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  1. nodoubter810

    Miley Cyrus at Magic Kingdom 1/27/08

    I always miss her! I'm always shopping in Nordstrom in King of Prussia, PA (if anyone on here is from there) and the one time when I'm not in there she's in there shopping (it was when she was in Philly for her concert) and of course, the one time I'm not in Disney World she's in Disney World lol
  2. nodoubter810

    Christmas Parade Taping 2007

    I was there last year during the taping, we were in front of the castle for Michael Bolton, the opening number (I forget how many times they shot that) and the football player that won Dancing With The Stars, Emmitt Smith..? I think lol anyway, I'd really like to go this year. Everyone there...
  3. nodoubter810

    HM sound test today

    EEK! I really, reallyyy hope that there's a glimmer of a chance I'll get to see this during my trip :]
  4. nodoubter810

    What does this new HM nrews mean?

    I have an AP! I am seriously debating changing my whole trip to go on a ride.:ROFLOL:
  5. nodoubter810

    Space Mountain Mission 2.0

    This great news but, I really hope they don't change the tracks and make it a loop rollercoaster ::ducks:: I'm just deathly afraid of anything that involves going upside down and this is one of my favorite rides.
  6. nodoubter810

    Haunted Mansion details begin to emerge

    This is awesome! It just sucks I'm leaving two days before it opens :(
  7. nodoubter810

    Haunted Mansion opening early?

    Thanks for the comments everyone! Looks like there's about a 99% chance I won't be going on it this trip...I'm honestly debating changing the dates around to see this, since it seems to be quite a big refurb (plus I love MNSSH), but we shall see. Thanks again!
  8. nodoubter810

    Haunted Mansion opening early?

    Hi, I'm Allison & new here ::waves:: I've been a member, I've just never really been around but anyway, I'll be in Disney Aug. 30-Sept. 10 and was wondering if anyone knew if the Haunted Mansion might possibly open a little earlier than Sept. 12? It's one of my favorite rides and I'm really...
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