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  1. Ella's Mommy

    Bed Bugs at WDW

    Do you think this will be cleared up by May. Im suppose to take my DD who will only be 6 months!!:veryconfu
  2. Ella's Mommy

    Traveling between resorts

  3. Ella's Mommy

    Please help!!

    I would like it to be changed to Ella's Mommy. Thank you I hope you get this
  4. Ella's Mommy

    Please help!!

    I cant change my display name and its driving me nuts. can someone tell me what to do:brick:
  5. Ella's Mommy

    Calling all Mommies!!!!

    I had Ella Grace on November 28 at 6:59:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:I love her soooo much I can't believe I lived without her for soooooooo long. I will take tons of pics and share when we get back from her first real trip. Her "first" trip was in Sept. Although I dont think I will go pregnant...
  6. Ella's Mommy

    Calling all Mommies!!!!

    I need your HO!! Do you think that 6 months is too young? We are planning a trip in May and my DD will only be 6 months. We are still going for her first bday but thats not until Dec 08!!! We just cant wait a whole year!!! What do you guys think:confused:
  7. Ella's Mommy

    So Tempted

    I did a last minute trip before and it was great. Now that was when I had no kids and i wasnt married and I had some extra cash for the trip. If its gonna leave you strapped for cash I wouldnt do it.
  8. Ella's Mommy

    Happy Birthday Mickey!!!!

    Today in 1928 Steamboat Willie was released making today Mickey's official Birthday:sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:
  9. Ella's Mommy

    Best Mall in Orlando?

    I really hope it did. It sucked soooooo bad. Most of the stuff was from the disney store with a couple park throw ins.
  10. Ella's Mommy

    September question

    We went this Sept and have been to disney for the past few or more Septembers. Let me start off by saying I hate HOT HUMID weather. I was also 7.5 months preggo during this trip. Now having said that this year orlando had a heat wave of 95 degrees and over for 45+ days when we arrived. And lucky...
  11. Ella's Mommy

    New (?) Tower of Terror shirts?

    If I'm not mistaken they have had shirts with just TOT on them. And lets not forget that if there were no mouse there would be no TOT. I love the shirts with the characters on them. I was soo po'ed when I was unable to get back to MGM to pick one up when I was there back in September. P.S...
  12. Ella's Mommy

    Does anyone know

    Is there a DVD with brer rabbit and friends with the ride music. Cause I went on Amazon and and they dont have anything like that. I thought I would start my daughters DVD collection before she gets here. And that would be a fun addition. I love the songs. And Zip a dee do da...
  13. Ella's Mommy

    Does anyone have pics of the 2br suites at the Poly

    Thank you sooooo much!!! Both of those sites were really helpful. Thank you
  14. Ella's Mommy

    Does anyone have pics of the 2br suites at the Poly

    I am trying to book our vaca for next year. Its gonna be my DH,DD,me, mom, dad, and aunt. I was wondering if we would be comfortable with the princess suite at Poly? If possible does anyone have pics of the room? We are going for my DD first birthday. I dont want to disturb my family in case she...
  15. Ella's Mommy

    Shoes to wear!?!

    I suggest bringing what ever shoe you wear most at home. I have been a crocs fan way before Disney stick their nose in and made the mickey ones. They are very comfortable. I use to work in a hospital and that was the shoe of choice among nurses. But I also love wearing my running sneaks. I would...
  16. Ella's Mommy

    Rides safe for a one year old?

    I would love to see that!!!LOL!! I figured we would try to do mostly(character)buffets and family style(thats what we do now, they seem to be faster) but then bring something I know she likes so she will eat. I plan on going to Publix on the first day to get some things to have in the room...
  17. Ella's Mommy

    Rides safe for a one year old?

    Okay I have another question. We always do the dining plan cause it just easier if we have planned dinners. Now with that said. I remember when taking my nephew and nieces that children are 3-9 yrs old. How much do they chage for 1 yr olds?
  18. Ella's Mommy

    Rides safe for a one year old?

    LOL!!! That is sooo cute. To bad you didnt get it on tape!!! That would be priceless<333 I am definately planning to go of her schedule(what ever that might be). Cause to take a child on vacation and then mess with their schedule is just asking for trouble. Thanks for posting your story:wave:
  19. Ella's Mommy

    Rides safe for a one year old?

    I thought the same thing when I was kidless. But now that she is on her way I want her to have the same special experience that my parents gave to me. This trip will be for her first Bday and totally about her. We will be doing all the kiddy rides(while still sticking to her nap schedule) and...
  20. Ella's Mommy

    Rides safe for a one year old?

    Thank you so much for all your help. I was unsure about POTC and HM but every kid is different. Hopefully she will like one of them.
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