Okay, be honest! ;)


Active Member
Eh I'm not really "buddy buddy" with any teachers in my school. I just never "clicked" with any of them. I hate having to find two who I think would even write a half decent letter of reccomendation because I really don't know any. Atleast my guidance counsellor for my senior year kicks butt. Much better then my last year one.

Also my mom is putting the heat on me with going down to Florida...I hate it, she's like "You're going to abandon all your friends and your cat and me?" and i'm like "I'll come visit..." I don't mind abandoning friends, as all my friends up here are ***hats. The kind that takes your stuff and then doesn't invite you to a party, yet will use your stuff AT said party.:brick: So part of the reason I want to leave up here is to go somewheres new and get better, cooler friends. Anyone have any advice about the mother problem? :p


Active Member
So i'm totally torn on what I should do. It's 1/2 go to college and do it during that or 1/2 jump right into CS. :(


So i'm totally torn on what I should do. It's 1/2 go to college and do it during that or 1/2 jump right into CS. :(

I think that if going to college is something that you definitely want to do- whether now or sometime in the future, then I would say to go to college for a little bit first. If you go straight to CS, there's no telling what could happen that might prevent you from coming home to go back to school. Say you come down here, absolutely love it, and figure that just staying here and working is more fun (and easier!) than going to school.... and then 5 years down the road you realize that you're not really progressing, and what you really need in order to go further, is a college degree....and then you wish you would have already taken care of that!

I guess I just see it as play now and pay later, or buckle down, get through college, and then you have plenty of time to "play" at Disney- and you can spend time moving up through the ranks and maybe find yourself in the upper ups....which probably isn't much of a possibility for someone without a college degree....

BUT- that doesn't mean there's no play time in the middle of college!! I'm loving being up here and taking a break from school, but since I'm already a year out, i know that I have an obligation to go home and finish school....and then who knows, maybe i'll end up back here in a few years?!?!


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Original Poster

Okay, so the most IMPORTANT (not to mention obvious) question that I neglected to ask here was: "does 'enrolled' mean 'enrolled and taking classes' or simply 'a current student'?" I didn't ask it because I'd been communicating--or trying to communicate--with my department chair. She told me I was considered a student, and I thought that would be enough to be considered 'enrolled.' (Yeah, yeah, you're all shaking your heads and saying what an idiot I am, hehe...keep it to yerselves! ;) )

So, meandering through my little happy land of ignorance, I went through all the effort of researching--and I did quite a bit of that--then filling out the application, traveling the half hour up to a college to see the presentation because I thought MAYBE I'd have a chance at an in-person interview...not to mention the hard time I've been having trying to get to sleep lately, because all my thoughts have been filled with interviews and anxiety.

Phone interview was today. In less than two minutes, I discovered the error of my ways. Oh, I still have several credits left to complete, which is why I'm still considered a student...but because I'm not taking a class at this very moment, it doesn't count. So I have two--no, three--options. 1)Just forget about it, 2)Enroll in some online class in January so I can apply again, or 3)Enroll in a class in August so that I can apply for the NEXT spring CP.

I've gone through all this effort already, so I don't particularly want to go with the first option. But I'm not sure whether I want to do the Fall program, so I figured I'd go fishing for opinions, from people who've done either spring or fall. The working-during-Christmas part disturbs me a little, but I could deal with that. I think it's the full-summer heat that would affect me the most, but I could always try to request something that's indoors.

So anyway, opinions? If you worked the fall semester, did you enjoy it as-is, or would you have preferred the spring semester?


Well-Known Member
I did Spring Advantage. The biggest thing I liked about going then was that I got to get out of the cold, and go to the heat. If I had done the Fall, I would have gone back to the cold (I didn't go back period, but you get the point.)


Well-Known Member
I think in terms of weather, the Spring program is the nicest because you are there from Jan-May. But if weather wasn't an issue, I would do Fall Advantage. I love being here for the holidays. Although it can get quite warm.

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