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  1. 3

    SOFT OPENING WATCH - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Coaster

    I don't care what anybody else is saying, Disney will do what ever it has to to get that ride open for at least the media or they will get ripped to shreds by every fan site around, no matter what the invite says. The last thing WDW needs now is bad PR right before USO fires up thier new...
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    SOFT OPENING WATCH - Seven Dwarfs Mine Train Coaster

    From personal experience I can tell you, unless you're within leadership you have no idea what you're talking about. Frontline CM's are just as, if not more gullible then everyday guests.
  3. 3

    New WDW Commercial

    This ad is a blatant lie, the ad is suppose do that exactly, confuse you. Disneyland has been swamped all year the ad campaign worked, everybody is coming home. The ad is also playing in SoCal and it really kinda es me off, this may sound funny but, the one thing that Disneyland has...
  4. 3

    More Candy! (MNSSHP update)

    Hey guys, The wife and I will be there on the 10/30, the first day of our vacation( onlys 30 days :sohappy: ) and I was wondering if you guys could help us out with a little advice on how the see the best of the event. We are really excited about MNSSHP and HHN, going there on the 31.
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    Just Got Back from the World on 8-27 *UPDATES*

    I'm sorry but that is dumbest idea I have ever heard! Just because you can move it, doesn't mean you should!
  6. 3

    Lilo & Stitch-Worst movie ever made?

    Re: Re: Lilo and Stitch AE is a great attraction and I love it, but the fact that it scares the hell out of kids gives them enough reason to change the ride. You still have Space, Splash and BTM and when your sick of those hop the Monorail and head over to Epcot for Test Track and...
  7. 3

    Lego Store

    Can anyone tell me if the snoring tourist on the bench is still at the Lego store at DTD? I'm asking because I just noticed that they now have the same guy here at DLR. So I was wondering if they just moved him here? Thanks.
  8. 3

    Neverland Ranch = Magic Kingdom?

    I think it looked more like the Disneyland Main Street Station.
  9. 3

    My Faith In Disney Restored

    As much as I can't stand what Eisner and Pressler are doing to the Company, I dont know if getting rid of Eisner is going to solve the problem. Whos to say that the next CEO wont be even more money grubing. In this day of money crunching by all Co, there is no guarantee that if a new person was...
  10. 3

    Anybody ride Primevil Whirl yet?

    The dark rides in Fantasyland are not off the shelf rides. The system they use may be common but the ride's are unique. Peter Pan's ride system is a mini monorail system, when have you seen that at a carnival? An off the shelf dark ride would be a trailer with theaming. If you call the FL dark...
  11. 3

    Monorail Crash in 1980?

    Yes, that was at DL. Monorail orange lost power(not the track the train itself)and had to to Evaced. You may ask why they didnt use the Mule tow vehicle, well the train stalled on the transfer track:lol: so it could not be pulled out. There are 2 modified Mark IV trains in use in Las Vegas...
  12. 3

    Indy Show/ Indy Ride?

    Indy and CTX have the same track layout, So I dont think they would clone Indy. I like the stunt show it is fun to watch and the crowd loves it, but I am sure you guys that frequent WDW get tired of the same old attractions just like we do at DL. Just as a note Indy's show building is...
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