), just as the mouse will pay to change it back to WED; and currently new Shelby Mustangs are trading on ebay for $12-20k ABOVE MSRP. WED is more than a name, it is a history, a rallying cry; a sign that we haven't forgotten that it all started with a man and his mouse.


New Member
Hurricane said:
Those who are saying the change is pointless have likely never helmed a staff. The move to WED is a move back to the way things used to be, and that effect trickles down to lifers, managers, and even down to hourly employees. It sends the clear message that we're doing things like we used to. A symbolic change like this is absolutely unequivocal to casting off the pall left by the Eisner. Analogize WED to Ford's Shelby Mustangs. Ford paid a ton of money to Carrol Shelby to use his name on the new mustang (as they did in the 1960s), just as the mouse will pay to change it back to WED; and currently new Shelby Mustangs are trading on ebay for $12-20k ABOVE MSRP. WED is more than a name, it is a history, a rallying cry; a sign that we haven't forgotten that it all started with a man and his mouse.
yes.....I can see how this could increase pride and improve the work experience/productivity..... good point! :wave:


Well-Known Member
this is VERY interesting... i will be very curious to follow this... Lasseter, in my opinion, is going to do GREAT things for the Disney company!


New Member
WED was Walt's "honey pot". It was his private company and he used it to overcharge the Disney shareholders for services rendered. If they use the WED name again, it will only symbolize Walt's greed. :wave:


Well-Known Member
In my opinion, it would be a bad idea. I like the name Walt Disney Imagineering. I'd rather them put the money towards R&D for a mind blowing attraction.

Corrus, what say you sir?
People... should avoid... the.. Jim... Hill website....

Isn't DisneyQuest supposed to be closed by now? Or the closure at least announced? :lol:

And it's just too funny everytime I read about "Pixar" making changes at Disney. Um, yeah, perhaps Lasseter but that's about it. And he's ONLY a creative advisor... The management at the Parks and Resorts Division has not changed in the least.


Original Poster
And it's just too funny everytime I read about "Pixar" making changes at Disney. Um, yeah, perhaps Lasseter but that's about it. And he's ONLY a creative advisor... The management at the Parks and Resorts Division has not changed in the least.

I would say that, but then how far is Lasseter in with Iger ?

They seem pretty chummy to me, the more Lasseter is in with Iger the more power he has. Lasseter seems to have Igers ear anyway and I can see a lot of people getting by-passed in middle management because of this.

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