Rides safe for a one year old?

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
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My husband and I have just decided to take or DD to Disney for her first Bday. I am due Dec 1st. So even if she comes early or a little late we should be there around her Bday. This is our first Disney fan and we were just curious as to what rides she could even go on? Is Dumbo, Alladin, and like Pooh suitable for that age? Can any parents out there help us. Thanks in advance.:wave:


We took our Boy last year this time and was 23 months... A bit older than your daughter, but...

MK -
POTC was OK for him w/ the single drop, but might be a bit much for a 1yr old...
IASW was fun and we did that numerous times since he enjoyed it so much.
TTA was fun, and we did that a few times along with Buzz' Spaceranger Spin.

Great Movie Ride
Playhouse Disney
Little Mermaid

The Land in Epcot along with the boat ride in Mexico were both OK, but he really enjoyed The Land
JITA w/ Figment was fun... Borderline loud, but he liked it.

All that I can really think of off the top of my head, but we're going back in 18 days and bringing his two cousins ages 34mo and 4 so it should be interesting...

good luck!


Active Member
She can go on anything that does not have a height requirement. My dd went for the first time when she had just turned one and LOVED everything. We started her out on the more cheerful rides so she could get used to the ride concept (like small world and pooh) and then worked her up to pirates and HM. She went on Dumbo, Peter Pan, Pooh Bear, Small World, Haunted Mansion, Pirates, Magic Carpets, Jungle Cruise, Cinderella's carousel and Buzz Lightyear. On her next trip when she was 18 months old, she was a little more hesitent on the darker rides like POTC and HM, but she never cried. And at 24 months she was back to loving everything except for the begining of potc when it is kind of scary. She just buried her head into my chest for a couple of minutes. But the drop on potc has never phased her...she loves it!
I'm sure you will have a great time!


Forgot to mention what happymom said about 'starting off easy...'

we did the easier rides in the beginning to get the boy accustomed to getting on a boat, doombuggy, etc...

The only thing that I continue to forget about is the alien scene in the great movie ride...

My wife asked me a few times last trip if I thought the GMR would be 'too much' for the boy, and I just totally forgot about the alien... He didn't cry, and he did bury his head in his moms shoulder during that part, but it wasn't too bad...

Its funny... he did fine with everything in WDW, but this past June we went to a 'theme park' in San Antonio with some friends and he freaked out on the ferris wheel. We did wind up leaving early that day b/c he started getting sick so that could've had a good bit to do with it...

Oh, and some others that we enjoyed were Jungle Cruise and The Tiki Room.


Well-Known Member
We took our youngest at 11 months. She could do everything without a height requirement. She had a blast! She loved everything!

The only one that she couldn't ride that was a slower ride was the Speedway. They don't recommend that ride for infants under a year because of the jerkiness of the cars. She was close to the age limit, but we decided to skip it for her anyway.

Ella's Mommy

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Thank you so much for all your help. I was unsure about POTC and HM but every kid is different. Hopefully she will like one of them.


Well-Known Member
We took my DS on his first trip at 13 months. He seemed to enjoy it all except Stromboli. He remembers Stomboli walking by him at Toontown and to this day will not go up to him(he is now 8).We had him on most of fantasyland rides, POTC(he didn't like the cannons explosion though), J.cruise, Buzz,Country Bears, Alladins Carpets, etc. At Epcot he like the Mexican pavillion(soo colorful) and this year my 2 year old DD loved nemo. They loved the shows too.... VOTLM, Playhouse Dis, Nemo, Lion King. And a helpful hint..... TTA and SSE our(DW &I) favorite always put ours kids who were one a the time fast sleep... so if someone is overtired you know where to go!!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
My husband and I have just decided to take or DD to Disney for her first Bday. I am due Dec 1st. So even if she comes early or a little late we should be there around her Bday. This is our first Disney fan and we were just curious as to what rides she could even go on? Is Dumbo, Alladin, and like Pooh suitable for that age? Can any parents out there help us. Thanks in advance.:wave:

Disney makes a little guide/pamphlet aimed at Rides for the little ones.

.... Personally, i wouldnt bring any kid under the age of 3 onto any ride but that's just me. Some parents are more daring (Like those who bring them to PI), but i think one is a little young. Of course if you bring a baby sitter with you, you can play as much as you want and bring the little one if for character hunting..... :D


Well-Known Member
We took our DD for her first trip at 13 months. She rode IASW, Dumbo, Buzz Lightyear, and TTA at MK (she would have ridden more in Fantasyland, but the day we went back it was pouring rain). She loved every one of them and we didn't have any problems at all (other than her impatience at waiting in lines).

