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  1. M

    Being a Disney Influencer

    If Disney’s goal is to increase their profits, then maybe they shouldn’t have destroyed one of the most iconic rides on Earth and replaced it with something that breaks down constantly?
  2. M

    Imminent Changes to Peter Pans Flight

    People like to pretend that this is all temporary, that everyone is magically going to come back once they have their fill of Epic Universe. Like hell they will! I am going to WDW for the first time in ages this September, and after Epic Universe opens, I might literally never return.
  3. M

    Being a Disney Influencer

    I love how you suppose to speak for “black people,” view an amicable relationship between a worker and his boss as offensive, refuse to acknowledge that Uncle Remus came at a time when other studios were producing things so profoundly racist that he actually comes off relatively well, and...
  4. M

    Imminent Changes to Peter Pans Flight

    Member when Disney had a sense of humor? I watched Peter Pan like a month ago and was stunned by how full of warmth and heart it was. If it’s relatable and it makes me laugh, it’s a relic of old school Disney.
  5. M

    Being a Disney Influencer

    Tell me, what about Brer Rabbit is offensive? It was entirely removed from Uncle Remus, who himself was a remarkably sympathetic character when held against portrayals that Warner Bros were making around that era. Yes, it was absurd to lift characters from that movie for a 1989 ride, but the...
  6. M

    When will the intervention come?

    Kind of? I mean yes, our perception of entertainment is not Tom Sawyer or “Cowboys and Indians.” We live in a country who sees our politicians not as the romanticized heroes in the Hall of Presidents, but as the disgusting ghouls that they are. Everyone who was alive for the time that Main...
  7. M

    WDW's Space Mountain is REALLY bad

    I find this reputation disconcerting. My father loved Space Mountain when we went in 1998. Now he’s in his 60s and apparently the roughness has increased over the years. I’ll give it a test ride before he goes. I’m sure he’ll appreciate that.
  8. M

    Being a Disney Influencer

    I feel that Tiana’s Bayou Adventure has really exposed who is willing to put their privileges on the line in the name of honesty. If your boss replaced something iconic with an egregiously lesser version, in the name of politics that perhaps you agree with but know instinctively that most people...
  9. M

    Is attendance really down at WDW this or…

    I think people go to theme parks to escape the regimented doldrums of daily life. And most of them accomplish this- except for the ones at WDW. I really shouldn’t have to go at the height of the off-season if I don’t want to be planning my every move. Disney’s greatest strength is awakening our...
  10. M

    MNSSHP on last day. A few questions

    Ah, so it’s gonna be different anyway. Thanks!
  11. M

    MNSSHP on last day. A few questions

    My WDW September itinerary, condensed, is as follows 9/7: Land in Orlando and take the bus to AK Lodge 9/8: Full day AK 9/9: Full day Epcot 9/10: Morning/Noon Islands of Adventure, then MK at 4pm (earliest time that MNSSHP attendees can enter without separate park admission) The reason it shook...
  12. M

    When will the intervention come?

    Care to share your crystal ball with the rest of us?
  13. M

    When will the intervention come?

    No, I think Tron is way too short, but it certainly has demand.
  14. M

    When will the intervention come?

    Not at their current gates, but at a fifth gate? With Disney being the multimedia, omni-demographic juggernaut that it is today? Why not?
  15. M

    When will the intervention come?

    People are excited for heavily themed coasters, which is one thing Disney actually recognizes. Guardians, while at the wrong park, is a huge success, as are Tron and Seven Dwarfs Mine Train. Your strawman example doesn’t carry a lot of weight when Universal is also doing this kind of thing with...
  16. M

    When will the intervention come?

    By the time Disney sees the need to change, I don’t know if they will have the resources left to do so. I know WDW is a well-oiled machine, but it really is a delicate balance, and those profit margins are abysmal. Epic Universe is focused on delivering what people want. All of Disney’s current...
  17. M

    The worst decision WDW ever made?

    I honestly think the removal of Splash Mountain may prove to cost Disney millions of dollars in lost revenue every year. As Foxx Nolte of Passport2Dreams once said, Disney’s core product is nostalgia. People remember that name, and it invokes images of a thrilling, refreshing splash on a...
  18. M

    5th gate anyone.......?

    Well the thing is, Iger made that a tough sell when he told a bunch of employees to uproot their homes and move to Florida, only to cancel the project they’d be working on. Those people left and are now working for Universal.
  19. M

    Worried that I’ll be disappointed by MK

    I might try to move my trip up to August, then. Then again maybe September 10 crowds will be much lower than the low Late August crowds, and that could be special.
  20. M

    When will the intervention come?

    They would just keep going down until they’re ousted. The destruction of Splash Mountain is our proof.
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