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  1. W

    WDW Parking Lots

    Just to clear up a point. Universal Orlando has the largest parking garage in the western hemisphere...each structure can park 11,000 cars, and most of you know that there are 2 structures, opperated as one...grand total 22,000 cars.
  2. W

    I want to be a Cast Member

    Next time you are heading to orlando, call the jobline(407-828-1000) to set up a meeting at casting. Go and get yourself a job, if you can afford to stay here while you are training you can get a job that only requires a few hours a year. I have a few friends that live in Ouio and come and stay...
  3. W

    Would Roy Ressurect Attractions?!

    looks like everyone in here is getting sick. here, have a ricola.
  4. W

    How's it Done?

    sounds about right to me.
  5. W

    Bus or Car to Parks, that is the Question

    It depends on what time of the day you get to the park, and how far along they are loading the lot, if they are parking the west side of the lot you can easily make a right and go all the way up to the diamond lot...that is of course unless there is an attendant there, but due to cutbacks there...
  6. W

    Plane, Train, or Automobile?

    I can be to disney in 10 minutes...there are plenty of places closer, in fact, some friends of mine can watch the MK fireworks from their porch...and then clean the fallout off their cars if the wind is blowing the right way.
  7. W

    Plane, Train, or Automobile?

    I usually drive, but that makes sense considering the airport, and train station are both further away from disney than my house...i sense the jealousy already.
  8. W

    Indiana Jones Stunt Spectacular

    Just a setting straight of the facts...Indy did not open with the rest of the park, it was in rehersals when the park opened, so they opened a few weeks after the grand opening. So it is not one of the originals
  9. W

    Who is that in Epcot?

    Not easliy found??? Every day at 3:00 this guy makes his way through the Magic Kingdom with his partner in crime Worthington J. Fowlfellow, tempting 2 donkeyboys, and trying to coax Pinocchio out of his snow globe and into Pleasure Island. However, GEPPETTO and the Blue Fairy are there to...
  10. W

    "Walt" Disney World/Disney Land

    Re: Re: "Walt" Disney World/Disney Land I didnt mean to imply that it might possibly be a legend, i was just stating where i got the information.
  11. W

    "Walt" Disney World/Disney Land

    The story that I have heard, and they tell you when you are hired is that Roy declared Disney World "Walt Disney World" as a tribute to his brother that started the construction, but wasn't alive to see its completion.
  12. W

    Tunnel Tours?

    Speaking from experience...cast members hate that tour. If Walt wanted his guests to see how everything worked HE WOULDNT HAVE PUT IT ALL UNDERGROUND. That tour tears down every bit of magic that we all work so hard every day to create. That is why you dont get the warm reception you would...
  13. W

    Could Mr. Toad Make a Return One Day?

    I doubt the ride will come back...however if you want to buy a genuine Mr. Toad car go here and if you want a memory of the old ride, ride the pooh ride, and when you enter owls house take a look to your immediate will see...
  14. W

    Parade Question

    not really, you can see it, but you are looking through trees, people, and it is about 150 yards away at its closest point.
  15. W

    Current Weather in WDW?

    Lately it has been staying rather warm well into the night, it is usually around 1 in the morning before it is getting cold, and that is mostly because of the wind. If you are going to be out that late I recomend a sweatshirt, but shorts should be good for you for the majority of your trip. It...
  16. W

    what to expect in august???

    I remeber the day you were talking about as well Norm. Just be glad you were in the group of about 150 that were forgotten in one of the soundstages for close to an hour after everyone else was told it was safe to go outside...whoops!
  17. W

    Picture of Security Camera on Cindy's Castle.

    There are 3 "parade" cameras. One is in the clock tower above pecos bills in frontierland, this one is also used to ovserve the frontierland hoedown when it is running. The second is the one on the castle, and the third is on the train station in town square.
  18. W

    Adult question

    Typically the second saturday in june is gay day. It is not officially supported by Disney, so they will deny that it will be occuring, but that is typically when it is held.
  19. W

    Cinderella's Royal Table...time?

    Due to the new Fireworks show at MK "Wishes" you are going to have a tough time getting into the castle. The reason is that some of the fireworks are now launched from fantasy land and the close that portion of the park down for rhe show. However, if you want to arrange for something special you...
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