Merf chooses to Go! (M:S Green)


Well-Known Member
biggbird5182 said:
Hey MrNonacho, your avatar you made is so cool, i'm using it now! (As you can see)

It's always a good idea to ask someone if you can use their avatar. I wouldn't want someone copying off my avatar, so you might want to check with him first. He did make it and was first afterall.


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Original Poster
Epcot82Guy said:
Are the tickets going to be a permanent part, or will they start to phase out as people get used to the dual ride system? I guess I could see a better marked entry way serving a similar purpose along with a more "colored" queue area. I am glad to hear this is being successful, though.

Merf, for a first timer, would you suggest Green or ORange first?

Never done Orange - merfy no wanna go barfy :(

I would assume if you can/want to do both, then hitting Green first will be an intro and help lessen your overall "don't know the ride" nervousness, so you can relax and enjoy Orange afterward.

Not to mention, if you and Orange don't agree then you might not be getting on Green anytime soon afterward ;)

"This bench is the most thrilling ride I can handle right now..."


Well-Known Member
I would say try the real version first and see the attraction the way it was meant to be seen. If you can handle normal thrill rides, you will more than likely be able to handle M:S. It's really not that bad at all.

And then if you didn't care for Orange, you can ride Green from there on out in the future. I just think that your first ride on Orange shouldn't be spoiled by a non spinning version.

So yeah I totally disagree with merf in every respect, but that's just my opinion. But I will say that riding Green only would be better than missing the attraction all together. And I can say that without ever being on Green.


Active Member
I've been avoiding MS like the plague but now I might just give it a whirl if I can get on the toned down version. I don't do well with spinning so I'm hoping I will enjoy this new version the next time I am at WDW. Figures this comes out less than two weeks after I've returned home from my trip. LOL.


New Member
MrNonacho said:
Everyone entering the attraction must have a launch ticket for their desired intensity.

The back of the green ticket is the same as the back of the orange ticket.

I made my avatar. I had it before it was cool. :p

Edit: They measure 4" by 9", the size of a Times Guide.

thanks for the pics these sound like a good idea but i do agree that they seem a little flimsy.
maybe they could try something along the lines of a type of laminated fastpass thing.

ooh i have just got an idea they could sell souvenier (spelling?) pass cards, like the novelty ones outside buzz, but you could put your own picture of yourself in it and it could be like a access card for the ride,as if you worked at ISTC or something. and you could choose to have a card that has only green or only orange on it,or both and you could use it on each respecting line.they could have machines that are designed like card scanners so that you could get access to the ride area.
just an idea, could be fun and could make things more complicated too come to think of it.

Jekyll Baker

New Member
Just a quick note to say I agree with dxwwf3, in that I think the original M:S is relatively tame. I go on the ride to relax, and almost fall asleep sometimes (the only thing that keeps that from happening is the evil gale-force air conditioner aimed at your face)


Well-Known Member
Jekyll Baker said:
I go on the ride to relax, and almost fall asleep sometimes (the only thing that keeps that from happening is the evil gale-force air conditioner aimed at your face)

I find it very relaxing as well.


New Member
Jekyll Baker said:
Just a quick note to say I agree with dxwwf3, in that I think the original M:S is relatively tame. I go on the ride to relax, and almost fall asleep sometimes (the only thing that keeps that from happening is the evil gale-force air conditioner aimed at your face)

dont you mean the arctic temperature,f 5 tornado force AC blast. thats the only thing wrong with M:S in my opinion


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Original Poster

How long until someone who is a die-hard M:S fan rides it and then calls it a monstrocity and bad show to have it operating?


How about this...

Okay, Disney has done something to help out those who find the regular M:S too intense. Now how about doing something to help out those who find the regular M:S too tame?

As stated by a few previous posters, M:S is pretty good but not quite 'there' as far as a 'OMG THIS IS INSANE' thrill ride goes. Now, I think devoting one pod entirely to a more intense version (a pod whose constituency would probably be considerably smaller than that of 'green') might be overkill as far as demand goes. What would be interesting to try would be to say that "9-10 PM on Fridays and Saturdays is THRILLTIME" and offer more venturesome guests the opportunity to ride an "uncapped" Mission:Space. To safeguard against bodily damage (and liability), maybe having enforced age/health restrictions and a required signed waiver would hammer home the point that this is not simply Mission to Mars.

Of course, the perfect solution would be an entirely customized ride experience where every ride could be different based on a group of fours own personal preferences. However, I think this is still 3-5 years away from being entirely feasible, so I think my "thrill hour" would be a good compromise for now.


eclipseSD said:
Okay, Disney has done something to help out those who find the regular M:S too intense. Now how about doing something to help out those who find the regular M:S too tame?

As stated by a few previous posters, M:S is pretty good but not quite 'there' as far as a 'OMG THIS IS INSANE' thrill ride goes. Now, I think devoting one pod entirely to a more intense version (a pod whose constituency would probably be considerably smaller than that of 'green') might be overkill as far as demand goes. What would be interesting to try would be to say that "9-10 PM on Fridays and Saturdays is THRILLTIME" and offer more venturesome guests the opportunity to ride an "uncapped" Mission:Space. To safeguard against bodily damage (and liability), maybe having enforced age/health restrictions and a required signed waiver would hammer home the point that this is not simply Mission to Mars.

Of course, the perfect solution would be an entirely customized ride experience where every ride could be different based on a group of fours own personal preferences. However, I think this is still 3-5 years away from being entirely feasible, so I think my "thrill hour" would be a good compromise for now.

Ideally, how many G's are you thinking of them increasing it to during this thrill hour?


Active Member
What is HP's role in this change?

What is HP's role in this change? Do you think they put pressure on Disney to tame half the pavilion down?:lookaroun


New Member
ok i think that now we have a side that is less intense than orange,can disney please put the orange side back to how it was when M:S first opened,they tamed it down for those who could'nt handle the original force of M:S, but now those people have a completly tamed down version, i say put it back how it was.please.i agree it is a little boring now that there isnt as many Gs being forced on you,put em back.pretty please.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
bassman said:
ok i think that now we have a side that is less intense than orange,can disney please put the orange side back to how it was when M:S first opened,they tamed it down for those who could'nt handle the original force of M:S, but now those people have a completly tamed down version, i say put it back how it was.please.i agree it is a little boring now that there isnt as many Gs being forced on you,put em back.pretty please.

I thought the toning down of the ride was merely a rumour.


New Member
ASJHLJ said:
I thought the toning down of the ride was merely a rumour.

thats not what i heard,
a CM told me last year that it was toned down about a year ago,i think he said it went from something like 5 Gs to 3/4 Gs or something like that.
can anyone enlighten me as to what it was and what it is now.

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