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  1. M

    HOP refurb days

    Great Movie Ride is 'Great' only in the length of the ride.
  2. M

    HOP refurb days

    I think Hall of Presidents used to be good. But then it turned into 'Hall of Civil Rights Apologist' and that sucks. The animatronics and all the effects are great. Sound and visual. But the narrative stinks to high heaven.
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    When attractions you don't like are closed down...

    I do consider the other attractions around the closed one, and how will the closing affect them. Otherwise, it doesn't break me too much.
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    Help me save the Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

    Can they also either kill the Great Movie Ride or bring it into the 90's?
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    Will the "REAL" Wiggles & Doodlebops be at MGM?

    Umm, love the Wiggles, but the Doodlebops just challenge my family values a little too much...
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    Will the fares EVER go down???

    To answer your original question from the title, yes the Airfares will go back down sometime. All it takes is another airline to offer the same route. It might not go back to the heady < $200 days of our youth(eheh) but it will head back down.
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    Union asks Disney to increase worker pay

    For those CM's that are making more than $10 an hour, what will $.50 increase do? I would be insulted? Maybe a scaled increase based on job title and performance. Imagine if you will - Boss walks up to you and says 'I know you have been working very hard and deserve more, but I was only...
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    UCF releases historical documents on Walt Disney World

    I really thought the headline read 'UFC'.. Wouldn't that be exciting? Get Ken Shamrock in there with Tito at DW..
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    dining plan available to dvc member

    It would be nice if AP could get that meal plan. Any more info on the DDE? Like exactly where we could use it? The Meal plan would be a great deal for my family. The epcot list was great. Thanks for the info!!
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    Extreme Stunt Show!!!!!

    I was very impressed with the Stunt Show. I generally don't appreciate the cheesy stuff, but this was great. It definatly fills up quick, make sure you get there at least 30 minutes early. The hot asian chick that sometimes hosted Millionaire was the host of the Stunt Show... Such a nice...
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    Proof of Harry Potter ride in MK

    I have definative proof of the Harry Potter ride at MK. I was there first week of December and my daughter (3.5yo) kept saying she wanted to ride 'Harry Potter'... Ends up she was referring to Peter Pan's Flight, but it was funny to hear her call it that. So, according to my 3.5 yo...
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    COP's Fate!

    I am of the dump COP crowd. It is a little too cheesy. I don't like it or the Hall of Presidents, especially since it spends 90% of the presentation on Slavery apologies... COP is amazingly out of date, it is a joke to a lot of guests. It is a running gag in my family to watch it. Wow -...
  13. M

    Thoughts on Kilimanjaro Safaris

    The Poacher storyline is pretty stupid and it is much worse now. The poachers vehicle used to careen by on a railed track behind the trees with the bullets flying. Now you just hear the soundtrack. Then there used to be a CM with a rifle pointed at the Poacher to show he had been captured...
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    small rant about closed attractions (esp. epcot)

    It's Tough to Be a bug in AK has a great queue, but most people never get to see all the animal stuff since it hardly ever gets backed up log enough to snake around to the displays. I recommend anyone who hasn't done it yet, to walk around that area. Lots of real animals there that just get...
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    Report: Disney Rejects New Height Limit For Rides

    Yes there was evidence, he was on the ride immediately before his death. Evidence can show lots of things, there can be evidence that I am a space alien typing... Becareful about saying no evidence... Maybe we can say, there is no conclusive scientific proof it caused his death, but...
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    New Pinochio Village Hause Menu!

    Now if they will just reopen the Noodle Place over in Tomorrow Land. That had the best bang for the buck...
  17. M

    Ice Station Cool to Reopen?

    Some very disgusting stuff in there... My first trip I considered filling up some of my water bottles with the watermelon flavored stuff, but darn, can't imagine drinking much of it...
  18. M

    end movie of the GMR

    That ride has become incredibly dated... Is the newest flick on that ride the first Indiana Jones? The gangster thing is VERY VERY dated and just isn't funny. Especially when the gangster is someones grandmother. Disney needs to bring that ride into the 90's...
  19. M

    Future World has turned into "walls of construction" land

    Noticed that the speakers in my car on Starship Earth were shockingly badly. Lots of cracking. That is one ride that needs update. It is pretty funny when the 'futuristic' stuff looks pretty outdated. Almost as bad as Carosel(sp) of Progress.
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