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  1. W

    Say.... What if Avatarland got cancelled?

    Could I kindly request that you remove the random spoiler comment from your message before you spoil the episode for anyone else? I have a DVR like a ton of people because I don't always get to watch things live and, because of that, I try to specifically stay away from any threads which may...
  2. W

    Disney to charge for Fastpass

    If this happens, I would expect that fastpasses as we know them would remain the same. You go up to a kiosk, you get a fastpass, you can't get a new one until that one expires (or shortly before it does, I don't remember off the top of my head). I wouldn't be surprised to see them add an...
  3. W

    Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

    <sigh> indeed. I don't need to wonder. I know exactly why my children do what they do and act the way they do. I know exactly why they are polite, courteous and well-mannered (ok, most of the time ;)). It comes from the parents, just like you said. If only your "colleagues" were in the...
  4. W

    Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

    That wasn't directed at you, it was directed to the overall content of this thread and those like it. Do I feel guilty about chauffeuring my children around the parks when the younger one wants to nap or the older one wants to sit and flip through a new book or munch on an ice cream? Not even...
  5. W

    Wheelchairs and Strollers Oh My!!!

    I'm trying to avoid the "bait" as well as other smart parents, but had to put down my popcorn to comment on this. In the early 70's, there was one park. If there was one park now and I was going to Florida for a week, sure, my oldest could handle the Magic Kingdom spread out casually over 3...
  6. W

    EMH wristbands to be discontinued September 7th

    How hard would it be for someone staying on-site to say "Oh, I seem to have lost my room key, can I have a replacement?"? Throw it in a lanyard and you suddenly have something for your off-site staying pal to use at EMH. Yeah, this is going to be abused.
  7. W

    HM - Day 2 Q&A

    If you're referring to the "test" where bats supposedly appeared to fly down in the stretching room followed by gusts of air (along with the gargoyle heads moving, actually) that entire post was a complete fabrication by the poster. If I remember correctly, the poster was promptly banned from...
  8. W

    14-Year-Old Dies at Disneyland Paris

    To be perfectly honest, and I'm not at all trying to downplay this tragedy, I think you're going to find that there was absolutely nothing "unsafe" about this incident. I will be surprised to not see the words "pre-existing condition" in a follow up report.
  9. W

    Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

    Disney is legally obligated to have accomidations for the handicapped. They can't not have them, period, and it's not their choice. Disney isn't discriminating against smokers. If they said "You can't stay here because you smoke." or "You can't come in this park because you smoke." you...
  10. W

    Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

    They can, and will, put a monetary value on the cleaning required to get the room back to it's "non-smoking" status.
  11. W

    Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

    You certainly can. You may not be able to light up in Philharmagic, but there are plenty of designated areas. It's sort of how I don't unzip and ______ in line because "Aw man, I could really urinate right about now". There are designated areas. It's not hard (for a non-smoker, at least)...
  12. W

    Walt Disney World Resort Hotels Go Smoke-Free

    I'm not sure that a blanket statement calling all non-smokers whiny morons is exactly the voice of reason, but I do agree that anyone affected is going to have to adapt. As a non-smoker with kids, I certainly appreciate the fact that the pool areas around going to be surronded by clouds of...
  13. W

    Any dates for MNSSHP?

    Nothing official has been released, but I've seen the following dates mentioned on a few sites. I believe they are educated guesses based on previous years and released park hours. September 14, 21, 28 October 1, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29, 30, 31 I wouldn't make...
  14. W

    Free Dining Rumor

    You may be able to get around that limitation (slightly) with this tip taken from "A few counter service locations don't have a kids' menu. That means you can order any combo or entree on the menu with a child credit. These locations are...
  15. W

    Magical express problem

    It is all too simple, which is the point :) The tags you put on your bags aren't just tags that say DME or anything. They have barcodes which contain information such as your name, hotel and room number. It's not so much magic as much as it is someone else doing the legwork for you, but it...
  16. W

    INSIDER info on EE (all info from JOE ROHDE)

    I am such a dufus. I was at the Adventurer's Club when he was there with Jeff Corwin... and though he looked familiar - I couldn't remember where I'd seen his face. Now, of course, it is perfectly clear that it was Joe Rohde. :hammer: Didn't even get to meet the man. Though I was...
  17. W

    My new WDW radio station

    Very cool. Hopefully I can listen to this from work. I'm unable to listen to Sorcerer radio.:( I know port 8080 is open, so this should work fine! :sohappy:
  18. W

    Upset with Epcot and the Land

    Wow, some of these posts go downhill fast, and then staaaaay down there for a long time :) They don't allow strollers in. Period. Disney says what goes and what doesn't go on Disney property - EXCEPT when the state/government steps in. Which is why wheelchairs are allowed in. What are they...
  19. W

    WDW decides to lose money

    I agree with you completely. Disney will always offer discounts and will always reward frequent visitors, but I believe you have a much more optimistic view than the original poster. I assume (forgive me if I'm wrong) that like a few other people who have posted, you consider the AP discount...
  20. W

    WDW decides to lose money

    The problem with this logic is that someone who buys an AP could possibly come back 5 times. The person paying full price now is definately spending the money. If there was a "minimum visits" clause to the AP, I'm sure they'd have the discounts constantly, but just imagine the uproar that...
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