930 miles of smiles on school bus- Easter break

Day 1

April 8th -departed Red River Parish, Louisiana 10:20 am for our 930 mile trip

School bus: 20 high school students & 4 chaperones
Following the school bus- Honda Odyssey: 6 students 1 chaperone

Meals and rest stops at groups’ discretion throughout the day and night

Sunday, April 9th- Showered at regular stop in Ocala (Pilot) 6:30am

Orlando by 10am -met our tour guide, Janice, at McDonald’s near one of the main WDW entrances- got park passes- parked at Epcot- ENTERED THE PARKJ

DS (18) who is visually impaired went to guest services and got his pass for front seating- very cordial CM

Headed to Mission: Space (nothing like breaking my students in early!)- wait was just under an hour- ride was fantastic as usual

Stopped at the ice cream kiosk so DD (12) and DH (38) could get their traditional post M:S ice cream- DD got the kiosk CM’s autograph (DD decided that this year she would get non-character CMs’ autographs since they are a big un-thanked and un-noticed part of the magic) CM was thrilled

Got fast passes for Test Track-headed toward Soarin’

DD had convinced all of my high school students that her favorite drink was Beverly, so we stopped at Club Cool for an international taste test- Six or seven of the kids drank some Beverly before word got round that they had been duped!

DD got two autographs from CMs (sweet ladies from Puerto Rico- were happy to sign) at Club Cool

DD met a security guard outside Club Cool and asked for his autograph and pix- he put his hat on DD for pix- very kind gentleman ( I never knew that on their hat’s shield is a Mickey Mouse ºoº)

Students began to gain confidence and break into groups of 4 to 6 and disperse throughout Epcot with cells programmed with my number- 2 or 3 stayed with my family and me

DD bought an Epcot Passport (really affordable souvenir around $10- passport comes with stickers and large button/pin) and got it signed and stamped in UK and Canada- DD will work on completing on next trip

DD thought CM- Michael in UK was cute

CM at Canada kiosk had a Youth Education Series pin near the register- we asked if we could see it (we did not know what the pin looked like because WDW just started the pin memento instead of tee shirts since our last visit and we had yet to take our Y.E.S. class)- the CM was unfamiliar with the program and ask DD if she wanted the pin- she did and since she knew she was to get one of her own once we took the class, she traded it!

DS and DD wanted to head to the Japan pavilion to shop for GF and cousins respectively and see the drummers- drummers were outstanding- such amazing stamina those athletes/artists/musicians have-DS got a wall scroll with GF’s name written in Japanese on it and a very pretty pair of chopsticks- DD took a picture with a CM in full kimono dress- got autograph

Met students at bus- went to Super Wal Mart to let students shop for snacks and/or souvenirs- checked into hotel- got cleaned up- ate at CiCi’s pizza- some of boys went to Hooter’s, but the wait was too long so they just did a bit of “sightseeing” and ended up eating with us!

Went to Magic Kingdom- rode BTMRR with no wait time (first time at night- the ride seemed more extreme in the dark)- went to Haunted Mansion- no wait- CMs totally in character even to the point of “accosting” people in front of the Hall of Presidents and asking them if they dare brave their 999 ghosts!

Rode Splash Mountain during the late Spectro parade- caught the last few floats of parade

Back to hotel- exhausted but happy- put in for early wake up call!


New Member
Sounds like an eventful first day, I can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip.

And I love the idea of getting CM autographs and pictures!!


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Day 2 Monday April 10th

Left the hotel at 7:30 to meet Youth Education Series Cast Members at MGM by 8 am

Broke into two groups (15 in one, 16 in the other) and went to participate in Production Arts and Sciences- the students got to wear costumes and do still shots as if for a poster to advertise a movie- come up with their own pre production ideas for promoting their “movie” – looked at copies of the original storyboards for ToT- rode ToT- students were so nervous and scared- it was great! - discussed the changes that were made from the storyboards and learned the reasons for the changes- very informative as well as entertaining-the kids loved being the center of attention

After the class the students dispersed throughout MGM- a couple of students stayed with my family and me- we headed straight to RnR to get a fastpass- went to regular wait line at ToT- wait was only about 30 minutes- kids loved how the ride sequence was different from first ride

Ate at Rosie’s:slurp: DD met Sam, older CM that cleans near Rosie’s, Toluca’s, and Catalina Eddie’s- got pix and autograph- he was thrilled- it was a magic moment- a nearby guest overheard DD telling Mr. Sam thanks for helping make things nice for everyone and complimented DD- that was a magic moment for me!

Visited the Narnia walk- through – hopefully MGM will expand this. It does have some of the original props, costumes, and storyboards, but would be boring to non movie or book fans- I found it amusing that people were touching the “snow” on the trees as if to see if it was real in the Florida 80º F weather!

