My Faith In Disney Restored


Original Poster
I just got back from WDW, and I feel pretty good. My faith in Disney has been raised, and it's all thanks to a guy named "Ron".

As usual, my mother was confused as to what buses went where at the MK and TTC. Instead of going to the MK bus station to find a bus to the Boardwalk, we went to the TTC(it was late and we weren't actually staying at the Boardwalk). Once there, we were re-assured by a group of TTC employees that our bus was "back at the kingdom". My mom, acting like journey back to MK would be like crossing the Sahara, moaned and groaned for a little until the TTC Coordinator, Ron, volunteered to personally drive us back to the Boardwalk. Now this is the Disney magic I used to know; CM's going out of their way to give their guests an unforgettable experience. Ron, from the Bronx, had some very uplifting news about future changes in WDW to share with us on our ride. First, he relieved me by assuring us that WDW is getting back on it's feet and that by May 8th all closed resorts will once again re-open (no big news anymore). Next, is what really got me. Ron told us that a "big boom", so to speak, would be emerging for WDW, and very soon too. More and more now, the upper execs are being taken out of place by the lower execs. This will also be true for Eisner, it shouldn't be too long till he's out of there. Then, he said, Disney will be able to get back to what it once used stand for, magic. It will become less commercial and more about guest experience.

Fantasia Boi, if you ever come across Ron, tell him thanks for ride to the Boardwalk.

Ohh, and, how can I get a pair of those monorail wings ;)


Well-Known Member
yahoooooooooo! that sounds great! hopefully some new rides/lands will be announced soon! :sohappy: :sohappy: :lookaroun


New Member
As much as I can't stand what Eisner and Pressler are doing to the Company, I dont know if getting rid of Eisner is going to solve the problem. Whos to say that the next CEO wont be even more money grubing. In this day of money crunching by all Co, there is no guarantee that if a new person was to be brought in that he would even have the resources avalible to them.

Unfortunetly it's all about money now not the guests.

So if a change is coming, I hope for the best.

The Mom

Premium Member
Kontra, your post made my day! Both the wonderful story that shows some CMs still have that Disney attitude, and the fact that you're back posting on the board! Don't stay away so long again!!!

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
:rolleyes: You WANT them to get rid of Mike? If you only knew how much he has DONE for the company... He's a great man, and a really nice guy. Besides, most of what's happening hasn't been his decisions, most of the decisions have been made by the BOARD!! And look at it from a business standpoint. Alot of people are mad about the decision to bedject cut. Ok, so you don't get everything that's usualy there, big deal. What would you rather have... a few inconvieninces or no parks at all?! ALl these budget cuts were made because after the decline in tourism, there wasn't money to apy for everything. And why have a resort open if no-one's staying there? That's way too much wasted money. So regardless of what your uneducated opinion may be, Eisner saved that company and I have a lot of respect for him.



Well-Known Member
Hey Kontra, Welcome back! (both to the board and Michigan!) Glad your trip was a good one. Were you there for the robotics? What did you present?

Good news for the Michiganer's out there, just saw the news report. 60 degrees next week!!!!! It is about time. It feels sooooo longggg since our trip to FLA in Dec.


New Member
Hey DisneyExpert, a little short don't you think? Eisner has done a lot for profits and Disney Co. is public with stockholders who expect results. However, Walt Disney had a different dream that probably didn't include all the acquisitions. The theme parks do make money and most of us, as unrealistic as it sounds, wish there were only theme parks and movies. This would bring back the "MAGIC" that is all too often missing. I'm sure Eisner wouldn't be in charge of that company even though he does work hard at the job stockholders expect him to do. Nice post Kontra.


Well-Known Member
Kontra, your message really made my day! Disney has always meant magic to me anyway, but it's good to know that Disney's on the case.


Well-Known Member
Your message was very uplifting!! After all, the magic and family is the backbone of the Disney Company, as Walt said it himself around 1966. I'm glad to hear that WDW is getting back on its feet. Very cool!!!

:sohappy: :sohappy: :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
quote "So regardless of what your uneducated opinion may be, Eisner saved that company and I have a lot of respect for him."

Very well said.

This is true, many of you are too young to remember what Eisner and Frank Wells did for the Walt Disney Company.

Anyone remember Ron Miller? Walt disney's son-in-law? He ran the company into the ground.

In the 80's Disney was living in a financial Fantasyland, and was about to be bought out and chopped up by a billonare investor. Could you imagine WDW owned by a liquor comany, and the Animation Division owned by AOL? THATS what was going to happen (in a nut shell)

Eisner and Wells came in and made the Company profitable. Cut the excess fat, and made each division financially responsable.

I don't admire each of his decisions, some actually make my skin crawl.

But it was Eisners business savvy that allowed the parks to grow in the last 10 years. Eisner respected much of the Disney culture and traditions, and kept them intact. The next guy(or gal) may not.

The person that replaces him could make a few costly mistakes and put it right back on the chopping block.

Be careful of what you wish for...


Original Poster
Thanks everyone for the warm welcome back! It's great to be posting again!

Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Were you there for the robotics? What did you present?

Good news for the Michiganer's out there, just saw the news report. 60 degrees next week!!!!! It is about time. It feels sooooo longggg since our trip to FLA in Dec.

This trip was with the family, but I get to go back in just 2 weeks for the Robotics. I can't wait! We took third in regionals, so we hope to be up there in nationals. In a related topic, I got to see the Segway (balancing scooter invented by Dean Kamen, who is also founder of FIRST Robotics) perform at Innoventions. Unfortunately, the lady demonstrating wasn't giving rides. Oh well.

Thank goodness it's going to warm up, when we landed in metro, it was snowing!


Well-Known Member
Konta, that is too cool. Tell me, is it easier to leave when you know you are coming back so soon. I always get the last day blues!!!!:lol:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Even though it is good to hear that there was Magic in Disney World, I think that the Eisner take over is a little far fetched. Remember Disney is not just a vacation is a huge company. Eisner is really responsible for turning the company around...a few years ago it was really looking like a takeover. So even though I would love to see more "Magic" in WDW, I wouldn't want to see the company fall apart like it did in the 80's.


Original Poster
Originally posted by DisneyPhD
Konta, that is too cool. Tell me, is it easier to leave when you know you are coming back so soon. I always get the last day blues!!!!:lol:

NO, not at all. The last-day-blues was definiately there, and now I suffer from WDW withdraw. I try to tell myself, only 17 more days, but still I feel as if it's already over. Wierd, but I'll get better when time nears. There's still alot I wanted to see, but couldn't the first time. Crowds were terrible, infact, I was at MK on the day a new record high of occupancy was recorded. FastPass was a life saver on that day.


Active Member
okay, this is just a question, so hopefully no one will fuss , but if they are closing down resorts because they are empty, then why are they still building new ones?


New Member
Originally posted by cymbaldiva
okay, this is just a question, so hopefully no one will fuss , but if they are closing down resorts because they are empty, then why are they still building new ones?

1. Pop Century was being built for a while before they closed French Quarter.

2. Pop Century is a value resort, the same as All-Stars. The All-Stars are usually more crowded than higher priced resorts.

3. Whole floors and whole buildings have been closed before. After 9-11, the whole French Quarter was shut down. I doubt that an entire resort will ever be closed again.

4. Tourism in 2001 was way down from 2000. Pop Century was being planned before tourism downturn (not sure if started construction on).

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