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  1. LoisMustDie

    jungle cruise movie

    Now here's a man who knows what he's talking about. --applause-- Ah yes, a family-friendly Heart of Darkness with bathing elephants. Makes me just want to sprint to the multplex. :rolleyes:
  2. LoisMustDie

    Expedition Everest Question

    Thank you for pointing that out, but yes I realize this. My point was that these PARTICULAR ex-Imagineers (who worked on D ick Tracy until they were let go when the ride was abandoned) brought their ideas (which were already proposed for a Disney attraction) and used them for SM and MIB. I...
  3. LoisMustDie

    Expedition Everest Question

    Who were comprised of former Imagineers.
  4. LoisMustDie

    Possible plans for the new Star Tours!

    And how do you propose that'll work? What scenery were you planning on using? And how would the AAs fit in? It wouldn't work. Period.
  5. LoisMustDie

    Possible plans for the new Star Tours!

    This rumor has no more validity than when the exact same renovation was proposed in 1999. Don't hold your breath, at least until Eisner is out of the picture. And why does everyone want some elaborate dark ride for Star Tours? When people think of Star Wars, they think of the space...
  6. LoisMustDie

    Expedition Everest Question

    Actually you are correct, in a way. They were FORMER Imagineers. They were let go in the early 90s. The attraction that you are referring to was the never-built "D ick Tracy's Crimestoppers" at MGM. The former Imagineers took the layout, theme, etc. from that attraction (which was also supposed...
  7. LoisMustDie

    jungle cruise movie

    Interesting how nobody has mentioned the Steve Guttenberg Tower of Terror movie yet...anyway... How in blue hell are they going to pull off a "children's version" of Heart of Darkness. That's like saying they're going to do a "children's version" of Macbeth. It's not even close to being a...
  8. LoisMustDie

    Expedition Everest Question

    Everest will be much more similar to Big Thunder Mountain than speeding past elaborate props outside and a few show scenes inside the mountain. It will be much more intense, however.
  9. LoisMustDie

    Let's Pixarize!

    Have you even been to the parks within the past 5 years, or is this sarcasm? I pray for your sake that it is.
  10. LoisMustDie

    Cedar Point

    Coasterphil, once again you're missing the entirety of my points. I don't know if it is my fault that you are getting so confused, but I will answer these as concisely as I can: Is there an argument here? They are two different rides. One came after the other. They have the same catapult...
  11. LoisMustDie

    Let's Pixarize!

    Carrousel of Progress- Toy Story Bumper Cars HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA That has to be the stupidest.... Oh wait...
  12. LoisMustDie

    Favourite false rumors

    Too true. Or a villains park (or a combination thereof). I love how some idiots think that a) this is actually a good idea b) this is a good business decision, and best of all c) that Disney EVER entertained this notion. Sometimes you just have to laugh at people. :veryconfu Inside joke?
  13. LoisMustDie

    Finding Nemo Ride

    So you don't mind the endless parade of character meet n' greet areas that will be added to with the old (and very large) 20k site, which is prime real estate for an ACTUAL ride? It's not like these areas need that much land. It sure looks like a cheap cop-out to me.
  14. LoisMustDie


    So she can get captured again and act like a helpless child? Sorry, but I think her absence helps the show immensely.
  15. LoisMustDie


    It certainly is a good show, one that I watch every week. Though I think labeling it one of the "best shows ever" is kind of a stretch.
  16. LoisMustDie

    Imagineer Boy Reviews: Kingdom of Heaven

    I plan on seeing the movie today, and since I enjoyed Gladiator and LOTR I expect to like KOH because I trust Ridley Scott.
  17. LoisMustDie

    WDW/DL SAT Passage

    Wow, that's so cool! I'm if anyone on this forum had taken the SAT, they were the last ones to finish the essay, with multiple requests for "more paper please!" :lol:
  18. LoisMustDie

    Was Roy or any disney at the 50th?

    It seems that you are implying that the 50th has already happened. From what I understand, it is July 17th that is DL's 50th. As such, there is a possibility that Roy might be there, and my guess is that his #1 request is that Michael Eisner not be within 100 miles of the park. :lol:
  19. LoisMustDie

    "Rockin' Robots" coming to Innoventions

    I wonder if this is an evolved idea from the old Project Gemini "Robot Restaurant" concept. I could be wrong, but would be interesting to see exactly how this idea came about.
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