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  1. S

    Boardwalk Question

    Boardwalk has at least one, but I'm pretty sure it's two, one is more secluded if memory serves...although that was just a few months ago (june) the fact I don't remember is embarrasing :(
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    Ignorant and Rude CM's

    30 more days In 30 more days I throw myself into the snake pit. I'm going on the Spring Advantage College Program, and I got an invite to come early and Arrive on December 15th. So I can't speak as a Cast Member yet, but I can speak as someone who has worked at an ammusment park before (Valley...
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    Tower of Terror !!

    It took 7 years for my me to convince my mother to go on the ride (she was 54 by the time I got her to do it this summer). That being said...I'm HOPING above all hopes and prayers, that if I do rides for my CP (leaving in january leave on wednesday for my presentation...hope they hire me lol)...
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    Splash Mountain Jumping Water

    To be honest it's been at least 2 years i'm fairly sure since all of the fountains were going; GREAT to hear that they're back! I wonder if any of it could also have something to do with the fact that SM is the best of the lightning rods at MK. (Or at least I've been told and was told on my keys...
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    Disneyland Space Mtn confusion...

    If it makes you feel better... If it makes ya feel any better, whenever they show fantasmic for WDW they show footage from Disneyland...most noticably the dragon which of course doesn't have arms at all in the WDW version. :hammer: :lol: But I would just like to take this momment to say I'm...
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    Which is the safer option at this point???

    I'm actually VERY surprised no one else has come up with this me it seems the best anyway. I say fly out and then take Tiffany Town Car. If you have 4 people the car only costs you $89 round trip. They pick you up at the airport and are waiting for you, you have a private car to...
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    Favorite RIDE Quote

    The one I haven't heard yet Ladies and Gentlemen, Boy's and Girls. The Magic Kingdom proudly presents it's spectacular festival pagent of night-time magic and imagination. In thousands of sparkling lights and electro-syntho-magnetic musical sounds...The Main Street Electrical Parade! I wish...
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    Your Most Embarrassing Disney Moment!! (LETS GO, BE HONEST NOW)

    small contribution well, my flight leaves in 5 hours litterally (7:38am 6/25/05) so when I come back maybe i'll have something more. But being this has made my night so much fun I'll post a couple that I can think of off the top of my head. When I was going to be like a freshmen in...
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    An interesting take on the Mission Space incident at "Disneyland Park Florida"

    Cameras About the camera thing, It's my understanding that there is a camera for each person and that the monitors are lined up so there's 4 people to a screen. Because they were showing pictures of this which appeared to be different from the ones seen in the que line, but I'll easily accept...
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    Question about Wonders of Life Pavilion

    Maybe I'm alone or Maybe there's an army behind me (gizz? :animwink:) Maybe I'm the only "young adult" to recognize and appreciate this. But I think it's important for us to remember, as Test Track, M:S, Soarin, come in that part of the original purpose of Epcot WAS for people to learn while...
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    Stitch's Great Escape TEST RUN!

    I could be wrong...but sounds to me like you need to try DCP! (I'll be there in 2 years from now!)
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    Test track broke while we were on it!

    The rumored time (though it's possible I happened to be there) Except of course for the time rumored in july of '97 when to test what would happen if the system were to crash and the ride didn't stop they turned off all safeties and the car ran the outside embankment and promptly removed...
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    New Ride poll

    I voted for Rescuers too, but I didn't give it that thought...that'd be really awesome and nice...just so long as it didn't turn into Indiana Jones and Dinosaur (same track backwards).
  14. S

    Got my stickers and got em up in the dorm and on my backpack! Seems no one in college really cares but I'm TRYING HERE! Anyone got any ideas what should be done up in Minnesota? I'll try my hardest! Got my 1 share of stock ready to go...(this wont be a florida election where one vote...
  15. S

    Comcast Likely to Keep Disney Theme Parks

    Yeah..something about everyone that's a member on this website as well as RADP and other news groups that'd probably plan a little get together at comsat headquarters....and you thought the turkey legs at MK were big now! ;-)
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