Saw Lights, Motors, Action! for the first time- it was intense to say the least- tried to video tape it, but got so into the show that I only got some of the cars ramping, the guy driving the motorcycle through the window, man falling from the building, and the fire finale!

Went to Honey, I Shrunk the Kids play area and DS, who is visually impaired, 330 lbs., and 6’2” twisted his ankle trying to avoid a pre-schooler who ran into DS! We were going to rent a wheelchair for $10-DS said no and limped the rest of the day, but Tuesday DS was mortified at first, but finally resigned himself to the chair- he began to see the humor in it later- DS said even he with his 20/200 vision he had seen enough butts, legs, and ankles to last a lifetime! DS stated that he wouldn’t trade his vision problems for the inability to walk for any amount of money- DS found it depressingly interesting that even members of our own party began to talk “around” him as if he weren’t there. He wasn’t able to put weight on his ankle for 3 days, so he rolled Tuesday and Thursday at WDW, and Wednesday at “The-park-that-shall-not-be-named”!

Watched Beauty and the Beast and DH was disappointed to learn that “Four for a Dollar” (a.k.a. Return to Zero) do not perform on Mondays! Girls loved the show, but the boys……:rolleyes:

DD wanted WDW Mr. Potato Head parts, so we headed to L.A. Cinema Storage- CMs were so nice and helped DD fill her box with parts- DD used the skills her math teacher dad taught her to “strategically” place a massive amount of Mr. Potato Head parts in her box!

Went to RnR to make our fastpass time- students were amazed at the speed, sights and the music volume.

DH and the other male teacher chaperone bought and devoured Toluca turkey legs while we watched in mock disgust!

7:30pm- tried to attend Fantasmic! for the 8:30 show, but it was standing room only in the regular seats and the front area needful for our DS to see the show was jammed as wellL - headed back to ToT for a third taste instead! We did catch Fantasmic later in the trip.

Shopped a bit and then rode RnR again- headed for the bus at closing time- had a Disney moment when I looked and saw my DS allowing DD to hold his hand while walking out ºoº:sohappy:

Students all wanted to go back to the SuperCenter Wal Mart, so we did! When you grow up southern and rural, you have to have an almost daily dose of Wally World!

Back to hotel around midnight!


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We stayed at the Comfort Inn at 8442 Palm Parkway in Lake Buena Vista about 5 minutes from WDW for the past six years. It is clean, comfortable and each room has a mircrowave and mini-fridge. I like that it is off-site because I don't want co-ed students who aren't with me the entire time to have easy access back to a room by way of a Disney bus.....if ya know what I mean:eek: Those kinds of "souvenirs" might keep us from future trips!!


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Day 3 April 11th

Had wake up calls for 6:30am! Quick continental breakfast at the hotel and we were off to AK.

Got a wheelchair for DS- he could not put any weight on his ankle- Disney has a neat system for wheelchair use. You get a parking lot to park wheelchair and then go to the wheelchair rental ($10/day) at that park and get a park wheelchair. If you go to another park, you keep your receipt from the first park and do not have to pay again.

We gave all our park passes to DH and he went immediately to EE. We shopped a bit while we waited for DH and then went to It’s Tough To Be A Bug (10 minute wait). One of my senior students was so freaked out when the “bug” went under her rear that she jumped up and started screaming “Get it off, get it off!” We have not let her live it down, either:eek: . The spiders gave me the willies as usual.

Made our way to DINOSAUR! where DD and DS had a bet that DD and I could not ride without looking away from the dino where you pix is snapped (we looked away screaming on the previous 5 trips). We managed to look at the dino this year, so DS had to buy DD a Tollhouse ice cream/cookie. We still haven’t told DS that we both screamed and looked away from the last dino that comes at you from above!

We next went to Flights of Wonder and a couple of funny things happened that I don’t think were planned. While the handler was out front with a large bird of prey, a rabbit that had been hopping around in the bushes near us (we were up front and close to stage left) suddenly darted out and hopped across the stage! The fake tourist guide who is part of the show was surprised and started laughing. Then, when they brought out the bald eagle, it pooped on stage, much to the delight of my students! One of the CMs came over to some of my students and told them when and where to have their cameras ready to get a terrific picture of the crane that walked out within arms reach.

I finally got to see Devine. She was walking/stalking and hiding in the bushes and was totally in character. I admired her agility, but she sort of gave me the creeps at the same time. I think it was the way she looked at you, kind of venus fly trappy!

Took the train to Conservation Station to look for hidden mickeys in the mural. Found only about 8 of the reported 30+….one on a snake, several on butterfly wings, two reflected in eyes and one made from three mushrooms. The kids talked to a talking trash can. The butterfly room was really neat. DD thought that the animal dung was a unique display item (it was all polyurethaned).