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Original Poster
Disney makes a little guide/pamphlet aimed at Rides for the little ones.

.... Personally, i wouldnt bring any kid under the age of 3 onto any ride but that's just me. Some parents are more daring (Like those who bring them to PI), but i think one is a little young. Of course if you bring a baby sitter with you, you can play as much as you want and bring the little one if for character hunting..... :D

I thought the same thing when I was kidless. But now that she is on her way I want her to have the same special experience that my parents gave to me. This trip will be for her first Bday and totally about her. We will be doing all the kiddy rides(while still sticking to her nap schedule) and taking her to character dinners. I would never take a child to PI. I dont even go there for that matter. We plan on going during MVMCP and my dad will stay with her back at the hotel room. I forgot to mention that my parents and possible aunt will be traveling with us. So I have plenty on babysitters. She probably wont remember much but we will have plenty of pics and video to share with her when she is older. I would never be one of those parents that drags their kid around the park till the child is forced to have a total meltdown. Thats just no fun for anyone.


Well-Known Member
I thought the same thing when I was kidless. But now that she is on her way I want her to have the same special experience that my parents gave to me. This trip will be for her first Bday and totally about her. We will be doing all the kiddy rides(while still sticking to her nap schedule) and taking her to character dinners. I would never take a child to PI. I dont even go there for that matter. We plan on going during MVMCP and my dad will stay with her back at the hotel room. I forgot to mention that my parents and possible aunt will be traveling with us. So I have plenty on babysitters. She probably wont remember much but we will have plenty of pics and video to share with her when she is older. I would never be one of those parents that drags their kid around the park till the child is forced to have a total meltdown. Thats just no fun for anyone.

This is definitely the rigtht attitude to have so you'll do great I'm sure. You're right, she won't remember her trip because I know my daughter doesn't. However, she LOVES looking at the pictures from the trip and gets all excited when she sees herself with Mickey and other characters. The memories you have will be priceless--guaranteed. You just have to realize that you can't hit the parks the same way you used to and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for all your help. I was unsure about POTC and HM but every kid is different. Hopefully she will like one of them.

My little one rode HM and POTC and had no problems with either. She just sat on our lap and rode along. She had a really great time on the trip. She never got bored or cranky because there was so much for her to look at. We obviously didn't stay at the parks as long as we might have without her, but it was so fun to see the enjoyment on her face. She especially loved the characters. She didn't want to let them go. At the parade, she would bounce up and down and wave her hands about. I thought she would try to crawl after them. :lol:

I think it's almost more fun for us to watch our dvds and see the expressions on her face. She doesn't remember herself like that, but I know some day she will be able to watch them and appreciate it.


We had our hesitations about bringing an 'almost' two year old to Disney, but figured we'd just play it by ear and do whatever seemed 'right' at the time for his comfort... Stick with his schedule of course, but other than that... As long as he was happy, we'd keep going...

I wrote the following on another thread about 2-3 weeks ago...

My son was 23 months on his first trip last October...

By the 3rd day, he woke up on his own (we had wedged his porta-crib between the wall and our bed) and climed out of his crib (first time ever), then proceeded to crawl across our bed (as we're pretending to be asleep laughing quietly).
The whole time he's yelling "GO! Outside! Disney (sounded more like Din-ney) NOW!" over and over again... he proceeds to let himself down off of the bed, picks up his shoes (still in his pajamas mind you...) throws the shoes into his stroller (full-size stroller), then pushes it across the carpet (with the break on) to the door.

Climbs into the stroller with his butt on the seat and his feet above the little 'drink/snack' tray while attempting to put on his own shoes (also a first for him). The whole time still hollering Momma! Dada! Outside! Din-ney now!

Created a monster?! You betcha...

We're going back Oct.21 for his 2nd trip...

We've been talking about it a bit with planning, etc. and we're taking his cousins, etc.

Last night the wife had to run to Wal-greens for something and he asked to go with her... As they're putting on his shoes, he asked if they were leaving for Disney right then... My two nephews that are going with us ask everytime we go to their house if we're leaving for Disney yet.

3 boys, ages 35 months, 34 months, and 4 yrs. Should be interesting... (Lookout Mickey!!!)

Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Original Poster
We had our hesitations about bringing an 'almost' two year old to Disney, but figured we'd just play it by ear and do whatever seemed 'right' at the time for his comfort... Stick with his schedule of course, but other than that... As long as he was happy, we'd keep going...

I wrote the following on another thread about 2-3 weeks ago...

