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  1. D

    SWAN or DOLPHIN - which do I choose ?

    We've stayed at both over the last 12 years or so and you basically get the amenities of both if you stay at either. As far as rooms, I think the Swan's accomodations have been a little better quality in terms of beds, furniture, etc. Aside from that it's a toss-up because they both share the...
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    Where do you Stay?

    I think choosing a place to stay is just individual choice. There are plenty of options from campgrounds and budget resorts to luxury resorts, so whatever your family enjoys or fits your needs the best is your choice. We have stayed at the Swan and Dolphin hotels because until this...
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    Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?

    I agree with you on the bus thing....waiting your turn to get on a bus requires no moving queue, just a stationary wait for the next available bus which is typically not a long wait. My mother doesn't use one to and from the parks, she just has to pace herself and sit when she can. You have...
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    Weight time vs. wait time...should disney be setting a better example?

    I feel I can address this because my mother must use a scooter when we're at Disney World. My mom is 67 years old and has had both knees replaced due to arthritis, she simply cannot walk or stand for extended periods of time. If not for the scooter, she could not enjoy the parks at all. As far...
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    Bus Transportation Slow Downs

    Bus Routes I love the "World" and think in general it is likely the best-run operation of it's size. I do agree that the Bus routes need to be evaluated. My wife and I stayed at the Dolphin the first week of May, which is not that busy, but we continuously had extra long waits for buses and not...
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    Drinks around the world

    It's actually "Optimator", I know for sure because I wanted to know what kicked my butt a few times!
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    Whose going in May of '08?

    My wife and I are getting away May 2-8 for our first time to ourselves since our son was born in Sept. '07. Actually, we'll also be scouting things for him to do when we do the family trip with grandparents in October!
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    Celebrities seen at WDW

    I was heading to the restroom near Test Track at Epcot and this tall thin guy with a hat, sunglasses and a backpack comes bounding in front of me like an antelope....I did a double-take and realized it was Neil Patrick Harris. I understand he's a bit of a WDW fanatic and is seen there frequently.
  9. D

    It's time... for Def Leppard

    I agree 100%. As a musician, I can tell you Def Leppard is considered in music purist circles to be "commercial pop cheese". Fun music? Maybe. Enough to carry a themed representation of a Country or the British Isles for Disney? Nah. A cover band capable of covering every truly British influence...
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    MSN Disney Article

    Actually, like 3 cupcakes that when arranged appropriately resemble a particular beloved icon when viewed from above. :p
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    MSN Disney Article

    Opinions are like.......
  12. D

    Park Pet Peeves

    Cell Phones Unfortunately, cell phones, along with every other modern convenience that we as a society have developed, is abused to the point that it becomes an inconvenience out of the sheer inability for many folks to be considerate and think outside their own little world. "Where there is...
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    Can't decide between Magic Kingdom or Epcot for first day!

    We like visiting the World Showcase first because as the first vacation day you can make it a leisurely paced day and relax, eat some good food and have some adult beverages to celebrate the beginning of the vacation! Illuminations is an awesome way to end the first night as well. Wishes seems...
  14. D

    Has anyone ever thought you'd be better off not visiting these boards?

    We've become such a spoiled, unappreciative society that in general many folks first instinct is to be critical and complain as soon as something doesn't suit us perfectly. It's all actually quite sad.
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    American Idol details plus concept art

    While the idea is unoriginal, it will likely be a hit just like the show which seems to be gaining viewers after 7 seasons, not losing them. American Idol is THE most watched reality show for several reasons. It allows average Joe's the chance of a lifetime, it provides drama (which people love)...
  16. D

    Serious Complaints?

    The smoking issue is a sensitive one for me. My mother and sister both smoke (though I've tried for years to get them to kick it!) and though they are good people, they are highly defensive about smoking. When at Disney, they find the smoking areas to get their fix, which is fine because there...
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    Disney'd Out?

    You need professional help.
  18. D

    Hard Rock Park... competition?

    Hard Rock Park I agree with those saying it will not compete with Disney. It will likely get some crossover but the majority of folks may be a little different demographic.
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    mickey car

    mickey's car They probably moved it to give a realistic appearance of him not being at home when you walk through the house.....he's out for a drive!
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