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  1. P

    Tower of Terror in Paris

    DLP is in need of another big ride! ToT in orlando was great and i think it will certainly encourage more people into the park! as well as keeping the exisiting guests happy! Wonder if Disney's bank will give them a bigger overdraft ;) probably not... lol
  2. P

    Posting Statistics

    I must admit i stumbled on wdwmagic when i was looking into planning a wdw holiday earlier in the year i am now very interested in the site and forum!! i would think this winter would be better becuase of people who have just joined recently who will get addicted to the forum wtc. :)
  3. P

    Ride videos!!!!

    Cool thanks woofboy hopefully i'll get to see them Before i go away! :)
  4. P

    Ride videos!!!!

    Universal Videos Hi i am really lazy and can't be bothered going through the thread to find out is there's any links to universal videos :) i am going to florida next month and wanted to check out some videos of the new stuff at universal and islands of adventure since i went back in 1998 if...
  5. P

    Disney Tycoon Game.. like RCT

    Great idea! i think we could see this sort of thing out in the future hopefully with disney but another coaster game could allow you to build resorts also! :)
  6. P

    Attraction that you'd HATE to have break down

    It's a Small World The Haunted Mansion Voted for Hanuted Mansion although i have never been unfortunate enough to break down on anything at disney! (watch out Paul when you go next month everthing will break down!) :)
  7. P

    What Attraction Do You Hate The Most?

    Honey I Shrunk The Kids Playground and Body Wars were both there when i first went to WDW and i have never liked them!
  8. P

    Surprisingly Enjoyable Rides!

    I was not a fan of ToT cos i was not a fan big drops of any sort but i give it a go and loved it so now i can go on anything and everything with big drops! I just had to overcome the initial nerves which took a while :) Paul
  9. P

    Next Epcot Country

    I would go for the irish i think they could make something good out of it! And Ireland is not part of the United Kingdom only Northern Ireland is! so its not having two of the same thing :)
  10. P


  11. P

    I am going to dinsey in a month!

    Kinda last minute but i am going to Orlando for 2 weeks in a months time! Booked my flight yesterday gonna book a hotel next week! shame i am there b4 mission space opens but theres plenty of new stuff since i last went :) Paul
  12. P

    Hi all

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)
  13. P

    Hi all

    Hi everyone new guy on the boards :) i live in the uk! Big fan of florida disney though i don't get over there much hoping to get over this year sometime if i can! Anyway just checking in i am gonna sort paypal out so i can contribute to the site i look forward to meeting you all soon :)...
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