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  1. nsu_demon_05

    Fall/ Fall Advantage 2007 CP

    im arriving august 15th along with 3 of my friends from school who got accepted too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :king:
  2. nsu_demon_05

    Fall/ Fall Advantage 2007 CP

    Name: Brian Program: Fall 2007 (Aug - Jan) School: Northwestern State University , Natchitoches Major: Theatre Hometown: Natchitoches, LA Position: Don't know yet, all i know is I'm Operations!!!!!! Class(es): im not sure, i wanna do the prof. developement one for entertainment, but if i...
  3. nsu_demon_05

    College Internships

    just saying i found out last week that I got accepted into the internship for Fall 2007!!!!!!!!!!!!! im so excited! My job is operations!!!!! WOOO!! You should totally do it!
  4. nsu_demon_05

    Line Jumping currently mild or wild?

    i remember this was unforgettable! Just like to say HEY to my old teach and im ready for the 930 miles of smiles on the big yellow limosine!!!!! WOOO! and guess what...ima be working there in AUGUST!!! Oh and guess what i got?! Mary Poppins The Musical soundtrack...they change...
  5. nsu_demon_05

    MNSHP 10-12 Photos

    awesome pictures...i don't wanna sound tacky but can i ask you want kind of camera you used? i am going to back to disney yet again for spring break and im going to Europe in June and i was wanting a new camera before i go to both places....and your pictures are amazing...esp. the fireworks...
  6. nsu_demon_05

    Say "NO!" to Pixie Dust pins!

    my goodness people.... it is a pin. And i think the whole idea of it is awesome! I mean just getting a thank you from a cast member is awesome when u do sumthing good like throwing your trash away..but gettin a pin...heck yea...i'll prolly give it to someone else for doing sumthing...
  7. nsu_demon_05

    what attraction deserve's it's own movie? hmm..

    ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....the ride was bad enough...but a full feature length...gawsh i hope u were kidding...i find myself walking on campus and that song pops in my head...i think that ride is like a mind could be horror...once u go'll never be the same...
  8. nsu_demon_05

    What do you do to pass ride wait times?

    man me and my group im always with...we think of some crazy stuff. One of our favorites is where we try to get in a circle and you put your hand underneath the persons to the left of you..and on top of the person on the right...and u start this lil song down by the river with the hanky panky...
  9. nsu_demon_05

    930 miles of smiles on school bus- Easter break

    man this trip was amazing this time pentrader! I was one of the 29 students up for the 930 miles of smiles!!! This trip was so fun! I was one of the students in the honda...with air conditioning...hehe! I can't wait for ya to post the next day..which was our last day :( ...but fun none the...
  10. nsu_demon_05

    You know your a WDW chicken if....

    Can i get an Amen....i never even got to ride it!!!!! I WAS SO MAD...cuz my friends talked about it before we went...we get there..and they shut it down cuz sum ppl was taking their kids on it and they got "scared" ...why couldn't they have just raised the height ....universal should adopt...
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