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  1. hiddenMICKEY815

    Swiss Family Treehouse Fireworks

    I know the view isn't the best but i wanted something out of the ordinary and more secluded....i just didnt wanna have to hold the spot there for days just to satisfy the curiosity. thanks!
  2. hiddenMICKEY815

    Swiss Family Treehouse Fireworks

    Has anyone ever watched wishes from the treehouse? and is it as crazy crowded as like the train station were you have to get there and camp out or its it less popular?
  3. hiddenMICKEY815

    Who is this character?

    if it is a disney "character" id say its the caveman that discovered fire in the ride. even if it is, thats a few hundred different types of strange
  4. hiddenMICKEY815

    Forbidden Journey Breaks Down

    Nooo what sucks is being a northerner VISITING florida when its 35478957895497 degrees out.....ok so it was only 35478957895496....It'll be much more enjoyable in November...:lookaroun
  5. hiddenMICKEY815

    An Epcot Medley: Improved and Updated

  6. hiddenMICKEY815

    Tower of Terror effects staing?

    I didn't hear it above, I heard it below.....And I rode both sides, it turned into zombieland so the right side didn't have a huge line so i was able to do it without the usual wait.
  7. hiddenMICKEY815

    Tower of Terror effects staing?

    It isn't playing there, it's playing just below you and it's being heard over the tip top club music. That's the issue.
  8. hiddenMICKEY815

    Redoing Buzz Lightyear

    I'd be happy without the thumb cramp halfway through the ride :lookaroun
  9. hiddenMICKEY815

    An Epcot Medley: Improved and Updated

    THANK YOU! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  10. hiddenMICKEY815

    Redoing Buzz Lightyear

  11. hiddenMICKEY815

    Jungle Cruise Skipper Q

    That's a fantastic idea, just keep poking and asking around see what answers you can get from the Disney powers that be, and have fun with it. THEN COME BACK AND TELL US HOW IT WENT! :D
  12. hiddenMICKEY815

    Just sent this to WDW Customer Service

    And that's what Disney is supposed to be. It's not supposed to be some 007 mission to get everything done or something, it's meant to bring back the kid in you! :)
  13. hiddenMICKEY815

    Forbidden Journey Breaks Down

    If you've been to universal before it's kinda like the mummy and spiderman put together. It's part motion simulator part roller coaster part AA stuff with better effects than Disney could dream of (just stating a fact, still love Disney) it's pretty intense but very VERY good. The line itself is...
  14. hiddenMICKEY815

    Forbidden Journey Breaks Down

    Yeah, it's not too bad of a trade off for me, sure you lose time and you're just sitting there but the moment those lights go on its "magic" time for the uber nerd lol
  15. hiddenMICKEY815

    AK Discovery River Boats

    I don't remember the boats well but from what I recall it was hot, sticky, and really really dull....if they were to bring it back I hope they'd spice it up a bit.
  16. hiddenMICKEY815

    Forbidden Journey Breaks Down

    Very lucky indeed, im quite jealous!
  17. hiddenMICKEY815

    Small Pyro Additions to DHS Fantasmic

    I'm a pretty big fan of the dragon in DL.....I wouldn't mind seeing that at DHS
  18. hiddenMICKEY815

    Worth spending a day?

    hahah well you cant very well go to harry potters world and not come out with a wand. thats just not cool, but i get your point lol. the issue i had was that the eldar wand was different from dumbledores when we know very well theyre one in the same:D
  19. hiddenMICKEY815

    Forbidden Journey Breaks Down

    hahah after taking all the pictures i could i think id be on the phone talking to friends and saying, hey guess where i am HOGWARTS...NO REALLY or something :)
  20. hiddenMICKEY815

    Tower of Terror effects staing?

    the voice that would tell us we've gone beyond the 5th dimension would cover it up so we wouldnt hear it, we hear it now because the music they have playing isnt enough to block it out.
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