My new WDW radio station


Beta Return
mpaul32001 said:
I have a new WDW radio plays MK, EPCOT, MGM, AK, and DL well its mostly WDW....but come check it out!

Your link doesn't work. Take the space out of the link - there is no space between the IP address, the colon, or the port number. That will take the %20 out of your link above. :)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
It works now...and if you were listening before i fixed the skipping it is just fine...i am going to let the disneyland tracks run through


Very cool. Hopefully I can listen to this from work. I'm unable to listen to Sorcerer radio.:(

I know port 8080 is open, so this should work fine! :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
yes this will be playing 24/7 a little bit of downtime will occur because i now have 94 tracks and will be adding more....the only thing is somehow someone added a virus into my computer through this station and they were from Korea...i have no clue who this was but DONT DO IT AGAIN! now that we have that settled there will be some downtime....maybe after 6 pm tonight...because i will be adding more tracks....this is all on one computer so if too many listeners join it will start to skip...that is another thing i will fix everyone post your comments here!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
anyone that has tried to listen in and it has not worked, my sister turned off the computer when i left for then i just got home and it is back up...i will try and keep problems to a may now tune in


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
A few updates

if there are any tracks that are bad quality (live tracks) i will be updating them to the soundtrack part. (Example: Spectromagic is live and I will make it so no other sounds are heard besides the music. To do this i will download the soundtrack version.) I am also asking that if anyone wants me to advertise anything, such as Visions Fantastic or WDW to please send me a recording with an advertisement....such as a radio commerical type of thing...this must be Disney related and can be sent to me at ....thats all for now, See ya later everyone, and tune in!

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
It works fine for me. How about a plug on there for Kingdom Konsultants? I was actually asked to do a question and answer segment for an online radio station, but it fell through.


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