Park Pet Peeves


Active Member
Ones that really smell bad - body odour is not alluring, it is disgusting. If you have smelly-itus either:

Wash daily, carry deodorant or some eau de toilette, go jump in a fountain. But for heaven sake - don't pretend it is someone else.

Stinky pete syndrome *eurgh*

Oh, and people that generally have the inability to talk without telling the whole park what they have to say.

This next one - not meant to be rude - but people that are clearly NOT going to fit on a ride... seriously - why bother arguing with the ride attendant. This is for your safety, my safety - and your holding up the ride for everyone else by refusing to get off :|

and some peoples holier than thou attitude because your younger then they are. Being condescending doesn't get you anywhere in life, just makes you look the prat :)


New Member
Cell Phones

Unfortunately, cell phones, along with every other modern convenience that we as a society have developed, is abused to the point that it becomes an inconvenience out of the sheer inability for many folks to be considerate and think outside their own little world.

"Where there is progess, there will also be simultaneous digression of the human element."


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member
I could agree with most of the pet peeves I've seen on this thread. But they're mostly about guests.

What about pet peeves related to park policies, ride design, etc?

One of mine -- at Fantasmic, no matter how small your stroller folds up, they don't let you (if they catch you) take it with you to your seats -- you have to give it to the CM's in the stroller area. Therefore, after the show, you must join the thousands of others going to get their strollers, making for a madhouse that cannot be navigated without a GPS. And good luck keeping your family together while doing this. We would always bring our McLaren that seemed to fold up to about the size of a small purse, but it didn't matter.


Active Member
One more...

*Not being able to find your stroller b/c it was moved by a CM for reasons unknown. I understand the need to keep things orderly, but I shouldn't have to look for nearly 10 minutes in SEPTEMBER when no one is there. I had a scarf tied on my stoller so I could easily find it, but at the Great Movie Ride, it ended up being put in a weird area. The CMs weren't helpful about informing us where the strollers had been put. Me and another guest spent about 10 min trying to find our strollers, so it wasn't just me.


Born Modest. Wore Off.
Premium Member

Oh......and I can't stand when people cut in line.....last trip it happened so many times. I just had to shrug it off and not let it bother me! It started from the time we tried checking in at the hotel to the last day but, I did my best to not let it ruin or vacation.

Don't go to Disneyland Paris -- you might get into a fistfight. There must be something different about continental Europe in terms of lines. On my last trip to DP (solo), I actually heard a Spanish family behind me talking to each other, out in the open, about how to get around "the American" in front of them. The father was actually directing the kids to try to coordinate movement to get in front of me. I finally turned around and said "Hablo espanol" ("I speak Spanish"). He was at least quiet in his schemeing until we got on the ride. Incredibly, virtually the same thing happened to me later in the day, only this time the family was French...and I don't speak enough French to talk back.


Mine is people who do not go to the end of the seat. why why why do they do this and i am trying not to be a raciest as i am from England But they always talk in Spanish and you now they Speak English but you walk into the theater and they plonk themselves right in the middle of the row and let everyone trip over them so they can sit in the middle. The last time this happened last month my partner stamped her foot hard on the people as she walked by and we almost got into a big fight on the subject with them.
Also why is it you go to pay for something and there is again a south american person in front of you trying to not pay the full amount and 20 other people from there family adding extra items into the sale that takes 20 min to complete. This so winds me up and always makes my day sad in Florida when this happens. I love the american service and smile and chatty ness of life over in your country but this always comes across as the worst in your TOURISTS that ruin it for the rest of us holiday makers.


New Member
Two pet peeves, both having to do with smells:

Why do people feel that just because a line is moving, they can release their "gas" and not be caught? It is so disgusting, and frequent, to be moving through a line, and be assaulted by someone's rudeness...this happens to us so often my family has a saying for it, but I will not print it here.:eek:

Smokers smoking wherever they darn well feel like it - This is the ultimate in rudeness, and unfortunately, Disney does NOTHING to enforce their rule. It was so bad on a trip a couple of years ago, I wrote a letter upon my return home - never was responded to, and nothing has changed. Shame on Disney and Shame on the offending Smokers!
Not too many peeves that bug me alot that i haven posted above. One comes to mind. When a fast pass read 4:05 , then don't stand in line untill 4:05. Your in my way if i have a 4:00 return time. This one bugs me, especially when people stand there and argue that it close enough. I have a huge appreciation for the patience shown by the CM's the check the times on the fast pass. The bigest thing most people alsop need to do is slowdown. Whether you in a parking lot, at a park opening, a show entrance, a food location, an exit, a restroom, a parade, the evening stroller races, anywhere. take it all in , slow down, relax. Ramps are not there to help you speed up to get into the parks faster, really.
Hakunna Matatta


Account Suspended
SMOKERS. Plain and simple. For the most part they are rude and do not care which way their smoke goes. A FEW are responsible...VERY few.
That is my biggest pet peeve.


