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  1. D

    News Walt Disney World's COVID-19 reopening plans announced - July 11

    Sadly, this sounds about right. Selling day parts may come to be eventually.
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    News Walt Disney World's COVID-19 reopening plans announced - July 11

    I have two theories. First, they have been told that they might not re-open and do not want people booking during that period until a final decision has been made and are using pricing as the dis-incentive. Second, they have so many reservations that they can raise the rates (surge or demand...
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    Disney World Pricing, No Mulan Theatrical Release?

    Substantial doubt that AMC can continue as a going concern means that they cannot say they will still be in business a year from now. They are literally saying that their financial position is so bad that they may have to liquidate and go out of business. AMC may not go out of business and they...
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    Rumor New ride coming to Animal Kingdom. D23 announcement expected.

    How about a Pandora-style safari? The third ride for GE purportedly would have had guests riding animatronic animals. The Pandora version could flip the concept and have normal safari vehicles but animatronic animals.
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    DHS Star Wars Galaxy's Edge opening day reports - Disney's Hollywood Studios

    That is a very good point. Most of the people at WDW on opening day of GE already had planned on being at WDW by the time that the opening was announced. Also, given that the GE opening was set for Labor Day weekend, many people may have already had different vacation trips planned. If the...
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    DHS Star Wars Galaxy's Edge opening day reports - Disney's Hollywood Studios

    I wonder, though if that is intentional so Disney can incorporate ("promote") new movies more easily while also being able to portray ("save") the original trilogy for special occasions/times (like May 4th)?
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    News Expose reveals WDC control in online fan community

    That was sarcasm. Clearly the Snyder article that motivated the OP to start the thread was unusual. However, the way the thread turned into a bit of a free-for-all is not all that unusual for major threads on this board.
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    News D23 Expo 2019

    Should Universal start planning the re-theme? Just imagine these guys at DHS (and shudder).
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    Predictions! Secret WDC Project — August 22 @ D23

    Now that is meme. (Of course, you have Zenia and her Photoshop license.)
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    Predictions! Secret WDC Project — August 22 @ D23

    This is so lame it is not even worth pulling up a meme.
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    News Expose reveals WDC control in online fan community

    Nothing except Disney's hostile takeover of CBS/Viacom to be announced as the "secret project" at D23.
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    News Expose reveals WDC control in online fan community

    Maybe "Troy Porter" is just an alias or maybe TP2000 did not want to reveal his real name for privacy reasons (which is understandable) and decided he would be "Thor." Maybe both possibilities are true. Or maybe there are two Troy Porters (or two people with very similar names) and it is a case...
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    DHS Indiana Jones Land?

    Probably in a coffee table book of unrealized projects.
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    News Disney removing plastic straws and more by mid-2019

    First, no one is forcing anyone to use a straw and lid. If you do not want or need them, you can refuse them. In fact, why not forgo the cup as well and just have them squirt the beverage of your choice directly into your mouth? However, there are people who legitimately need a cup with a lid...
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    News Disney removing plastic straws and more by mid-2019

    Yes, and the broader environmental push (outside WDW) to ban plastic straws is because straws that are not properly disposed harm wildlife (particularly marine wildlife)--the reason for the ban at DAK. Wildlife at WDW is not limited to DAK and its animal exhibits, though. Logically, then, if...
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    News Disney removing plastic straws and more by mid-2019

    This. Disney has been "aware" of plastics for years at DAK, but has only now decided to introduce this policy at the other parks. It strikes me as opportunistic cost cutting rather than environmental enlightenment. After all, there are earth friendly alternatives to plastic products but they...
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    Rumor New Monorails Coming Soon?

    Yes, but, in an ironic twist, it will be the A/C system originally designed for the gondolas.
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    News Disney and Fox come to terms -- announcement soon; huge IP acquisition

    So, is Blue Sky dead or will they keep it to compete with Illumination?
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