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  1. jessiepezz

    Splitsville Blog Meet-Up

    hey guys...i won't lie, i couldn't possibly read every post on this thread...not possible. But I just don't get this. I mean I used to come to this site for info and I know if people rant about certain hateful topics threads got deleted, ended, whatever. Why sit around being so angry about...
  2. jessiepezz

    The WHAT Mansion?

    Could it be a play on the name Sir Graves Ghastly?? I think it might...
  3. jessiepezz

    WDW Celebrations: World Wide Weekend

    I really enjoyed the weekend! I hope you do more weekend events so us working stiffs can join in the hoopla! :king:
  4. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Hey we're still going to this! Any takers? :wave:
  5. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    So any takers on doing another EPCOT meetup on Sat, April 19th for flower power concert? It doesn't have to be an all day affair for the group, could be just an evening meet-up...thoughts?
  6. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Well if sit downs are too pricey for folks, there are lots of counter service options. My favorite at showcase is the Japan- Yakitori House for $7 you can get full up on Udon or Teriyaki. So if anyone is interested in planning a meetup I am sure we can be flexible on the food. :-)
  7. jessiepezz

    Timing Questions

    I agree with the above posters, may i make one additional recommendation? I would suggest changing your ADR from Le Cellier to someplace in the La Nouba area, such as Wolfgang Pucks or House or Blues, or something else in strolling distance. To maximize your enjoyment, you need to minimize...
  8. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    That would be picture-worthy for sure! :D
  9. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Cool if there is more interest maybe we can reserve some space at a WC restaurant. I know it's close to the AK event, but that probably means more people will be in town that weekend.
  10. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Saturday April 19th is Starship Starring Mickey Thomas for the flower power concert series. We could plan a dinner and concert meetup at showcase. I don't know about everyone else, but sitting in the American Gardens Theater is fantastic no matter who's on stage. Any takers?
  11. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Oh and SUNDAY GOSPEL BRUNCH at HOB!!! I've always wanted to go there!
  12. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Yeah well MatPez and I will plan anything around food!
  13. jessiepezz Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party~

    So I am thinking of a few other meetup ideas, but I think we should start a new thread for them. This one is pretty looooonnnnngggg. Join me!
  14. jessiepezz

    Other meetup ideas following Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party

    Thanks for joining me! Since SweetMagic and I are going to get this convo started for the next meetup group here are some of my suggestions. More WS Meetups --> Morocco - Restaurant Marrakesh (yey for couscous and belly dancers) --> Japan - Tokyo Dining (super yey for hibachi and fire!)...
  15. jessiepezz

    UCF has a Theme Park Management Track!

    Wow that is awesome! Thanks for sharing. I'll have to try and stay current with who the professors are in that program. It makes it a much better sell for students! Thanks again!
  16. jessiepezz

    UCF has a Theme Park Management Track!

    OK so maybe you already know this, maybe you don't. University of Central Florida has a Hospitality major that includes a Theme Park and Attraction Management track! Now, ok why do you care right? Well most colleges have hospitality majors that are general, but this one actually has theme...
  17. jessiepezz

    **Official "Celebration 25 Memories DVD" information thread**

    Watched it last night during the I-am-married-to-the-editor sneak preview! It was great! I can't believe how many factoids I missed John saying during the exceptionally WINDY history walks! I feel like a true Disney wiz now from all the information I absorbed from this DVD. Of course I am...
  18. jessiepezz Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party~

    I am already included in your list. I am the wife of "MATPEZ" so I am included in his "2." But I was just thinking that some meal/ride meetups throughout the year would be fun. There is already a group at, but I think there are enough locals on these boards that we could do...
  19. jessiepezz Spaceship Earth Re-Opening Party~

    I can't wait for the meetup!! Is it too soon to suggest other meetups??
  20. jessiepezz

    Moving to Disney World?

    Well sort of. I had lived in Orlando briefly when I was in high school many years ago. And when I finished my masters degree as a school counselor I asked my hubby if we could move to Florida. He said "make sure we are within a day trip drive from disney so we can get annual passes." So I...
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