On our way to Kilimanjaro Safaris one of my students spotted Jeryn from Disney Channel’s Movie Surfers. My girl students were in awe, but too scared to talk to him. He was just walking through with his personal video camera and wasn’t being filmed, so I ask him if he would say hello to my girls and take a picture with them. He said yes and was very sweet and polite. The girls were thrilled to have their picture made at WDW with a Disney Channel personality (it also helped that Jeryn is very cute!)

Went on the safari and got to catch a glimpse of the real baby elephant who was born since our last visit- the other elephants had their manners in check unlike year before last when one of the males was walking around “advertising” his manhood!! It was interesting to hear the explanations that some of the parents gave to small children who were wondering why one of the elephants had 5 legs!!!! I see some of my former high school students from that trip from time to time, and the elephant is what they remember!! YEEE GADS!!

Had lunch at Tusker House- a first for DH and me- it was delicious- CM at register was especially nice to us and our students- another CM was walking around playing a neat looking stringed instrument and smiling, smiling, smiling!

It was time to head to Expedition Everest! I was expecting a BTMRR type thrill with yeti themes, but whoa!! The yeti was in “A” mode and scared the mess out of me- the backwards-in-the- dark sequence was way more intense than I was expecting- I LOVED it!! We were so excited we went immediately to the fast pass line for later rides and then got in the standby (about 50 minutes).

Left at closing for our daily trip to Wal Mart and our hotel- Put in another early wake up call. ºoº


Active Member
That was a great day! Thanks for the report. And I couldn't let this story pass since you mentioned the elephant story.

Last summer, my son and I were walking the Pangani Trail and stopped to watch the chimpanzees. One cupped his hand to his rear, pooped, smelled it and then flung it. I mean, you always hear jokes about chimps flinging poo, but to see it ... We laugh about that still.


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Day 4 April 12th

This was our one Universal day.

Computers were messing up at the gate so they let us park the bus for free! Universal does not have parking lot wheelchairs so DS had to hold onto DH and one of my tall, strong students to hobble in. Rented the wheelchair for $12, but had to leave a $50 deposit!! That hurt my ole school teacher pocket.

Many of our 18 year old students filled out credit card applications to get a free tote bag. They actually sent DS a credit card about a week after we got home! I don’t understand how they extend credit to almost-in-college-got-no-money kids.

Two students wanted the milder experience of Universal Studios, but the rest of us were there to get EXTREME! We were very disappointed to learn that they no longer have the free Express pass for the rides. Instead, they encourage you to BUY what they are now calling Express Plus passes for $40/person! This was not an option for us, so standby it was.

The Hulk had a 90 minute wait so we headed to Jurassic Park. As we were entering the line a woman cut in front of us and several other people by going under the railings and saying “Watch this.” Well, this ticked us off so we decided that once we got to the rails no one would cut us. After about 30 minutes here comes two men cutting in front of everyone. We did not allow them to pass and they were going to push DH, several students and myself out of the way until we raised quite a racket. They dropped back, but then cut under and diagonally under the rails to join …Guess who?...the woman who had initially cut the line! We started yelling for the management and they sent someone to talk to us. We explained that it wasn’t fair for everyone who was waiting their turn. The employee agreed with us, but did nothing to the people who cut line even though we all pointed them out. The cutters laughed at us and at the employee saying “you won’t do anything.”
DH went to guest services to complain and Universal’s way of handling the problem was to give my husband several Express Plus passes!!!! What kind of solution was this?? Our students were confused, but happy to have free Express Passes. Some of my students who were not with me during the day had to put up with line cutters as well.

Went to Spiderman- it was great! Love the part where you think you are falling off the building.

Rode Hulk 3 times!

Rode Fire from Dueling Dragons (had only rode Ice until now).

Ate lunch in Suess Landing and DH bought fudge and shared all round!

Students went to Bilge Barges and Ripsaw Falls- got soaked!
Rode Jurassic Park two more times.

DD got three new pressed pennies for collection.

Returned wheelchair- got $50 deposit back-departed for Wal Mart J and hotel- put in first late wake up call.


New Member
man this trip was amazing this time pentrader! I was one of the 29 students up for the 930 miles of smiles!!! This trip was so fun! I was one of the students in the honda...with air conditioning...hehe! I can't wait for ya to post the next day..which was our last day :( ...but fun none the less! :D ...Im ready forr next spring!!! and next summer when i hopefully get to do the internship!!! Fun times fun times! :hammer:


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Thanks for the updates! I'll be filing my own trip reports soon since we're leaving (and arriving) Saturday for our two-week stay. I'm so excited!! :sohappy: :sohappy: Tempering that excitement is the fact that I still have to pack (urgh!!) and have to wrap up tons of stuff at work.

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