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  1. LoisMustDie

    Haunted Mansion Holiday at Orlando

    Because WDW is located in Lake Buena Vista. Orlando is a 20 min+ drive away.
  2. LoisMustDie

    Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!

    [/size] And that's exactly the point. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. And judging by the attendance counts (85% of the gate...the MOST popular attraction at Epcot), the majority disagree with you. (Also notice how I used REAL facts to support my...
  3. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    1. Read my last post. I AM trying to leave it alone. 2. Notice how DDuckFan came after me first. How can you call it being a bully when someone else threw the first punch? Eh?
  4. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    Acting all high and mighty and pretending we're much too sophisticated are we? ... ... :lol: The hypocrisy never ceases! I can't believe I'm reading this! I take it by your lack of a response that you truly have no counter-argument and can only resort to name-calling. Thank you for...
  5. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    Oh the hypocrisy...delicious. "Oh no, the evil Nazi is trying to ruin everyone's fun! Let's call him immature, even though I don't understand the big words he uses!" This coming from a future English teacher? So you want me to use smaller words next time? Should I read "See Spot Run" in my...
  6. LoisMustDie

    Eisner to become Chairman of Parks?!

    An interesting article chronicling the "Disney sues Disney" story on has turned up a rather interesting assessment: "In the absence of comment from the SaveDisney camp as to why they are taking such drastic action at time when the Disney Company is doing relatively well, and Eisner...
  7. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    Oh no, how dare we seek to have some sort of values on something as laissez-faire as a DISNEY forum! What kind of evil Nazis are we?! Your mother must be so proud.
  8. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ooooo boy...ok i gotta admit that was hilarious, but perhaps you should actually read my posts so that you know what you are talking about. I was appalled that the previous poster (Sledge) would imply that I have no grounds to discuss what is appropriate simply because I...
  9. LoisMustDie

    Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!

    And she also got the name of a ride that she "loved" (Maelstrom) wrong...even though she's been to WDW eight times... ...Continue...
  10. LoisMustDie

    Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!

    Another swing and a miss. It's DreamFINDER. Continue...
  11. LoisMustDie

    Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!

    I "think" that I find it hilarious how seriously off-target every single one of your points are. You have my sheer, undistilled gratitude that you have absolutely no influence within the Walt Disney Company or its affiliates, lest the parks see their attendance levels spiral downward into...
  12. LoisMustDie

    Forget a 5th park, we need renovations!

    You still haven't enlightened us on exactly what the hell a "flip coaster" is.
  13. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    What does my private interests have to do with a public forum? Just because I enjoy the show does not mean I go around publicly throwing out toilet humor in such an inappropriate place as this. I'm appalled that you think you can imply that I have no decency whatsoever because I like a certain...
  14. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    I'm sure Imagineer Boy is grateful that you just proved his point.
  15. LoisMustDie

    I need Your help!

    You could also call it a forest because it has lots of trees...or a mall because of the myriad number of shops and restaurants...or a carnival for having carnival rides...but they just wouldn't be accurate. It is a THEME PARK, not a zoo (or a Nahtazu). Calling it a zoo is as misrepresenting as...
  16. LoisMustDie

    just got back

    Hit the target on the volcano. A lot. Remember, the farther away (and harder to hit) the target is, the more points you'll get per hit.
  17. LoisMustDie

    Monorail or Expansion?

    So you're not going to even try and prove me wrong, while trying to belittle my comments by being sarcastic? How disappointing.
  18. LoisMustDie

    Have you or someone else farted or burp in disney world and you thought it was funny

    This is the biggest waste of space I've ever seen in my entire life. How old are you? This is not the place for low-intelligent toilet humor. If you don't have anything intelligent to post, then leave.
  19. LoisMustDie

    Monorail or Expansion?

    Wow...someone's got drama. Don't you feel the slightest twinge of hypocrisy when you ridicule Thrawn for "having an agenda?" From where I'm sitting, yours is much more transparent. And how about some ACTUAL EVIDENCE to back up your claims, instead of blowing what he's been saying completely...
  20. LoisMustDie

    Spaceship Earth being turned into a roller coaster?

    Was there a coherent thought somewhere in there? I must have missed it. How old are you? Try speaking English next time.
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