New Member
i know ill prolly get hatefull comments for this....but oh....the scooters.
its even worse when its someone with their kid on a leash, walking in front of the scooter. like a dog sled.
and scooters and busses. my boyfriend and I missed our dinner reservations because of one.

Oh! and people taking flash photography on rides. =[ I cant fully enjoy POTC anymore becuase people are constanlty taking photos, especially at the end with Jack and the treasure. It dosent help when the boats back up right in front of that secne =/


New Member
I too am bugged by talking when I'm trying to listen. My other pet peeve is the "bump and run". We all sideswipe other people at Disney, it's gonna happen, it's understandable. What bugs me is the people who slam right into you full force and don't take the time to even say excuse me. A little politeness goes a long way :)

I have to agree, its the worst when they almost knock you over and then don't apologize. Its take to seconds to say "excuse me" or "sorry".


New Member
SMOKERS. Plain and simple. For the most part they are rude and do not care which way their smoke goes. A FEW are responsible...VERY few.
That is my biggest pet peeve.

My BF is a smoker and followed the rules and only smoked where he was allowed, and he actually said something to a couple who we saw just walking and smoking around world showcase. They were very unmoved by him saying something and i believe the comment was well if a CM dosen't stop us we're not listening to you. Which ticked him off just a lil.. There are so many places the are provided for smokers its hard to believe that people can't find them or care enough about everyone else to use them.


Active Member
People who stop to look at their park map right in the middle of the walkway. I would think that they could at least move over to the side of the walkway instead of causing a roadblock for eveyone who is trying to get through.

It's not really a pet peeve, but I find it amusing when people try to show off to the other people they are with and end up telling them information that is completely inaccurate.


Let's see:

1. Out of control children
2. Getting ankle bruises from hit-n-run strollers (no apology, no "excuse me", no nothing!)
3. Out of control children
4. Rude people who...well, who are just RUDE!
5. People who don't acknowledge cast members whether they are giving instruction or just greeting you.
6. Out of control children.

I think that's about it.


Active Member
Don't go to Disneyland Paris -- you might get into a fistfight. There must be something different about continental Europe in terms of lines. On my last trip to DP (solo), I actually heard a Spanish family behind me talking to each other, out in the open, about how to get around "the American" in front of them. The father was actually directing the kids to try to coordinate movement to get in front of me. I finally turned around and said "Hablo espanol" ("I speak Spanish"). He was at least quiet in his schemeing until we got on the ride. Incredibly, virtually the same thing happened to me later in the day, only this time the family was French...and I don't speak enough French to talk back.

trust me hombre - it adds fun to the proceedings :lookaroun

i hate it - and it lets the park down ALOT. I am fortunate to speak french and a bit of spanish so i understand enough.

I go when it is empty anyway - so i just leave them to it :)


God bless the "Ignore" button.
-I know I have a extreme view on smoking, but I think it should be flat-out BANNED from the parks (actually, flat-out BANNED all over). Obviously this isn't going to happen, but in a logical world I should be able to live my life without dying on someone else's completely useless smoke. I could go on about that one, but I'd be getting a bit off-topic.
-Cheerleaders. Oh. My. Sweet. Bippy. They're the worst. Doing their cheers in the middle of the street when no one really cares. Then listening to their drama as they wait in line. They like to project it so everyone can here. Obviously, though, this is just the stereotypical ones, not ALL are that bad (my girlfriend actually used to be a cheerleader, but... don't tell anyone...:lookaroun)
-Parents that force (or even allow against their better judgement) their kids to go one extreme rides or Stitches Great Escape. I remember when it was Alien Encounter and some nut-job took her daughter on it with NO idea what it was like... that kid cried the whole time the lights were out.

Oh, there are more, but I don't want to over-extend my rant...

santa's surpriz

New Member
Double wide strollers!! Especially when the driver cannot steer! Please take into account I do take a stroller to WDW. I just think it is plain annoying when parents buy a stroller bigger than they can really maneuver. And the ones you rent at WDW, don't get me started!


New Member
The main thing that bothers me is other people in the parks. I don't want to wait in line. I don't want to hear your children scream. I don't want to have to dodge your strollers. I don't want to smell your sweaty bodies. I don't want to hear how many times you have been hear and everything is the same or how much of a waste of money it is to go.
Oops!. Did I say that out loud!?! Never mind!!! :lol:

Blonde Princess

New Member
I have two pet peeves. They are as follows:

1. The rude teenage tour groups from Central and South America. They walk like a gang at least 6 across and run over anyone including children in their way. They insist on babbling and yelling on the rides etc. All have been noted on wdwmagic before.

2. Women who utilize the restrooms, and getting past just total destruction of the toilet area which is just reprehensible, refuse to make sure that the automatic flushers flush when they leave the stall. I don't like to look at what you've left behind.

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