INSIDER info on EE (all info from JOE ROHDE)


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So, before anyone wants to jump down my throat and say that there is no way I have insider info on EE from Joe Rohde, I'll start off with proof! :D :wave: :sohappy:


Now, come to yourself, let the hate stop and get back to my post. ;) I was talking with Joe tonight for about 2-3 hours at the Adventurer's Club. Yeah, I knew tonight was a good night to go. I might have missed them a while ago when Jeff Corwin was with him, but I got a lot more time with him tonight. And in all that time, he talked and talked and talked about Everest, everyday life, and what he's been up to.

Let's start with Everest (since that's mostly what this is about). Testing will NOT start until after the New Year (unless a miracle happens) but he said there is still way too much to do, even though it looks done, until they can open it. The trains and all that are ready, and people technically could ride it today, but the theming, the queue and the inside of the mountain are still not done. Now...more things that are inside the mountain...

THE YETI! Let me tell you, when Joe says that it is HUGE, I don't question him. He still hasn't gotten over the site of this thing. It's in pieces right now and has not been assembled, but it is on-site. The leaked pictures...not true. There is no way. Joe told me that the size of this's beastly. He put it into perspective: for those that know the Adventurer's Club and the main salon (basically the main room that is really tall), the Yeti would not fit in there. :eek: Also, the color. It is NOT white. It is a VERY complex color made up, mainly reds, browns, creams, etc. It is going to be almost to the point where you won't notice it at first, no matter how big it is. He told me that it can be compared to the color of the mountain, so that it has that "invisible" look. Now, almost all of the this information comes from the locals in the Himalayas, where he has spent MANY many months there studying. He is leaving for Nepal within a week and finally getting to see Everest for the first time. (Yeah, I was shocked too that he had not seen it yet!) He's getting really excited to see it and can't wait to get more information.

Now, one reason Joe is here (not only for EE), he is here to do a lot of publicity work. There is a special being aired for Travel Channel, Science Channel, Animal Planet, and then another for Discovery Channel (that will take parts from all the other shows and build on that). He said he was doing video shoots all of Sunday and Monday of this past week and was getting tired of it, but there is still plenty more to shoot while here and when he goes back to the Himalayas.

Also shooting, is the new Resort TV show. I got video (I'll get a screen shot) of the Spanish Resort TV lady filming for EE. They had a nice setup where they were shooting. It was filmed right next to the Yeti Shrine that has recently been constructed, and had EE in the background.

I'll have a picture of myself with him on here tomorrow, as well as the rest of my pictures that I've taken from the past week.

So...that is it for now as it's really late and I know I'm going to be missing some things. I'll make a bigger update with the follow-up information as well as the all the pictures tomorrow!

For now....Scott, out!


New Member
I saw him too! A pal of mine was keeping the bar warm next to him, so I decided to keep my distance. It was nice to see him out enjoying the place, though.


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Hey Scottie...

if you're gonna post something.... DON'T FORGET TO MENTION THAT I WAS THERE TOO!! :lol:

and that I was also the one who approached him initially and got him to speak as much as he did :D

What else... he mentioned there MAY be some testing in December with actual humans... and he also gave me a very good insight on the history of the Adventurers Club.

anyway... here's further proof


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When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
things to note.... err... Joe liked Raglan Road, he was impressed. The Yeti is on site... in pieces. The fur has been given a texture/coloring that will essentially camoflage it for a surreal effect. The man has more stories about his travels in the Himalayas, and each story is just cool.

I'll post more when I'm more awake


I am such a dufus.

I was at the Adventurer's Club when he was there with Jeff Corwin... and though he looked familiar - I couldn't remember where I'd seen his face.

Now, of course, it is perfectly clear that it was Joe Rohde. :hammer:

Didn't even get to meet the man. Though I was standing right next to him for quite a while. :brick:

When I was there, Joe really seemed to enjoy himself at the AC, but Mr. Corwin acted like he couldn't be bothered. We were at the hooplah at the end of the night and he was borderline rude - not paying any attention to the talent and talking through the whole thing with some people he was with.

Why go if you're not going to enjoy the show :veryconfu


New Member
Yeah, I will agree with what Rohde said about the size of the Yeti. I was walking through one of the warehouses when I saw a crate marked for Everest with "torso" written on it. The crate was incredibly big but it gave you a sense of what it might be like. The boxes of fur were also there as well, and very large in number I might add.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Great info! The Yeti AA sounds like its going to rival the Lava Monster AA in TDS! I wish he could've given more info on the backwards part though... Oh well, thanks for sharing! :)

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