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  1. madtheswine630

    What Might've Been

    Oh my god, I used to love those Dateline Disney things! (Yes, I was a nerdy little child. Hehe ;)) I always liked the narrator's voice...very soothing. :P LOL And I can't help wishing they'd made the Roger Rabbit thing! Granted, by now it would be horribly out of date, but I was in love...
  2. madtheswine630

    Hard time "catching on" with one of the parks?

    I've been to AK twice since it opened, and had no inclination to ever visit again. Both times I've gone, sometime in May, the place had just been sweltering. I don't take heat very well--I know, ha ha, Florida's basically a hot wet dishrag in the summer--but AK seems to have its pathways paved...
  3. madtheswine630

    El Rio rehab details from Animator

    Aw, come on! I loved that cheesy, 70s travel video look the movies had! :lol: Actually, I didn't realize the ride existed until this last time I visited (I know, where have I been??). I know it's not a ride you're supposed to laugh at, but I cracked up the whole way through. It just...seems...
  4. madtheswine630

    Harry Potter/Universal Rumor

    Is Leo the long-lost brother of Lilo? *giggles* Just teasing. ;)
  5. madtheswine630

    How to find a CM?

    Just giving this a friendly bump to the top, because I'm hoping maybe a CM will see this and be able to help you somehow! I love the whole 'reconnecting' thing (it's happened to me a couple of times recently, hehe), so I'm really hoping you're able to get in touch with your friend! :D (If...
  6. madtheswine630

    Putting Your Hands Up in Space Mountain

    I can't even keep my back straight in that ride, let alone put my hands up! XD Every time the cars go down a hill, I see that track above me and it seriously looks like it's going to take my head off. So I keep myself hunched over, head down, the entire time. "Why do you ride it, then?" I...
  7. madtheswine630

    Aren't You Tired Of Disney World?

    I actually don't even like regular amusement parks. I can go every once in awhile, but I'm not into thrill rides, and that's what amusement parks pretty much concentrate on. Besides that, those tend to be the same every time you go. What I love about Disney, and I'm not sure if this will come...
  8. madtheswine630

    Fender's Interview Update... :)

    I'm with ya there! I had an interview two weeks ago for an internship nearby (not Disney-related). Having never been to an actual professional interview before, I dressed up in a tailored suit and everything. As I was walking out, I saw a college-age girl come in the visitor's entrance...
  9. madtheswine630

    Just some random thoughts

    He wound up in hell at the end?? :eek: I never rode the ride (I was a pansy as a child...still am, I guess! XD), and I never read the book, either. The only reason I remember those characters was because the Disney Channel (before they started repeats of the same 5 shows) used to have a show...
  10. madtheswine630

    funniest overheard parent comment

    I think that's about the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. Really really sad and pathetic, but funny. That Columbus, boy, he sure got around! I wonder if he parted the Channel. :animwink:
  11. madtheswine630

    Going to two parks in one day durring a long stay at WDW

    I always wind up doing MK and Epcot in one day...mostly because those two are my favorite parks (in fact, I rarely go to either of the other two parks, lol)! But I think I also have a secret love affair with the monorail. LOL
  12. madtheswine630

    Anyone win anything yet?

    I got one of those for free when I went to Disney back in May. :P Had nothing to do with this celebration, but the Mexican Cantina guy was quite nice to look at. Now, if I could've gotten a day with him as my "dream"...*cough* Yes. Anyway... :p
  13. madtheswine630

    New club cool flavors

    I have to imagine that the folks working at Club Cool get a kick out of seeing people's expressions. :P I finally realized what the place was during my last trip to Disney, and when I saw the Beverly fountain, I immediately had to try it because I'd heard so many bad reports. It only had to...
  14. madtheswine630

    Okay, be honest! ;)

    *eyeroll* Okay, so the most IMPORTANT (not to mention obvious) question that I neglected to ask here was: "does 'enrolled' mean 'enrolled and taking classes' or simply 'a current student'?" I didn't ask it because I'd been communicating--or trying to communicate--with my department chair...
  15. madtheswine630

    in your opinion what is the best character meal?

    I haven't been to that many, but my vote goes for Liberty Tree Tavern as well (as maybe my avatar suggests, hehehe). The food on the night I went there was slightly subpar (everything was dried out), but those sorts of things happen and the atmosphere is really nice. My favorite story from...
  16. madtheswine630

    Is it true?

    Hey, Britt! How'd the interview go? For some strange reason (even though it'll wind up being a phone interview anyway), I'm holding out to go to the presentation. I think I like prolonging the anxiety. :lol: As for the hair-cutting thing...obviously it'll have to be cut in order to work...
  17. madtheswine630

    Trying to get into Spring Advantage 2007

    Oo, good point! You can email all of that, apparently (or no, I think the e-presentation said you had to mail it in), but it would probably work better to hand it all in in person. I plan on going to the presentation anyway, just because it'll be fun to talk to other people who are interested...
  18. madtheswine630

    Trying to get into Spring Advantage 2007

    Tonight seems to be my night for poking my head into threads and asking questions. :p So is phone interviewing the only way they're doing it, now? I was going to drive out to a nearby campus to watch the presentation and then sign up for an interview, but if they're not even doing...
  19. madtheswine630

    EMH for CM's

    *pokes head in* So as a CM, you're not allowed to take advantage of EMH on your days off? Or are we just talking about the wristbands themselves, here?
  20. madtheswine630

    Ferry or Monorail??

    Monorail. I have a serious phobia of boats (long, somewhat neurotic reasoning behind it, hehe), so I never do the ferry. When I was little, though, that's what we always took. I remember being around 8, I was wearing one of those old baseball hats that had the Donald Duck front (complete with...
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