LOL!!! That is sooo cute. To bad you didnt get it on tape!!! That would be priceless<333 I am definately planning to go of her schedule(what ever that might be). Cause to take a child on vacation and then mess with their schedule is just asking for trouble. Thanks for posting your story:wave:

Ella's Mommy

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Okay I have another question. We always do the dining plan cause it just easier if we have planned dinners. Now with that said. I remember when taking my nephew and nieces that children are 3-9 yrs old. How much do they chage for 1 yr olds?


Well-Known Member
I asked that question a few weeks ago when planning our upcoming trip with our two year old. I think the answer was that there wasn't really a dining plan option for someone this young. If you want to order something for her you'd order from the menu and pay menu price for that item. They could obviously eat off your plate for free and if they're at a buffet they can eat off your plate at no charge. Someone else can hopefully clarify if I got this right or not.

At a year, my daughter was still really suspicious of real food so we'd pack her foods she was used to and she'd occasionally eat from our plate. Any kind of dining plan (even if they offered it) would have been a waste. I know other kids that would have made it worthwhile at that age--just depends on the kid.


LOL!!! That is sooo cute. To bad you didnt get it on tape!!!

Oh but we did! :D - I leaned over and grabbed the digi-cam off of the nightstand and took a quick video... Didn't get the whole thing, but enough... Need to locate the video and then will try to find a way to post it...

I asked that question a few weeks ago when planning our upcoming trip with our two year old. I think the answer was that there wasn't really a dining plan option for someone this young. If you want to order something for her you'd order from the menu and pay menu price for that item. They could obviously eat off your plate for free and if they're at a buffet they can eat off your plate at no charge. Someone else can hopefully clarify if I got this right or not.

At a year, my daughter was still really suspicious of real food so we'd pack her foods she was used to and she'd occasionally eat from our plate. Any kind of dining plan (even if they offered it) would have been a waste. I know other kids that would have made it worthwhile at that age--just depends on the kid.

This is correct... 3 and up have to pay for dining plan... 2yrs and under are just like you said... Buy from the menu, or at a buffet they eat for free.

My boy is -*'Extremely'*- picky when it comes to food... The doctor actually said he has a 'food texture' issue... Certain items and smells make him gag. He'll try, and he wants to do it, but just can't at times... If we offer an incentive like a special prize he'll actually eat whatever we ask him to, but he'll gag the whole time. We have no other way to get him to try new things though and sometimes he decides that he likes the item and then we've got one more thing for his menu. For this reason we also pack a soft lunchbox for him to take into the parks...

And for those that think they don't remember... After one year my boy does still remember... we can show him pictures and he knows he was there... asks about certain things like the fountain/play area near Herbie @ all-star movies and he kept asking about the boats and people... we showed him pictures and video that we took during IASW and he remembered that too... Kept asking about 'ray' and when we got to a picture of the sun he clapped and acknowledged that this was what he wanted to see again...


Ella's Mommy

Active Member
Original Poster
Oh but we did! :D - I leaned over and grabbed the digi-cam off of the nightstand and took a quick video... Didn't get the whole thing, but enough... Need to locate the video and then will try to find a way to post it...

This is correct... 3 and up have to pay for dining plan... 2yrs and under are just like you said... Buy from the menu, or at a buffet they eat for free.

My boy is -*'Extremely'*- picky when it comes to food... The doctor actually said he has a 'food texture' issue... Certain items and smells make him gag. He'll try, and he wants to do it, but just can't at times... If we offer an incentive like a special prize he'll actually eat whatever we ask him to, but he'll gag the whole time. We have no other way to get him to try new things though and sometimes he decides that he likes the item and then we've got one more thing for his menu. For this reason we also pack a soft lunchbox for him to take into the parks...

And for those that think they don't remember... After one year my boy does still remember... we can show him pictures and he knows he was there... asks about certain things like the fountain/play area near Herbie @ all-star movies and he kept asking about the boats and people... we showed him pictures and video that we took during IASW and he remembered that too... Kept asking about 'ray' and when we got to a picture of the sun he clapped and acknowledged that this was what he wanted to see again...


I would love to see that!!!LOL!!

I figured we would try to do mostly(character)buffets and family style(thats what we do now, they seem to be faster) but then bring something I know she likes so she will eat. I plan on going to Publix on the first day to get some things to have in the room for her or to take to the parks with us.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see that!!!LOL!!

I figured we would try to do mostly(character)buffets and family style(thats what we do now, they seem to be faster) but then bring something I know she likes so she will eat. I plan on going to Publix on the first day to get some things to have in the room for her or to take to the parks with us.

Well, if you just do the character buffets and the family style, your little one will be free! :sohappy: Wow, isn't it great to say that? I miss the days that my little one was free. :lol:

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