Search results

  1. C

    Pics of the YETI

    My guess is that Disney allowed someone to get these pictures helps build the buzz...why keep something so great such a secret.....even if they have the "rules" someone in their marketing department gets to break them w/ permission!
  2. C

    Runner dies after Disney Half-Marathon

    Didn't see this anywhere and thought you all might like to know....Of course the press will run with this as Disney's fault as they do with any negative Disney news Runner dies after Disney Half-Marathon :cry: <TABLE class=byln cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=428 border=0><TBODY><TR...
  3. C

    DVC resorts at Christmas

    WL is great during the christmas season......while the DVC part has nice wreaths, swags, and a smaller tree.....the main lobby of WL has a towering tree that is just beautiful.....add to this the nightly visits by Santa and everything else, it really is great.....even though it's FL and never...
  4. C

    WDW email question

    if you aren't clicking it for security reasons because it is my e-mail....then thank you......but if you aren't clicking it for security reasons thinking it's a scam.....its not, i ran a check and it came from the same domain as the survey they sent me after staying at WL
  5. C

    WDW email question

    i got an e-mail as well....they said that they had obtained my e-mail address through some source and wanted permission to add my e-mail address to their mailing list. if i didn't want to, there was an opt-out link
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    WDW's waters

    wait...if my memory from my past trip serves me correctly....WL has the regular pool but also a sandy beach....why put a beach with what i believe had a lifeguard if you can't swim???!!! do they make you sign a waiver or something?:confused:
  7. C

    Artist Point Wine List

    From All Ears Net: To complement the foods of the Washington, Oregon and British Columbia coastlines and the woods and fields of Idaho, wines from Oregon and Washington are featured. We considered several wines and went with Johnny's recommendation of the 1997 Seven Hills Merlot ($55) from...
  8. C

    Iger Is Taking Over When!?

    Are you serious??? Any change will be great, but beyond that...why are you so negative about EVERYTHING! you claim that you are for the promotion and well being of disney, yet you trash it and its management any time you get the chance...if you don't like it, leave it alone!
  9. C

    Lmax, millionare - same guy?

    I kinda like the a newer sounding twist to a somewhat older styled park.....anyone else feel the same way?
  10. C

    Disney's Wilderness Airport

    wow, that's awesome....good find! how many people would take advantage of this? it should be interesting to see.....i'm guessing they won't screen on property and will wait until the airport for security reasons....any word?
  11. C

    Hoop De Doo at FW Or Luau at Poly?

    Yahoo?? Hoop dee doo!!!! this is by far the better choice...the :slurp: food is amazing:slurp: , songs are catchy, and the servers are can't go wrong seeing the show that just pulled in on the stage coach Oh they come from all over when they come....
  12. C

    fitness centers at resorts

    I know it's a bit of a bump but the WL does have a fitness facility over in the DVC that is able to be used legally (i know some of the controversy about hopping) It's really nice and quite extensive and is called Shady Branches.....
  13. C

    Paint Brush Prize???

    EDIT: Forgot to search...sorry folks!
  14. C

    Nametag Question

    What exactly does it mean to be an attraction that "goes 101?"
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    Please sell me on the WL resort!!

    Check out my review... Here's a detailed review on WL.... :sohappy: Definitely my favorite resort
  16. C

    Best Deluxe Resort

    Definitely the Wilderness Lodge....Read my in-depth review at
  17. C

    Disney Desserts at Disney World

    Gotta be the Magic Cookie Bars from WL or the Churros from Mexico at Epcot.....not really "after dinner" desserts, but I don't order dessert at a sit-down restaurant just so I can get these
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