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  1. J

    Just got back from our stay at POP..

    We usually go in June; this year we are going in September instead. How bad will it be then?
  2. J

    Question about Value resorts and 5 people

    Hey Folks. Tentatively planning our 5th trip to the world, with a very special and new member of the family; a young girl we are trying to adopt. We are currently a family of 4 and stay in the value resorts (usually Pop). Financially we cannot afford to move up to the moderate resorts. I was...
  3. J

    Earning Report: Attendance remains level with last year, revenue down

    Well said! --thank god SOMEONE here is defending capitalism!
  4. J

    Where did Buzz go?

    Hey all. Spent last Sunday and Monday at MK/Epcot and Tuesday at DTD. While at Once upon a toy, we were going to take our annual 'kids pose with Buzz and Mr potatohead' pictures, but lo and behold, BUZZ IS GONE?!?! His foot imprints are still there, but they have covered them up with a potted...
  5. J

    patently dumb Dole Whip question

    Ok folks, time to admit to my secret shame. Have spent a week at DW each year for the last 3 years in June, and going back in a couple weeks to do it again. In that time, i have never had (or seen, for that matter) a Dole Whip. However, after reading the boards, i am now going to have to try...
  6. J

    Extra guest for one night cost?

    Hey All. We are gong to the World again for a few days in July and My mother in law may be dropping by for a night or 2. Is there any extra charge for a 5th person staying in a room for 4? And if so, how much? Thanks!
  7. J

    Parking at All stars--pass needed?

    Hey all. SO excited! Just booked a 4 day trip for late June. Will be 4th year in a row going. Wasnt planning on going this summer, but my 8 year old is a finalist in national Bible quiz, and the big showdown is held this summer in Orlando, so God apparently wants us to go back ;) Anyway my mom...
  8. J

    WDW Motivational posters

    OMG so true Holy Cow! THIS is the one I want blown up, framed and put in my living room! We go every June and we are the only non-Brazilians there, it seems. Genius!
  9. J

    Post WDW Depression

    Gotta be a clinical name for it... Same my 6+ hrs vidoe; listen to the music, read this forum. The new Google Earth Disney maps are AWESOME and a great way to 'visit' the parks/resorts every day! There has to be a clinical name for Disney withdrawal..maybe we should have a contest...
  10. J

    A Bazillion Brazilians

    Wow, i'm no tree hugger or anything like that, but the tone of that was a bit, uhm, bigoted?:shrug:
  11. J

    A Bazillion Brazilians

    ROFL--HC, you owe me a monitor to replace the one i just spit my drink out on reading that.
  12. J

    My kids have no clue we are going, anyone ever do this?

    May i just say that you are now in the nominations for the Greatest Parents Ever.
  13. J

    Annual Pass??

    Just a question from a non-resident of FLA: how much does an adult AP cost? How about a child's?
  14. J

    How are the crowds this summer?

    Seems about like LY to me We went last week for 8 days from 6/20 to 6/28. Seemed about as crowded, although the one thing i did notice was not as many of the tour groups from brazil, etc. There were a few but nothing like the previous couple years (we go in the middle of june each year, to mark...
  15. J

    Pop Century odor?

    Hey all. Just got back from 8 days at WDW. Stayed at Pop and had a question--anyone know why the bushes smell so bad? Smelled like the kennel behind a veterenarian's office, if you know what I mean. My wife thought it was the actual landscaping plants they used, but i cant imagine that, as it...
  16. J

    De-Vine Schedule????

  17. J

    Do you ever cry?

    Doesnt everyone? Heck I am crying just reading these! Anytime the kids get that "holy cow!" look I tend to tear up; there was a LOT of that at Star wars weekends lsat year, particularly when the 7 yr old got picked for Jedi Academy. Hopefully this June when we return the 5 yr old will get picked!
  18. J

    Ticketing/EMH question

    Hey all. Got a question. I am heading back to DW in June (3rd year in a row!). We have the opportunity to purchase park tickets from this year, at a considerable savings versus buying them direct from Disney. I was wondering if it was still possible to stay at the resorts there...
  19. J

    your most memorable disney memory

    June '06 was our first trip with the kids (we hadn't been to Disney for about 6 years). Walking into MK that first day of vacation and watching the faces of my 6 yr old and 4 yr old sons when they saw the castle. Wife and I both teared up. We went back again this past June and once again, their...
  20. J

    So my husband informs me that I'm sick!!

    I got a fever....and the only more Disney!
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